“No, you’re backstabbing me.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

No wonder he was given a skill reward, his feelings are waiting for him!

This luck is unmatched, if he could draw a violin, he wouldn’t be upset.

The system interface was almost broken by Lin Zhou’s eyes.

But the system has been an emotionless machine that issues tasks and rewards since it was bound, and he has to figure everything out by himself.

Lin Zhou, who didn’t get a response, smiled firmly and didn’t rush to accept the task.

This task is a bit mysterious, he has to take a closer look.

First of all, the task location is still in Koucheng, in the luxurious commercial district in the city center, Pearl Times Square.

Then there is only a time limit, no other requirements, which means he has to decide how much to sell and the price.

This is selling food and selling Lin Zhou thought about his own top-notch suona skills and cooking skills. What price should he sell them for?

And this task is also very interesting. What does it mean to bring the ultimate Western food enjoyment to passers-by?

If they are enjoying the ultimate, the quality of ordinary steak and red wine must not be good. They have to be upscale.

Then the cost will be unbearable.

Fortunately, Mingzhu Times Square is a luxurious area, and there should be no shortage of rich people.

Then accept the task.

How challenging!

Lin Zhou rubbed his hands and was actually a little looking forward to it.

After receiving the task, he immediately called Huang Zhenghao.

He expressed his needs and wanted to set up a stall in Mingzhu Times Square this week.

Then he needed good quality steak and red wine.

Huang Zhenghao, who received the call, immediately started to act, "Boss, what time do you want it?"

"Before 11 o'clock."

"Okay, there is enough time. "

After Lin Zhou handed the matter over to Huang Zhenghao, he rested at ease.

He also took the time to study the suona skill he had just acquired. He had to think about what appropriate songs to play when guests came to eat.

Suona music is generally used to express a warm and jubilant atmosphere and a majestic and magnificent scene. Doesn't it go with steak and red wine?

There is no way. He only got the suona skill and can't play other instruments.

Lin Zhou felt the challenge.

He practiced several songs to prepare for setting up a stall.

Oh, right, steak with red wine, you have to wear a suit?

Choose a few more suits.

The hairstyle also needs to be fixed.

Forget it, let Huang Zhenghao call a styling team to come to his house.

He really doesn't know how to manage his image.

Huang Zhenghao received the message:......

"Dadong, please contact the famous styling studio in Koucheng and take people to the boss. "

"Okay, Mr. Huang. "

When Dadong heard that he had a task, he went to work happily.

Then Huang Zhenghao continued to contact the food supplier.

He arrived at Lin Zhou's residence before 11 o'clock with the steaks that had just landed by air.

"Boss, do you think this quality of steak is okay? They were all airlifted from the United States this morning. They have been dry-aged for 28 days, and they are the highest grade of beef in the United States, USDA prime..."


Lin Zhou saw that the quality of these steaks was indeed good, but he didn't know anything about the brands Huang Zhenghao mentioned.

After all, it is normal for rich people who changed their careers to have less experience.

He didn't feel embarrassed.

Anyway, no matter how high-end the ingredients are, they will be roadside stalls when they appear in his stall.

"Okay, move it to the tricycle, what about the red wine?"

"For the red wine to go with the steak, I prepared Lafite, but the year is not that good, 1999, do you think it's okay?"

Lin Zhou: "Okay, okay, okay, let's do it, move it to the tricycle too. ”

The rest of the side dishes and seasonings were also loaded into the car.

At this time, Lin Zhou was dressed by the styling team, wearing a brand-name custom suit, a famous watch and a brooch. He looked like a nobleman going to a party or a red carpet.

So when he got on the tricycle where Zhou Zhou was setting up his stall, Huang Zhenghao, Dadong and others felt like they were back to the first time they saw Lin Zhou.

Thinking about the shock they received at that time, it is still vivid in their minds.

But this is the boss's personal hobby, so they can only arrange everything for the boss and let him have fun.

"Boss, we have already asked about Times Square. Just don't set up the stall at the gate or in a place that is unsightly. "

Lin Zhou nodded, very satisfied with Huang Zhenghao's ability to do things.

Seeing that it was getting late, he checked the kitchen utensils on the stall and prepared to set up the stall if there was no problem.

"Okay, I'm fine, you guys go back~"

Huang Zhenghao and Dadong watched the boss leave, looked at each other, and then drove away.

In the car, Dadong couldn't help but say: "The top ingredients shipped in by air, and the 1999 Lafite, the boss is selling them at the stall, how much is it?"

Huang Zhenghao shook his head, indicating that he was not sure what the boss was thinking.

"If the boss really wants to make money, it's not cheap considering his net worth. "

"Apart from his net worth, I dare say that few people in the country can compare with the boss's cooking skills, and with the cost of ingredients..."

Huang Zhenghao didn't say the rest, but Dadong understood what he meant.

On the other hand, Lin Zhou was also thinking about how much to sell.

Although he was not short of money, he didn't want to do business at a loss, fearing that others would take advantage of him.

Then let's charge 3,000 per serving. For a roadside stall, this price is already very high.

When there are customers, he sells, selling both his craftsmanship and his art.

It doesn’t matter if there are no customers, anyway, the task does not stipulate how many servings to sell.

It was not until this time that Lin Zhou officially opened the stall that he had the feeling that if there were customers ordering food, he would have to play the suona while the customers were eating. The picture was so beautiful that he dared not imagine how embarrassed he would be.

Afterwards, he realized that he was about to have social phobia, and suddenly he didn’t think this task was exciting and challenging.

Sure enough, there is a difference between talking and practice.

While struggling, Lin Zhou came to Mingzhu Times Square. The geographical location here is in the city center and it is very popular. It is not crowded, but there are people coming and going.

His unique appearance has attracted the attention of many passers-by along the way.

When he arrived at Times Square, more people passed by and looked at him.

Lin Zhou reflexively touched the mask on his face. Fortunately, he had the foresight to wear a mask when he first went out.

He didn't dare to go to a crowded place, so he stopped at an open space on the side of the road and started to set up a stall.

This stall is a bit like the previous hamburger truck, but it looks more high-end.

There is an operating table and a glass cabinet with some disposable plastic goblets, disposable knives and forks, and disposable plastic plates.

Lin Zhou's mouth twitched, and he put out the 1999 Lafite red wine.

Then the side dishes were placed on the table one by one.

Finally, he took out the small blackboard he had been using and wrote down the price.

[Steak and wine set - 3,000 yuan]

(Free instrumental performance with meal)

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