
Lin Zhou couldn't help laughing when he saw the war between the dogs.

Then he patted Dabao's dog's head reassuringly and said with a flat bowl of water: "We have them all, and there are plenty of duck butts."

After selling so many roast ducks, I never met a customer who asked for duck butts.

Cut them all up and feed them to the dogs.

The first batch of ducks is already in the oven.

Lin Zhou turned around and went back to the farm to wash his hands and start handling the next batch of ducks.

Standing by the pool, he transformed into a ruthless disemboweling machine, slit open the duck's body with a single knife, took out the complete internal organs, washed the duck, put it aside, and then opened another duck.

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One worker at the front is responsible for killing, and two are responsible for perming and processing duck feathers.

In Lin Zhou's hands, the duck was already clean and complete, just like working on an assembly line.

In less than twenty minutes, Lin Zhou returned to the stall with the inflated duck and began to scald the skin.

The boiling water is always kept on the stove, and the ducks are placed on it. They are boiled directly back and forth, hung on the iron rack, and brushed with skin water one by one.

Then it’s time to wait for it to dry.

Let's take a look at the heat of the roast duck in the oven.

The diners lined up, smelling the aroma of roast duck wafting from the oven, and their emotions became visibly excited.

Seeing that Lin Zhou was no longer so busy, the diners in front remembered what they had missed.

"Boss Lin, is there a purchase limit?"

Lin Zhou looked at the number of people lining up at the scene, looked at the number of mission targets, and nodded without hesitation.

With so many people, there must be purchase restrictions.

"Ah, there was no purchase limit yesterday, I knew it!"

"Hey, I'm used to it. Every time there are too many people, we have to limit purchases."

"One for each person?"

It feels like there are only about a hundred people at the scene, and one person per person is enough.

Lin Zhou nodded in agreement with the proposal.

"Ah! One for each person! Oh my god, I was prepared for half or a quarter of it, but there is one for each person. How can I finish it? Boss Lin, I love you so much!"

Lin Zhou's expression didn't change at all, and he replied calmly: "What you love is roast duck."

"Hahahahaha, Boss Lin is still awake, but he is not talking about love with his eyes staring at the oven. It is too fake. Boss Lin, I really love you, can you sell me two?"

"Go away, I think Dabao learned from you, he is very good at tea."

"Good boy, it's still tucked up. That's not the tone you used when you just spoke to us."

"Tsk, tsk, what a scheming man."


Boss Yang of the farmhouse is stuck in Linzhou. It's time for the first roast duck to be cooked.

The business at his farmhouse has been very good these days.

The Roast Duck Banquet has built its reputation in the industry directly by relying on its strength, attracting many diners.

Thinking that Lin Zhou had said it would only be sold for one week, he still wanted to fight for it.

Even if he wasn't setting up a stall at the breeding farm, he didn't know if it would be possible to buy roast duck every day, so he decided to ask.

As a result, when we arrived at the scene, we saw that there was a long queue at the booth that usually didn't have many people.

Boss Yang suddenly had a bad feeling.

Why are there so many customers all of a sudden?

Can he still order forty roast ducks?

With an anxious mood, Boss Yang walked to Lin Zhou's stall, found Lin Zhou who was brushing the duck's skin, and asked.

"Master Lin, can I still order forty roast ducks today?"

Boss Yang now regrets why he didn’t book in advance!

If he couldn't buy roast duck, he would definitely not be able to host today's roast duck feast.

"There are too many people, so each person is limited to one purchase."

The bad premonition came true.

Boss Yang was petrified on the spot.

There weren't many customers before, and there was no purchase limit, and you didn't even have to queue, you just had to wait for the duck to be roasted.

Not only is it available for purchase now, but it may not be available.

And with so many people queuing up, even if he queued up to buy a roast duck, it wouldn't be enough for him. He wouldn't be willing to take it out for business, so he would definitely keep it for himself.

"Did I hear you say that you would only sell roast duck for a week and not set up a stall tomorrow?"

The old diners who had been paying attention to the conversation between the two people also pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

"Yes, today is the last day."

"Then can I still order roast duck from you later? If I don't set up a stall here, I can get it every day!"

Boss Yang still doesn’t want to give up on this big tree and wants to work harder.

"I won't be cooking roast duck anymore, sorry."

Lin Zhou refused again.

Without any preparation, Boss Yang's money-making plan only lasted a few days, and the limited roast duck banquet also came to an end.

"That's it."

After Boss Yang got Lin Zhou's answer, he still wanted to try harder when he saw so many diners at the scene, so he walked to the diners in front.

"Hello, I am the owner of the farmhouse in front of you. Can I buy your roast duck? I can invite you to my farmhouse for free, or you can pay more. Do you have the intention?"

Seeing that the first batch of roast duck was about to come out, Boss Yang felt itchy and wished he could have it all covered.

If he had known that there would be so many guests today, he would not have hesitated and would have queued up as soon as he arrived at the farmhouse.

Or maybe I said hello yesterday and forgot about it!

"Sorry, it's only one duck per person. I can't even eat it myself. I won't sell it."

"Boss, it won't work. We all came from Jiangdong just for this roast duck, so it's impossible to expect us to sell it no matter how much money you give us."

"You are also a businessman. We won't sell the roast duck at normal prices unless you pay a lot of money, a price that people can't refuse. Then it's not worth it, so."

Boss Yang understood the diners' implication.

No wonder there were so many customers suddenly. It turned out that they came from other cities.

After asking more than a dozen diners, no one was willing to sell the roast duck.

Boss Yang could only watch the first batch of roast ducks come out of the oven, and soon it was divided up by the twenty people in front.

Their laughter and joy made Boss Yang look very miserable at the moment.

The diners after the twenty people could only wait for the next batch.

Thinking of the fact that the owner of the farmhouse just asked for 40 roast ducks, the diners in line were very envious of the guests this week.

They had never encountered such a time when there was no purchase limit and they could buy dozens of roast ducks at a time.

"Be content, boss. You can still buy dozens of ducks. We just came here today and there is a purchase limit. You are lucky enough to meet Boss Lin and buy roast ducks without purchase limit. You can eat enough at one time."

"That's right. We had purchase limits on everything before. Wontons were limited to one bowl per person. Braised pork rolls were also limited to one per person. The same was true for hamburgers before. The purchase limit was fine, but the quantity was small. Not many people got to eat it. You are so lucky this week."

This statement also praised Ding Chao in the crowd.

Thinking about such delicious roast ducks, no one in front of them competed with them. As long as they had money, they could eat as much as they wanted. It seemed really enviable.

Ding Chao lined up and began to envy himself a few days ago. How could he rely on Boss Lin to set up a stall in front of his farm and let it go? He should have bought more roast ducks to stock up.


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