Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 250 Do I deserve it? Do I deserve it?

Shen Chengyue's mouth twitched.

As a second-generation rich man, he usually has no worries about food and clothing, no need to work and no shortage of money.

Every day, he has nothing to do but find a girlfriend and spend money everywhere.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar →𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ

This is the first time that I feel like a sucker, and I took the initiative to be cheated.

To be honest, three thousand is not much, but there are too many people around watching the excitement, and they look at him like a fool, which makes him very embarrassed.

He didn't wear a mask when he went out, watching the excitement, and he became the excitement himself. If this was photographed and recognized by others on the Internet, wouldn't it be very embarrassing?

After a while, a steak set was prepared.

A palm-sized steak was placed on a disposable plastic plate, with two fried tomatoes, which looked not classy at all, and then paired with a plastic high-foot glass with a small glass of red wine.

Shen Chengyue didn't like western food, and didn't know whether the meat and red wine were good or not. He took it, holding the steak in one hand and the goblet in the other, looked around, and met Lin Zhou's gaze again.

Lin Zhou had put on a mask, which he had taken off when he ate steak before, so Shen Chengyue couldn't see his expression at the moment.

"Where do you sit?"

There was no table, chair or bench on the roadside for steak and red wine.

"Ah, let me see."

Lin Zhou really didn't pay attention to the tables and chairs. He looked for the tricycle and didn't see any folding tables and chairs. He glanced at the customers awkwardly.

Then he looked at the steps on the roadside, his eyes lit up, and he quickly pulled out a few napkins to put on them and made a gesture of invitation.

"Sir, please sit down."

Shen Chengyue stared blankly at the pieces of paper on the curb.

He didn't even react for a moment.

Seeing his dazed look, Lin Zhou scratched his head.

"Too hard? Wait for me!"

After saying this, Lin Zhou looked around and saw the paper box on the dining car.

He took the paper box and tore it.

Put it on the curb again.

He put a few more pieces of paper on it and said.

"It's soft now! Sit down."

Shen Chengyue finally reacted.

He was not feeling well.

A three thousand yuan set meal.

You want me to eat on the roadside?

You don't even give me a stool?

Shen Chengyue wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything yet.

Some of the passersby couldn't help laughing.



Eating Western food on the curb?

For passersby, this scene is weird.

No matter how you look at it, it's not suitable to be paired with steak.

It's better to pair it with a bowl of noodles and a steamed bun in your hand.

It complements each other better.

If there were no cameras nearby, they would have thought someone was filming a TV show or a joke.

It was so funny.

Shen Chengyue's face turned green when he heard the laughter.

But seeing Lin Zhou's sincere expression.

He didn't know what he was thinking, so he just sat down.

Maybe Lin Zhou's movements were too smooth and natural.

Shen Chengyue couldn't find any words to complain about.

After sitting down, Shen Chengyue's face became darker and darker.

Suddenly he remembered that he had already sat on the side of the road and spent money, so he couldn't miss the service he deserved.

So he couldn't help but ask Lin Zhou.

"Where's my instrument performance?"

It's okay to sit on the side of the road, but he has to make up for the service, right?

After Shen Chengyue finished speaking, Lin Zhou couldn't help but tremble.


"Please wait a moment!"

After hesitating for a while, he was about to take out the suona.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, Lin Zhou hesitated.

As if he was thinking about something.

Then he saw him pull his hand back.

Then, he took out a hat and put it on his head.

Shen Chengyue saw his action but didn't think much of it.

But then he saw Lin Zhou fumbling around and took out a pair of sunglasses.

He also put them on.

Seeing this.

Shen Chengyue nodded slightly, thinking that Lin Zhou's outfit was very cool.

Then he would be honored if he played for him later.

But who knew that Lin Zhou was not finished yet.

Then he took out a mask!

After taking out the mask, he first cut a hole in the mask.

Then he put it on his face and replaced the previous mask.

This looked weird no matter how you looked at it.

Shen Chengyue really couldn't help it.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Zhou didn't answer him. After doing all this, he stretched out his hand.

A musical instrument appeared in his hand.

"Oh, suona..."

After seeing the suona, Shen Chengyue suddenly realized that it was no wonder that a hole had to be cut, otherwise it would not be able to play.

But the next second.

The whole person stood up suddenly.

"Hey, hey, hey, no, no!"

Shen Chengyue was dumbfounded.

How could this be a suona? No, how did he take out a suona?

What does this mean?

"Musical instrument performance, the one playing for me is a suona?"

Is there anyone who listens to a suona while eating steak?

Shen Chengyue got angry all of a sudden.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

Lin Zhou ignored him and put the suona to his mouth in a flash.

"No, no!"

Shen Chengyue shouted with a flushed face.

But the next second.

"A festive version of "A Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix" is presented to you!"

After saying that, Lin Zhou started playing, and the melodious sound of suona immediately resounded around.

In this second, Shen Chengyue held a steak in one hand and a red wine in the other.

He was completely dumbfounded.

The melodious sound of suona came.

For a moment, all the eyes around were attracted.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as the center of attention.

Shen Chengyue had to admit that Lin Zhou's suona was really beautiful.

The tune was melodious and continuous.

But along with the sound of suona came the gazes that were staring at him.

Shen Chengyue blushed with the feeling of social death, and blood was dripping.

He regretted it so much at this moment.

If he had known earlier, he would have asked about the instrument being played.

If he had known earlier that the instrument being played was actually suona, he would not have asked for any instrument to be played even if he was beaten to death.

However, what killed Shen Chengyue was still to come.

"Hey, eating steak with suona on the street? Is this the style?"

"Who? Who is playing the suona? I can't help but lie down."

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter. This person is eating steak and playing musical instruments. The key is the suona!"

"My God, have people evolved to this level these days? The violin is broken, and the piano is not pleasant?"

The voices of passers-by came one after another.

The key is to come, so it comes.

These people also walked over curiously.

Lin Zhou, who was wrapped tightly, was not the point.

Those eyes looked at Shen Chengyue one by one.

At this moment, Shen Chengyue could no longer bear it.

He lowered his head and began to pretend to be an ostrich.

He hurriedly took two steps, trying to avoid the eyes of passers-by.

But how could Lin Zhou be too far away from the guests.

He followed closely for two steps.

Shen Chengyue blushed and changed a direction.

Lin Zhou followed again.

At this moment, Shen Chengyue's eyes were dull, and he looked at Lin Zhou tremblingly.

He regretted it.

He cried out in his heart.

"Why should I eat steak? Why should I eat steak? No, why should I eat steak at a roadside stall? Do I deserve it? Do I deserve it? How can I eat steak!"


(I have a fever and feel dizzy. I will write one chapter first. I will take some medicine and lie down for a while. If I feel better, I will continue writing.) ps: Please send me electricity.

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