This unique way of setting up the stall is simply a speed bump for passersby.

Passersby attracted by Lin Zhou's appearance, when they saw the price written on the blackboard, they took a step back suddenly, as if they had received a huge stimulus.

"Fuck, how much? Boss, did you write an extra zero?"

"The king of steaks in Shanghai is only 2,300 yuan a piece, why do you sell steaks and red wine for 3,000 yuan?"

Lin Zhou didn't expect to attract passersby so quickly.

He was busy setting up the stall and didn't ask Huang Zhenghao about the specific cost of these ingredients. He searched the Internet for the approximate price of top steaks and just picked a number at random.

When the money reached a certain level, Lin Zhou found that he became less sensitive to the price.

This book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 96𝘴𝘩𝘶.𝘯𝘦𝘵, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

To be honest, he doesn't know how to do business, and doesn't know how to calculate costs and other things.

As long as he doesn't work for nothing and doesn't lose money, it's fine.

Is this price expensive?

Lin Zhou originally wanted to order a higher price, but was afraid that no one would buy it. Wouldn't he be surrounded by people for nothing, and he would be the only one embarrassed.

"Look at the quality of this steak, top-quality ingredients shipped by air, 1999 Lafite."

Lin Zhou took out a whole piece of aged steak from the box to show the superior cut of the ingredients. He wanted to introduce it, but found that he had forgotten the list of brands that Huang Zhenghao mentioned when he introduced it.

He could only give a brief introduction.

Without the long list of brands, he suddenly felt that the ingredients were not so high-end.

But the quality of the steak can still be seen by ordinary people.

The meat quality is indeed different from ordinary steaks, and the difference is obvious.

But after hearing this introduction, the expressions of passers-by are even more difficult to describe.

A roadside stall, you use air-shipped ingredients, 1999 Lafite?

Who dares to believe it is true?

Three thousand yuan is almost a month's salary for some people.

A meal eats up a month's salary?

Fortunately, most people can't afford it, and the boss has a conscience and doesn't cheat the poor.

The passers-by didn't say anything and just turned around and left.

The other passers-by who were attracted stopped and watched.

The price directly discouraged everyone.

Looking at the time, it was time for dinner, and no customers came, so Lin Zhou planned to make a steak for himself to try.

A whole piece of mature steak, cut a piece of about 2 cm thick, and remove the brown shell around it.

The mature steak is red inside when cut, and the brown parts on the outside are not edible.

What is left is the edible essence.

Although it is a raw steak, there is no smell of blood, but it has some subtle aroma.

The better the ingredients, the less seasoning is needed. Just sprinkle salt on it, heat the grill pan until it smokes, spray some olive oil on it, and fry it directly.

The high temperature stimulates the steak, and it immediately makes a sizzling sound.

Fry one side for two minutes and it's almost done. Turn it over and you can see that the surface of the steak is very beautifully charred.

Then put a piece of butter on it to melt and add flavor. The aroma of beef and butter blend together, and instantly produce a rich and fresh aroma.

Passersby who were discouraged by the high prices naturally couldn't bear to miss such a novel stall.

Picked up the phone and started shooting. Seeing Lin Zhou frying steak, I recorded the process by the way, ready to share it with friends to see it.

The recorded video was sent to friends immediately.

"Sister, I saw a handsome guy in a suit and leather shoes in Times Square, setting up a stall, selling steak and red wine. Guess how much it costs, three thousand!!!"

"The key is, I saw him making steak, and I was greedy. It smelled so good!"

The friend who received the share immediately sent three exclamation marks after watching the video.


"Whose young master is this for fun?"

"That suit is from GUCCI, it should be a custom-made one, the watch is from Patek Philippe, and the brooch is from Chanel."

The passerby who doesn't understand fashion felt that the brand sent by her friend was very expensive. She looked up at Lin Zhou again, and her eyes were full of shock.


What kind of novel plot is this, a rich man is setting up a stall?

As the most famous luxury business circle in the city, there are many people who know the goods in Mingzhu Times Square.

Lin Zhou can attract a circle of people so quickly, in addition to his unique way of setting up a stall, it is his expensive outfit.

He is wearing tens of millions of clothes and clothes, but he is setting up a stall?

He is selling steaks for 3,000 yuan a piece?

Anyone who knows the goods thinks that this is a rich man doing charity.

But even if you know the goods, you still can't bear to spend this money on a steak.

Until a rich second-generation man passing by in a sports car saw a group of people surrounding a roadside stall, thinking there was something exciting to watch, so he parked his car and followed.

Then he saw Lin Zhou standing behind the stall, eating steak with disposable plastic tableware.

His first impression was not that the boss was sick, dressed in a suit and came out to set up a stall so solemnly.

But what kind of disposable knife and fork is so easy to use, and can also cut steak?

Shaking plastic red wine glass?

This combination made him curious.

He immediately walked to Lin Zhou's stall.

Now he looked more carefully.

He also saw the price marked on the small blackboard on the table.

"No, brother, what are you thinking? I'm just rich, not stupid. How dare you charge this price for a roadside stall?"

Lin Zhou saw a customer coming over, and elegantly took out a tissue, wiped his mouth, and then spoke.

"Absolutely worth the money, no charge if it's not delicious, god-level level, hall-level music, you deserve it."

Rich second generation:......

Then he saw a line of small words below the price, and there was also a free instrument performance for dining.

Wow, if it wasn't for the wrong location, he would have thought he was in that high-end western restaurant.

"You said, no charge if it's not delicious."

To be honest, the rich second generation was indeed curious, three thousand is not a lot, try it to satisfy curiosity.

"Give me one."

Seeing that there was business, Lin Zhou didn't pretend to be cool, and directly took the remaining half of the steak, picked it up and ate it in two bites, and drank the red wine in the plastic goblet in one gulp.

After filling his stomach, he started to work.

The passers-by watching on the side saw that there was really a big complainer ordering food, and they immediately watched more excitedly.

Not only did he watch it himself, he also called his friends to watch it together.

Lin Zhou threw the used disposable tableware into the trash can, moved out the whole mature steak, and cut off a slice.

The rich second generation saw Lin Zhou moving out a whole steak and nodded. If the portion was large, this three thousand yuan per portion would not be expensive.

Then I saw that the boss only cut off a slice and put the rest of the steak up again!

It was such a big piece, and you only gave me one slice?

It was not thick cut!

The rich second generation's eyes widened, watching Lin Zhou cut a circle around the edges and corners, and the portion of the steak was reduced again.

Then he started to fry it.

"Three thousand yuan, you only give me one slice?"

"No, and a glass of red wine."


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