Thinking about Yang Heng and himself going out like this, and being stopped by the traffic police and checking their driver's license on the road, Shen Chengyue felt really regretful.

Seeing them like this makes me look like a fool.

It's really my head is full of water.

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

Shen Chengyue wanted to wipe his face out of habit, but then he raised his hand and knocked his sunglasses off his face.

He was so frightened that he quickly picked it up and took it with him. He looked around with a guilty look on his face and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that all the people watching the excitement were paying attention to the boss playing the suona.

He is quite famous now.

Thanks to his friends, even having a meal can be trending. Even his parents saw the video and came over to ask him what happened.

The embarrassing incident spread among relatives and friends, and even the children of relatives used the video to ask him if the steak was delicious.

I can't imagine that one day when the family gathers for dinner, he might become the biggest joke at the dinner table.

"Spread out, why are we gathering together? You think we're not conspicuous enough!"

"It makes sense, pretend not to know him!"

"No, the song hasn't been chosen yet?"

"Communicate on the phone and send messages."

"Western food should be paired with English songs. It will definitely be enjoyable."

"Good guy, I have a sense of pictures!"


"What's going on outside? Is there a performance? Is it so lively?"

"Let's go and take a look."

The sound of the suona was so penetrating that even the noise from the onlookers could be heard by people in Times Square.

The owner and employees of the coffee shop, still wearing aprons, just ran out to watch the fun, for fear of missing something.

An employee in the store next to him heard the sound and looked outside. He saw someone quarreling on the roadside. His eyes suddenly lit up. He turned to the people in the store and shouted: "There is a quarrel outside."

After saying that, he ran to where the crowd gathered without looking back to watch the excitement.

All of a sudden, the people eating and working in the store were all moved by the news.

It’s fun to watch, who can resist it?

A large group of people rushed to the scene and saw a street photographer and a photographer taking pictures on the roadside.

"Okay, this is a good posture, give me a side profile, yes, that's it, next..."

Less than a few meters away, two grown men were arguing, and there were two girls holding each other to try to break up the fight.

There was also a big brother who was live broadcasting with a selfie stick, explaining the situation to the camera.

The melon-eating crowd looked at this for a while, and then watched the suona performance in the crowd.

It was really lively.

The quarrels were tense. Those who try to break up the fight have their mouths dry, just like a tug-of-war.

Filmmakers do dozens of poses per second.

The melon-eater held up his mobile phone to take pictures.

Very good, each one is interesting and comes with suona background music.

Don’t know where to look!

"Take a photo first, videotape it, then go back and watch it slowly!"

I don’t know who in the crowd is giving advice.

For a moment, all the passers-by who were watching took out their mobile phones and started recording.

It was so lively that security guards came over to maintain order for fear of starting a fight.

Lin Zhou was still playing the suona there. The suona version of "Anhe Bridge Interlude" was not long.

In less than a minute, he finished blowing and the diners had finished eating.

very good.

Continue to the next batch.

Under the influence of the old diners, Lin Zhou no longer felt embarrassed when he played the suona.

Gradually I found the feeling of setting up a stall as usual.

This batch of steaks just happened to be Yang Heng and others’ turn.

"Boss, how about putting on some accompaniment and playing "The Specter"?"

Lin Zhou:......

It's quite fashionable.

Suddenly I feel that Suona goes well with Western food.

It seems that today’s diners are so good at cooking.

Lin Zhou felt that he was either setting up a stall selling steaks or playing suona.

As soon as this song started playing, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

If it hadn't been for broad daylight, they would have thought they had stepped into some disco scene.

As soon as the exciting and enthusiastic rhythm came out, those who had listened to this song suddenly opened their eyes in surprise.

Good guy, is this okay?

"This song is good. When I am buried, this song will be played on the grave."

"Why didn't I know this song was so popular before?"

"The taste is right, and there is no sense of dissonance at all. I will pair this song with Western food next time."

"Immortal, is this the performance scene that I can listen to without paying any money?"

"If I hadn't been short of money, I would have really wanted to go up and order a steak and eat it with this top-notch music. How exciting!"

"You're stupid. You can't afford steak. There's a lot of food around here. You can just buy some and eat it while squatting on the roadside. Why don't you still listen to music!"

These words woke up the passers-by, but he occupied a good seat in the front row to watch the excitement and was reluctant to let out.

Then I turned around and saw the elder brother standing on the stone pier in the green belt. He was still holding a rice bowl in his hand. He was eating and watching the excitement, and he was very busy.

It's dinner time, and eating while watching the excitement is no more interesting than eating in a restaurant.

There were also passers-by who were attracted by the sound of the suona. When they saw that there was a stall selling steaks and there was live music, those who were not short of money also came forward to join in the fun.

This is the first time I have encountered such an interesting roadside stall.

In front of the stall, there are many customers today. When there are more people, it has the smell of a roadside stall. Everyone eats, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about, but it feels interesting.

Yang Heng forked the whole steak and ate half of it in one bite. Feeling the delicious taste in his mouth, he felt that it was not enough. He asked in confusion: "Why didn't we order two just now? One is not enough!"

This question made them dumbfounded.

Seeing that everyone in front ordered one, they didn't even think of ordering more when they ordered.

Now they realized that it was not enough when they put it in their mouths.

Shen Chengyue looked at the steak in his hand and then at the boss who was playing the suona. He always felt that his IQ seemed to have run away from home after encountering this roadside stall.

As the first customer to try it yesterday, he ate two yesterday. Today, he didn't even know to order one more. It was really stupid.

"Then will we eat more later?"

"Ask the boss how many more there are. I don't think there is much left of the whole steak."

So the group of people who finished the steak in two bites waited for Lin Zhou to finish playing, and asked the boss if there was any more, because they didn't eat enough.

Lin Zhou was a little stunned holding the suona.

He didn't expect to have such a good business.

Looking around again, the old diners who had finished eating in front of him were still queuing up behind them.

After counting, there were already 20 people in the queue.

Lin Zhou was really not sure if there were enough steaks.

"Wait a minute, let me see."

Lin Zhou put down the suona and cut the uncut steak on the chopping board into slices, which were only enough for five portions.

Then he took out a whole piece of untouched aged beef from the incubator.

Continue to cut.

This time he counted and found that a whole steak could be cut into about 20 slices.

Enough for each diners in the queue.

"There are still 25 portions. If you think there are enough people, you can continue to queue."

Before Lin Zhou left, he didn't think that the business would be very good today, and he didn't bring much ingredients.

Fortunately, there was enough to sell.

Hearing that there were still 25 steaks, the old diners who were queuing up were so moved that they were about to cry.


(Let everyone follow the Douyin account in case the book goes into the small black room and can't get out, so that I can live broadcast and write someday. Douyin: Selling egg burgers)

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