Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 245 I didn’t expect you to be such a great treasure!

"Ho! You guys in Jiangdong are so strict in their ethics, you don't even get the slightest hint of it!"

Koucheng is so close to Jiangdong, but they have never heard of it.

The old diner smiled shyly.

Who would be willing to tell the story if they meet a boss Lin who cooks such delicious food?

If Boss Lin hadn't taken the initiative to set up a stall in Koucheng, the Jiangdong people would have kept it a secret.

After all, the more people know, the more people will grab food.

In the past, they only robbed people from their own family in Jiangdong City.

Now I have to go to other cities to fight with people from other cities, which brings me to tears just talking about it!

Boss Lin is simply a scumbag. He has such a good craftsmanship and yet he runs around seducing competitors for them.

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How nice it would be to stay peacefully in Jiangdong!

Alas, the villain in the hearts of the old diners biting the corner, tears flowing.

I really want to pack up and hide Boss Lin in a small dark room and make delicious food for them every day!


After some pleasantries, Lin Zhou started making roast duck.

The diners sat obediently in front of the stalls waiting to eat.

Even watching Boss Lin cheering up the ducks is exciting.

On the other side, Han Fang, who was newlywed on the second day, and his wife finished their chores and drove straight to the entrance of Quanta Farm.

There were a lot of things waiting for me, but I thought I hadn't bought the roast duck yet, so I put the rest on hold.

If you don’t buy roast duck, you really won’t have anything to eat at lunch.

"Husband, the roast duck is delicious. Let's stay in my hometown for two days before leaving. Otherwise, we won't be able to eat it when we go back."

Cao Wenyao has never eaten such delicious roast duck.

I was hungry for a long time during yesterday's wedding, waiting for that bite of roast duck.

For a moment, she felt that the first half of her life had been in vain, and she never knew there was such delicious food in the world.

Really experience what is delicious in the world.

At that moment, she completely forgot that she was getting married. She took the bowls and chopsticks and attacked the roast duck, wolfing down the food as if she had been hungry for eight lifetimes.

The parents and relatives at the table were all dumbfounded.

When he came to his senses, he thought she was starving, so he brought her food one by one.

It's still embarrassing to think about it now.

At that time, I only had eyes for roast duck and had no intention of caring about anything else.

Now that I realize it in hindsight, that was really embarrassing.

I can’t imagine what she looks like in everyone’s eyes now.

The perfect wedding in her imagination turned into a comedy the moment she abandoned her image and embraced the roast duck.

Especially when she saw the wedding video taken by the guests, which showed her immersed in eating.

There is no beauty or filter, and the picture of her taking a big mouthful of food is so real that it is almost unbearable to look at it.

Cao Wenyao's current depression can only be cured by roast duck.

"I heard from people in the village that this roast duck stall didn't exist before. It just came out. It seems to be there for only a few days. I don't know the specific situation. Let's go over and ask."

Then the couple arrived at the gate of the farm and were surprised by the sudden queue.

"Oh my god, there are so many people!"

Cao Wenyao pressed down the car window and looked at the long line of people, her eyes widened.

When will this be scheduled?

Roast duck is not something that can be roasted in just a few minutes. The queuing time also includes the cooking time of the roast duck. If it is divided equally among everyone, how long will the queue last?

"Do you still want to eat?"

When Han Fang heard this, he thought his wife didn't want to eat because there were too many people, so the car didn't turn off.

"Of course. If you didn't tell me earlier about such a delicious roast duck, you could just taste it yesterday. I haven't had enough!"

Cao Wenyao became extremely angry when she thought that Han Fang had known about such a delicious roast duck for a long time, but he didn't even give her a single one, and even said he would save it as a surprise on the wedding day.

"I think you don't want to surprise me, but you want to be alone."

Han Fang sighed and stopped defending.

The main reason is that he really didn't expect it at the time. He just thought that with such delicious roast duck, his wedding would definitely be particularly popular and give everyone a surprise.

Didn't think of anything else at all.

He didn't react until the wedding was over and his wife asked and got angry.

It's really hard to describe, because because of a roast duck, he didn't even sleep on his wedding night. Thinking about it makes him want to cry.

The two parked their cars, walked to the back of the line and stood in line.

"I feel like the queue will take quite a long time. Why don't you go back to the car and sit down while I wait in line?"

Han Fang looked at the team that had not moved for a long time and said to his wife.

"No, I'll accompany you. It's so boring to stand in line alone, but two people can still talk."

"Okay, just tell me when you're tired."


Except for the bride Cao Wenyao, every one of the guests at yesterday's wedding banquet was shocked by the taste of roast duck after tasting it.

Some people immediately asked the chef about the location, and after finishing the wedding banquet, they ran to the farm to buy roast duck.

Then he came again today.

Compared to yesterday, there weren’t many people queuing up.

When I came to the scene today, I was immediately stunned.

When will this be scheduled?

It was not clear that these people, Lin Zhou, only ran the stall for one day, so when they saw too many people, they just left, thinking that they would come back to buy when there were not many people.

People in the village don't have time to spend hours queuing up to buy a roast duck. It's so early in the morning and they haven't even finished their work at home.

Lin Zhou looked at Dabao who was following him wherever he went. He took off his gloves in a funny way and touched its head.

When Dabao came from Lin Zhou, he looked at Lin Zhou with his big tearful eyes, following him lovingly, step by step.

Lin Zhou was so touched by this.

The emotions of pets are always so warm and simple. After a few meals, they will keep wagging their tails at you.

"Be good, Dabao, I'll give you duck butt to eat later."

Lin Zhou gently comforted Dabao.

The atmosphere between the man and the dog was warm and harmonious.

Ah Huang, who was watching from the side, was rarely irritable. He kept turning around anxiously, and he also bared his teeth and threatened Dabao with a low roar.

Even Ah Huang's brothers stared at Dabao aggressively.

I thought the war between the dogs was about to break out.

Then the diners saw Dabao whimpering very weakly, as if he was afraid, and shrank behind Lin Zhou and hid.

He cried very pitifully, as if he was seeking Lin Zhou's protection.

Who would not say that the dog was so weak that he couldn't take care of himself!

Gao Jiazhi in the crowd twitched his lips fiercely.

Shameful, really shameful!

I thought they would fight, but I didn't expect you to pretend to be soft and hide behind Boss Lin!

Gao Jiazhi simply couldn't bear to look at his own dog.

Dabao's appearance made other diners look at Gao Jiazhi with strange eyes.

It is said that dogs follow their owners.

Such a green tea dog, could it be that Gao Jiazhi is also a green tea in private?

Gao Jiazhi noticed the diners' gazes and broke down directly.

"I really didn't teach you!"

"I don't know why Dabao has become like this!"


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