"Wait, is it one song per person or one song for everyone?"

Seeing Lin Zhou start to blow, the old diners seemed to have thought of something, stopped eating and asked.

Lin Zhou:......

Logically speaking, it should be a song for each person, but he made several copies at the same time. Everyone eats and listens together. Is there nothing wrong with it?

But considering that the regular diners came all the way to take care of his business, it wouldn’t hurt to play a few more songs!

"One song per person."

After hearing Lin Zhou's words, the regular diners thought about it carefully and looked at the diners who were still queuing up behind them. They all thoughtfully said that they could just play a song and don't delay Lin Zhou's business.

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Lin Zhou was moved again.

"Anything is fine."

As soon as the prelude started, the regular diners felt instantly at ease.

That’s it!

Even Western food has become more down-to-earth. Eating steak on the roadside is no different from eating fried skewers. It is very comfortable and there is no sense of restraint like eating steak in a Western restaurant.

As soon as the suona sounded, the onlookers also raised their mobile phones.

Don't miss this new thing.

The original Western food suona fever has not passed yet.

Now there is a new video out.

As a result, the netizens who were watching could not even see it.

In no time, I was able to view live videos from various angles, making me laugh out loud.

"My mom, it's high-end. It's really high-end. I can't imagine how much the people there enjoyed it. It sounds really good."

“I wonder if it’s because of the handsome guy’s figure in the suit, he’s so handsome!”

"Yesterday there were only two people eating, and today there's a queue?"

"Aren't people here curious about the taste of steak?"

"Where is this? I really want to listen to the suona music live."

"Oh my god, they eat so deliciously!"

Indeed, regular diners have full confidence in Boss Lin’s craftsmanship.

Eat a steak worth three thousand dollars without blinking an eye.

But when I eat it, I still marvel at how delicious this steak is.

Aged steak will be softer than fresh steak.

Pan-fried and crispy on the outside, soft and tender on the inside that melts in your mouth.

And the juice is very rich.

The meat is very fragrant. If I want to use a metaphor to describe it, it is the difference between fresh pork and Jinhua ham, but this is dry-aged beef and fresh beef.

Mature steak has less water and is easier to color when fried.

The temperature is controlled appropriately, and the perfect steak will be crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, and juicy at the same time.

During the maturation process, the meat is concentrated, and the more you chew it, the more fragrant it becomes. It also has a distinct cheese flavor and nutty aroma, making every bite a pleasure.

A piece of steak only takes a few bites of a grown man.

After they finished eating, Lin Zhou hadn't finished playing yet.

After looking at each other, everyone unanimously decided to let Lin Zhou continue frying the steak, and they returned to the back of the line to continue queuing.

Lin Zhou:......

Why aren’t these old diners embarrassed?

Lin Zhou reluctantly put away the suona and returned to the stall to continue frying steak.

Cut a whole piece of steak into slices. Cut off the hard and dry meat on the outside, leaving the soft part of the steak on the inside. Apply olive oil on both sides. After the iron plate is hot enough, put it down and fry it. .

The small tomatoes were also placed on the iron plate.

The steak that is about to be fried will also be melted with butter to enhance the flavor.

The whole process only took a few minutes, and six more steaks came out of the pan.

The iron plate can fry six portions at a time, and it only takes a few minutes, which is very fast.

When the waiting diners saw the steak coming out of the pan, they started paying without being reminded, and were eagerly waiting for the meal to start.

Lin Zhou once again took out the suona and asked these diners what they wanted to listen to.

They are all old diners, and they are not here to show off, so they start by saying "Anhe Bridge Interlude."

Lin Zhou always felt that these diners were just here to entertain themselves.

Why are you here to eat?

"Really listen to "Anhe Bridge Interlude"?"

During the meal, I played the Anhe bridge interlude or the suona solo version. What kind of level do you have to be!

The old diners nodded happily when they saw that Lin Zhou was really good at it.

As the saying goes, suona music either ascends to heaven or worships in the hall.

In order to give diners a good dining atmosphere, Lin Zhou always found festive tunes to play.

As a result, it has reached the point where old diners want to send people away.

Sure enough, Lin Zhou suona music together.

The crowd of onlookers immediately became excited.

"Good guy, why don't you lie down and listen to this?"

"This is not called Anhe Bridge. It should be called Naihe Bridge."

"I'm lying down!"

"My dear, I can still eat this."

"Not to mention, those diners are eating quite deliciously."

Listen carefully to this thing, it does sound very good.

Cooking to music is a unique experience.

It goes surprisingly well with the atmosphere on the roadside.

Lin Zhou's superb suona skills have directly raised the level of even roadside stalls.

It shifts people's attention from roadside stalls to suona playing.

Just kidding, it sounds really good.

The melodious and sonorous sound of the suona could be heard throughout Times Square.

There were more and more people watching at the scene.

There are also many rich people, and there are actually some people who are attracted by the suona music and queue up to eat steak.

Three thousand yuan a piece directly hinders a large number of passers-by who want to try it.

You can only watch the excitement and listen to the music.

There are many people queuing up to eat.

Everyone is no longer embarrassed.

It may be embarrassing for a person to do something unique.

When a group of people are doing the same thing, strange things seem to become less strange.

Yang Heng and his friends listened and gathered together to discuss what music to order when they eat.

Seeing the old diners being so natural and accustomed to it.

They were very encouraged.

What's the big deal? It's just steak with suona. It's so popular now. It's not impossible that it will become a trend in the future.

Just like the century egg coffee, no one paired these two things together at the beginning, but it unexpectedly became popular.

They think that Western food with suona music has become a hot search, and so many people come to eat, and it looks normal, so they are afraid that it will be the same.

Then, among the onlookers, someone noticed that these people dressed strangely gathered together to talk.

They silently took a video and posted it online.

It's impossible that these people don't know each other. It's rare to see such a unified weirdness.

"Brother Yue, is this steak really delicious? I sacrificed my date with my girlfriend to eat steak with you guys. If it doesn't taste good, I'll lose a lot."

The man wearing a woolen hat, with only his eyes, nose and mouth showing, tilted his head and looked at Shen Chengyue and said in a low voice.

Shen Chengyue looked at his dead look and couldn't bear to look at him.

"No, you didn't get stopped by the traffic police on the road when you went out like this?"

The man looked at Shen Chengyue, who was not much better than him, and retorted unconvincedly: "I'm stupid, how could I bring it on the road, I only brought it when I got off the car!"

Shen Chengyue:......

Damn, it feels like his IQ has been taken away!


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