Lin Zhou was busy until all the seasonings were used up and he could no longer make roast duck, so he prepared to close the stall.

He could only say sorry to the diners who came from far away but didn't buy roast duck.

From the first roast duck in the morning to the sunset now.

The 500 roast ducks for the task had already been completed.

Lin Zhou couldn't bear to see everyone come from far away but didn't get to eat, so he continued to let the farm kill ducks and roast a few more batches.

The first 100 people who came basically had a roast duck each.

There was nothing that could be done for the diners who didn't buy later.

Lin Zhou packed up all the empty seasoning barrels and food boxes, said hello to the diners who hadn't left the scene, and prepared to close the stall and go back.

"Boss Lin, let's meet next week~"

"Boss Lin, will you continue to set up a stall in Koucheng or go back to Jiangdong next week?"

"Does Boss Lin have a house in Koucheng?"

"Is Boss Lin's home in Jiangdong?"

Lin Zhou was a little dizzy listening to the diners calling him Boss Lin.

It was really hard to hear what they were saying when a group of people gathered together to talk.

Lin Zhou only picked up the words he heard and replied: "I have a house in Koucheng, but the specific place to set up the stall is not yet determined. Let's see tomorrow. Everyone should go back and rest early. Thank you for coming so far to take care of my business."


Watching Boss Lin's tricycle leave, the old diners at the scene also dispersed.

Make an appointment with the people who came together and go back together.

Those who came alone by car took a few diners back when they left to earn some gas money.

Those who were in a hurry to take the high-speed rail also took out their mobile phones to call a taxi.

In less than half an hour, the originally lively scene suddenly became quiet.

Ding Chao stood at the entrance of the farm and looked at this scene with a bit of disappointment.

He didn't expect that there would be such a lively day at the entrance of his farm, as if it was a large-scale dinner party.

Now not only have all the people left, but the roast duck is gone too.

Ding Chao stood at the entrance with melancholy and lit a cigarette, slowly blowing out a smoke ring.

"Boss, Master Lin will not come to the entrance of our farm to set up a stall in the future?"

The workers looked at the empty ground, even the garbage was taken away, there was really no trace left.

They were workers, working all the time, and had no time to line up to buy roast duck.

Otherwise, there would be no manpower to kill and process the ducks, and no one could eat them.

Now that Lin Zhou closed the stall, they also had some free time, smelling the aroma of roast duck lingering in the air, not to mention how pity it was.

"Not coming."

After this incident, Ding Chao understood a truth.

In the future, if you encounter something rare, whether it is food or use, you must buy more and stock up, otherwise when people don't sell it, that's when you regret it.

The news of Jiangdong in major apps was also flooded with a series of headlines such as "Boss Lin's Roast Duck" and "Boss Lin's City".

Many diners who tasted the roast duck on site were so excited that they kept posting pictures to show off how delicious the roast duck was.

Those diners who didn't eat it in Jiangdong were so greedy that they ordered roast duck like crazy.

The roast duck restaurants on the food delivery platform became popular all of a sudden, and their business was booming.

"Although it is a little different from the roast duck made by Boss Lin, it is still good enough to satisfy your craving."

"I went to the store and ordered a roast duck. It was very fragrant and tasted good. However, ordinary roast ducks are so fragrant. How delicious must Boss Lin's roast duck be?"

"Are there any friends who went to Koucheng to buy roast duck? Do you have any that you can't finish? I can do it for you for a fee!"

"Friends who haven't eaten can follow Ma Ming's live broadcast. The guy bought two days of roast duck. He ate one himself and gave the rest to fans for a lottery. You can try your luck."

"I suddenly envy this anchor. The content of the live broadcast is to find Boss Lin, eat the food made by Boss Lin, and make money. How can this be possible!"

Many diners saw Ma Ming's live broadcast, and some people recorded the live broadcast clips, and they were very envious.

But such examples are really meaningless to learn from.

It just so happened that he was going to become a monk in Changzhong Temple, and Boss Lin was setting up a stall there. As a result, he ate a braised pork roll and didn't plan to become a monk. His parents cried and hugged each other. Just like that, it became a hot search and became popular all of a sudden.

Later, according to the fans' request, he began to find Boss Lin for them.

Those who want to follow the trend and make money, it's really hard to copy this route.

You can only envy and watch others receive so many gifts.

Lin Zhou returned to his residence and then remembered to submit the task.

Then the reward arrived in seconds.

[Ding-Task Reward: A certain instrument with full-level skills, please randomly draw by the host. ]

Lin Zhou raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Apart from money, he had no interest in the farm and building rewarded by the previous task.

This time, the instrument skill is something.

People always have a little fantasy about things they don't know or can't touch.

Lin Zhou didn't have the opportunity to learn musical instruments before.

After crossing, he was busy setting up a stall and didn't think about it.

Who has watched too much TV and still hasn't dreamed of playing a musical instrument.

For example, playing the guitar when slightly drunk, singing folk love songs leisurely, sitting in front of the piano on important occasions, beautiful music pouring down from the fingers like flowing water, just thinking about it is handsome.

Excited heart, trembling hands.

Lin Zhou first ran to the bathroom to wash his hands, and then drew the task reward.

The large plate with special effects started to spin rapidly, until Lin Zhou called for a stop, and then it slowly stopped on a grid.

Then a suona appeared, and the light almost blinded Lin Zhou's eyes.

[Drawing completed, suona's full-level skills have been integrated, "Suona Music Score Collection" has been issued, and a master's work, a small-leaf red sandalwood suona, has been placed in the backpack. ]

Lin Zhou:......

What luck!

He didn't think the suona was bad, but when he was dating in the future, others would confess their love or propose marriage, create a romantic atmosphere by playing piano music or violin, and he would play the suona, isn't it a bit too high-profile.

It was a little different from what he imagined.

But Lin Zhou was still very happy to have the full-level skills of the king of musical instruments, the suona.

Suona has always been known as a rogue instrument, and he wanted to see how rogue it was.

Lin Zhou couldn't wait to take out the suona. The wooden feel was worthy of being a master's work, absolutely amazing.

Then he played a tune and was immediately impressed by the high-pitched, loud, firm and soft sound.

Once the sound came out, he could not hear any other sound at all.

The emotion in the instrument was also very strong.

Lin Zhou played several songs in a row as if he had a new toy, and then he was satisfied.

His good mood lasted until he woke up the next morning and saw the newly refreshed task of the week.

[This week's task: Bring the ultimate Western food enjoyment to passers-by. ]

(Task details: Sell steak + red wine at Mingzhu Times Square at 12 noon every day. Please play music when guests dine to add to the atmosphere.)

[Recipe: "How to make steak\

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