Lin Zhou has already started roasting the third roast duck.

Business was better than he thought. He thought this place was remote and there wouldn't be much business there.

Unexpectedly, the farmhouse next to it became the main source of customers.

A roast duck takes forty to fifty minutes.

The time he waits is the time he spends fishing.

Lin Zhou took out his phone and started watching videos.

Enjoy this rare leisure.


In the farm, it was almost seven o'clock. Ding Chao said hello to the employees, then carried the uneaten half of the Nanjing roast duck and a whole Peking duck back home.

His home is in a nearby village.

The distance is less than two kilometers. You go to the farm to work and go home to rest after get off work. Life is balanced and very stable.

At home, the child has finished school and is doing homework, and his wife is accompanying him.

Dad is cooking in the kitchen, and mom is washing clothes in the yard.

When they heard the sound of his car coming back, they all stuck their heads out to take a look.

"I'm back. I came back early today."

Usually, when Ding Chao's food is served, he may not be ready to come back yet.

"I brought back the roast duck and added another dish tonight. It's so delicious. You all should try it."

"Okay, let's serve the food and eat."

The father in the kitchen took the roast duck and looked at the well-packed box. He didn't put it on the plate again and brought it directly to the table.

"Eat, then do your homework after eating."

The aroma of roast duck is strong, and the aroma comes out as soon as the bag is opened.

The family came to the dining table one after another and sat down. The child looked at the two large portions of roast duck on the table and couldn't help but let out a wow.

"Did you go to the city to buy the roast duck? It looks so beautiful."

The appearance of a good roast duck is enough to attract people's attention. The straight and shiny roast duck skin is wrapped with delicate duck meat, unlike ordinary roast duck skin that is wrinkled.

You can tell it's very crispy just by looking at it, and you can hear the crispy sound when you tap the roasted duck skin with chopsticks.

"Bought at the farm gate."

"Ah? Why is there roast duck for sale at the entrance of the farm?"

His wife didn't react for a moment, but then she took a piece of marinated roast duck and ate it in her mouth, completely forgetting what she had just asked!

The roast duck skin that had been soaked in red marinade for so long was already a little wilted, which was in sharp contrast to the crispy skin of the Peking duck on the side.

Compared with the skin of Beijing roast duck, which is more delicious, the meat flavor of Nanjing roast duck is even more outstanding because of the brine.

The skin is thin and tough, there is very little subcutaneous fat in the mouth, and the meat is soft and tough.

The juice tastes very fresh. It is fully absorbed by the duck meat. It feels wonderful to chew large pieces in your mouth.

There is a feeling that the more you chew, the more flavor you get.

A good roast duck must be freshly roasted and eaten. However, some cities do not allow fresh roasting, so the duck in many roast duck restaurants is cold, and then the brine is heated. A spoonful of hot brine will heat up the duck. The temperature will make it taste better.

“It’s delicious!”

My wife finished eating it in one bite, and quickly put two pieces into the bowls of her parents-in-law, mother-in-law, and children, telling everyone to try it quickly.

This smells really good.

The fresh aroma of duck, the aroma of brine, the charcoal fruity wood aroma of roast duck and other aromas are gathered together. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as "the fragrance floats ten miles away".

Ding Chao was also very happy to see his family members all eating with mouths full of oil and happy smiles on their faces.

"It's a little late tonight. Let's buy a few more tomorrow and give two to my father-in-law and brother-in-law's house. This roast duck stall is right in front of our farm, and the ducks he bought are our ducks. This fresh duck The duck is roasted alive and the juice is fresh, which is completely different from the roast duck in ordinary braised vegetables restaurants.”

Ding Chao ate white rice, poured a spoonful of brine on the rice, took a big bite of it along with the roast duck, and ate it into his mouth, enjoying it very much.

"Okay, what time will the stall open? Your farm is busy, I'll go buy it tomorrow."

The wife nodded, very satisfied that her husband had delicious food and did not forget the habits of her mother's family.

The tone of voice was very considerate.

"It seems to have come around five o'clock. I don't know the specific time. I was chasing ducks in the back mountain and smelled the aroma of roast duck coming out of the oven. You didn't smell it. It's so fragrant that I can't say anything about it."

The family chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was warm and harmonious.


On the other side, Ms. Wu’s family also bought roast ducks and gave them away one by one.

As a result, before the family even got home, they received messages from family friends.

They all asked me where I bought the roast duck. It was very delicious.

Happy Ms. Wu replied one by one and sent them their addresses.

By the time they got home, they were all full from the roast duck.

There’s no need to eat anything for dinner, so let’s just continue talking about roast duck.

"It's so delicious. We have all leftovers from what we cooked in the evening. We're all going to eat roast duck. You asked me to bring one back after get off work tomorrow."

Ms. Wu was very happy when she saw the message from her best friend.

"Then bring one for me by the way. I have to go to work tomorrow and I guess I won't have time to go there."

"No problem, I have never eaten such delicious roast duck. Sure enough, the price is expensive for a reason."

"I heard this from the guy who sells roast duck. It's roasted from fresh duck bought from a farm nearby. The taste of fresh duck is definitely different from that of frozen duck."

Ms. Wu thought that the roast duck stall was next to a breeding farm. At that time, the roast duck attracted all her attention and she didn't think anything was wrong.

Now that I think about it, it’s quite interesting. The duck I bought just now was immediately made into roast duck, with the main feature being freshness.

In the farmhouse, roast duck for dinner is popular.

Seeing that the guests ordered one portion and couldn’t finish it, they said they would take one portion away when they left.

Boss Yang, who was happy, didn’t even bother to take care of the business, and drove to Lin Zhou’s stall again.

Just in time for the third roast duck to come out of the oven.

“Oh, this is a coincidence!”

As soon as Boss Yang got out of the car, he saw Lin Zhou taking roast ducks one by one.

“Master, I want all 20 in this batch!”

Seeing him so generous and impatient, Lin Zhou knew that the farmhouse business was probably very good.

As for the fact that the farmhouse owner used him as a source of goods, Lin Zhou was happy to sell so many roast ducks at once.

Anyway, he would stop after selling 500, and the situation afterwards had nothing to do with him.

"Okay, I'll pack the whole thing in a box for you?"

"Okay, whatever's convenient. Your roast duck is so good. Do you want to come to my farmhouse to specialize in roast duck? You can set the salary!"

Boss Yang waved his hand and looked at Lin Zhou expectantly.

His love for talent couldn't be concealed.

Hearing this, Lin Zhou paused in his packing.

He smiled helplessly and said, "I don't like the restraint of work. Roast duck is only sold for one week. It's just a personal hobby."


The farmhouse owner, who had been over-supplementing his brain, was a little overwhelmed when he heard such plain and simple remarks.

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