Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 256: Even with this social death package, there are still people queuing up?


The young lady looked back at the young man with a puzzled look, her eyes were very confused.

"You don't know the hot news in our Koucheng?"

The young man was shocked. The news about the roadside stall selling Western food with suona was very popular. In one day, the number of likes exceeded one million, and some people didn't see it. It can be seen that he doesn't like to go online to eat melons.

Unlike him, with 5G network, he can know all the melons immediately. I don't know if he can stay up all the time and eat all the melons.

He has been running on the front line of eating melons all year round.

"Then you can see it on Weibo on the hot search if you open Douyin casually."

There were many people watching at the scene, but the ones who really came forward to order food were the old customers who came for Lin Zhou.

There were only two customers yesterday for the three thousand yuan set meal.

The reason why it is so popular is the price on the one hand, the roadside stall selling Western food on the other hand, and the suona music, which is so unique that it attracts the attention of every passerby. With so many people watching, it is normal to post it online and attract a large number of netizens.

There were more people watching today than yesterday, but they were all there to watch the fun.

There were three layers of people inside and outside, surrounding Lin Zhou's stall tightly. The people on the outermost layer could not see anything except the heads of people.

There were people standing on the flower beds on the roadside, watching the fun from a high place.

There were also people standing on the stone piers on the roadside to watch.

People who didn't know would think that Times Square was holding an event and invited some celebrities to come to the stage, otherwise where would so many people come to watch.

In the crowd, Yang Heng and Shen Chengyue, wearing masks, hats and sunglasses, squeezed into the crowd one after another.

"Oh my god, why are there so many people? There weren't so many people yesterday."

"Do we really have to perform eating steak in front of so many people?"

"I can't bear it. How embarrassing! A group of people watching me eat."

Yang Heng followed Shen Chengyue, mumbling as he walked.

Shen Chengyue didn't say a word the whole time, pulling Yang Heng into the crowd, looking for a place to squeeze forward.

"Excuse me, please make way."

"Please make way, I'm going in to eat."

Hearing that the two people were pushing forward to eat, the passers-by who were watching the excitement all made way for them.

Then they turned their heads and looked at the two people who were wrapped up tightly, their eyes widened.

"Brother, you still come to eat when you are wrapped up like this?"

Yang Heng choked when he was asked, nodded randomly, and continued to push forward with Shen Chengyue.

Soon, they came to the center of the stage.

The familiar steak cart appeared in their eyes.

For this social dead set meal, there are still people queuing?

Looking at the team of more than a dozen people in front of them, Shen Chengyue and Yang Heng were dumbfounded.

I thought that no one would want to try such a social dead dining scene.

Now, in a group of people who did not take protective measures.

Their dress was particularly outstanding.

The crowd watching the excitement was unconsciously attracted by the tightly wrapped Shen Chengyue and Yang Heng.

Laughter and talking, endless.

Yang Heng lowered his head in embarrassment.

What a mistake!

They wanted to eat steak, but they were afraid that others would take photos and post them online.

So they thought of learning from the stall owner and armed themselves before eating.

They didn't even take off their masks. When eating, they just tore a hole and stuffed it directly into their mouths, resolutely not showing their faces.

Unexpectedly, there were other guests at the scene. There were so many of them, and they didn't wear any masks, as if they didn't care about other people watching them.

After being armed, they became the focus of the crowd again.

"Since we're here..."

Yang Heng and Shen Chengyue looked at each other, and as soon as Shen Chengyue said this, Yang Heng knew what he meant.

So the two of them walked to the back of the line and stood there.

The old diners in line, their curious eyes shifted to the two people at the back of the line.

"Why is this wretchedness so similar to the two guests who were on the hot search yesterday?"

For the old diners who have rich experience in recognizing people, they recognized the people by the figures of Shen Chengyue and Yang Heng.

Shen Chengyue and Yang Heng froze when they heard this at the back of the line.

Seeing that Yang Heng was about to explode and start arguing, Shen Chengyue pulled him back.

What's the difference between jumping out at this time and announcing oneself?

The two pretended not to hear and continued to queue in a low-key manner.

A few minutes later.

Every one of their friends, fully armed, squeezed through the crowd after going through untold hardships.

A group of people looked at each other and were embarrassed.


"Puff hahaha~"

The onlookers didn't laugh at first, but they couldn't help seeing a group of disguised people.

Damn, the hoods are out, who can resist this!

"Oh my god, I can't help it. How did these people think of the same thing?"

"They are afraid of being on the hot search, hahahaha, yesterday those two people were made into emoticons by netizens."

"What are you thinking, hahaha."

"They want to eat steak, but they are afraid of social failure."

"It makes me laugh to death. People who don't know would think it's a kidnapper's party."


They are all friends for many years. No wonder they can play together. Their brain circuits are similar.

The friends looked at Shen Chengyue and Yang Heng at the back of the team. Everyone recognized each other at a glance, but they all chose not to recognize each other.

Listening to the undisguised laughter around them, they were calm on the surface, wearing masks and so on, outsiders couldn't see their expressions clearly, but they were already holding on in their hearts.

It's better not to make friends with this person, they are embarrassed together!

When you are out and about, it is good to be a stranger.

Lin Zhou, who was behind the stall, was also dumbfounded to see so many diners dressed in unique styles.

So this is how he looked in the eyes of others yesterday!

It would be better to play the suona gracefully. As long as he is not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

Lin Zhou's ears were red with embarrassment.

The old diners in front of him saw it at a glance and teased him one after another.

"Boss Lin, will you play the suona later?"

"Yes, yes, yes, we old diners have never experienced live music while dining."

"You can't be partial!"

"Boss Lin, can I listen to "Carrying the Flower Sedan"? "

Lin Zhou:......

So, the diners are not embarrassed, but he is embarrassed, right?


Lin Zhou responded firmly, put the steaks fried on the iron plate on the plate, divided them into portions, and then took down a row of glasses and poured red wine one by one.

The old diners were so excited that they lined up to pay and took their steaks to the side, not minding the gazes of the people around them.

They looked at Lin Zhou expectantly, motioning him to play quickly.

They looked at the group of people without any embarrassment.

Under the spotlight, Lin Zhou took off his mask, put on sunglasses, and took out the suona directly from the box without any more trouble.

"A suona solo of "Carrying the Flower Sedan" for everyone."

Lin Zhou's tone of despair was very obvious, which amused the old diners.

They stood around Lin Zhou one by one, waiting for him to play before they started eating.


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