Mission target: 59/500

After sending away the dazed farm owner, Lin Zhou looked at the number far from the mission target and was not in a hurry.

According to his experience of setting up stalls for so long, the longer the stall is set up in one place, the better the business will be.

Experiment to find the truth!

Even if Lin Zhou had no experience in setting up stalls from the beginning.

After doing the task for so long, he has gained some experience in setting up stalls.

The employees of the farm came a step late after get off work and looked at the empty glass cabinet without a roast duck, and they were puzzled.

Why do I smell the aroma of roast duck, but I can't see the roast duck.


"We have to wait half an hour for the next roast duck."

Lin Zhou gently pulled the roast duck out of the oven and showed it to the workers.

The fat on the duck skin roasted by the open fire in the oven kept dripping down, and the color of the duck skin was not the brown-red color of the finished product, but the orange-yellow sunset color.

"Okay, how much is it?"

"200 per duck."

When the workers heard the price, they tugged at their clothes and calmed down from the aroma of the roast duck.

This roast duck is more than their daily salary, so they are reluctant to part with it.

"Can I buy a quarter?"

When Lin Zhou heard this, he smiled and said of course.

His warm smile made the workers feel much more relaxed.

They were reluctant to spend 200 per duck, but it was okay to buy a few dozen yuan to taste it.

"I smelled the aroma of roast duck a long time ago, but I didn't have time to buy it until after get off work."

"Master bought the duck from our farm, right? I remember that I was the one who plucked the feathers in the morning."

Lin Zhou listened to the workers and smiled and replied, "Yes, your duck feathers are handled very cleanly. I will make roast duck directly when I go back."

Hearing Lin Zhou's praise, the workers blushed and waved their hands, "What's the big deal? We handle it cleanly, so you can eat it with confidence."

The ducks are all handled by them, so they feel more at ease eating them.

"Boss, what time will you come to pick up the duck tomorrow? We will process your duck first and make sure it is clean without damaging the duck skin or even a feather."

Smelling the aroma of roast duck in the air, the workers chatted with Lin Zhou, enthusiastic and generous.

They became familiar with each other in a few seconds.

They wanted to pat their chests and say that they would take care of the duck and would definitely process it beautifully.

Lin Zhou didn't expect such a good thing to happen. "As long as it doesn't delay your business, I will come to pick it up at 8 or 9 tomorrow morning."

"Do you need another 100 ducks?"

"Yes, kill 100 first. After processing, leave it with you. I will bring the things directly and roast them while setting up the stall. It is convenient."

Lin Zhou thought about it carefully. He took the ducks back to process them, and then went out to set up the stall. A day's work was wasted. He roasted them while setting up the stall and sold them freshly roasted, so the daytime would not be wasted.

It was a bit late to set up the stall today.

The 100 roast ducks prepared may not be sold out.

"That's fine, we'll prepare it for you in advance, you can roast it anytime."

The workers said they were fine with anything, and they were very easy to talk to.

Lin Zhou smiled and chatted with them while waiting for the roast duck to be cooked.

After packing the roast ducks for the workers, he took the remaining ducks and closed the stall.

It was past eight o'clock, it was dark, and it was estimated that there would be no one.

The remaining dozen roast ducks were sent to Ziyuan Building as a duty benefit for the employees.

The employees on duty didn't expect such a good thing to happen!

What kind of a godly boss is this, he directly sent more than a dozen roast ducks!

"Wow, I want to work for the boss for the rest of my life. Where can I find such a good boss? He pays generously and tempts me with food."

"Too much, we can't finish it. Hurry up and call the people who have finished work back to eat roast duck."

"Before, I was thinking of asking Dadong to ask the boss where to set up the stall, but I didn't expect it!"

"The boss must know that I want to eat it, so he sent it specially."

"Oh, the boss is so nice, it's so delicious, the roast duck is still hot, where is Dadong, does he know how to slice the roast duck?"

After the employees on duty sent Lin Zhou away, they gathered around the kitchen island and drooled at the row of roast ducks.

But the roast ducks were all whole, so they had no idea where to start.

"Has Mr. Huang left? If he hasn't left, Dadong hasn't left either. Go and call him."

After a while, everyone on the top floor gathered in the kitchen, watching and waiting to eat the roast duck.

Seeing that Dadong was a bit overwhelmed, some people thought about whether to hire a chef. After all, the kitchen was renovated, so it would be fine to set up a company cafeteria, and it would save them from eating takeout every day.

"Boss, what do you think?"

Huang Zhenghao nodded and thought it was okay, but he had to ask the boss's opinion first.

When Dadong heard that he wanted to hire a chef, his hands that were slicing the roast duck panicked.

He looked at the colleague who made the suggestion with a shocked expression, as if to say, I'm slicing roast duck for you, and you actually want to hire a chef to replace me?

When his colleagues saw his gaze, they were all very happy.

"You are not in charge of the kitchen. You have to help the boss. How can you be responsible for the food in the cafeteria?"

Dadong was relieved when he heard that the chef was not recruited to replace his boss's lackey.

He continued to slice the roast duck.

Fortunately, after helping the boss, he specially studied the method of roast duck, otherwise he might not be able to pick up the knife and get started.

Sure enough, his preparation for a rainy day was right.

He was determined to be the boss's number one lackey!


The next day, Dadong came to Lin Zhou's villa early in the morning.

He also brought freshly bought cucumbers and spring onions.

Lin Zhou's work and rest schedule was finally normal this week. He went to bed at 11 o'clock at night and woke up at 7 o'clock in the morning.

When he came down, Dadong had already cut the green onion and cucumber shreds.

If his skills did not meet the boss's requirements, he would have made spring pancakes.

"Boss, is there anything else I need to do?"

"Nothing. I plan to set up a stall at the entrance of the farm today while making roast duck, otherwise I won't be able to sell it all."

Dadong looked at the boss who was full of enthusiasm for setting up a stall, and nodded happily.

"Okay, boss, tell me if you have anything to do. I'm on call 24 hours a day."

Lin Zhou nodded and patted Dadong's shoulder in approval.

The young man is really good, working actively and seriously.

Looking at the cut cucumber shreds, they are thicker and thinner than the previous cold noodle stall that week.

It's obvious that his knife skills have improved. He must have practiced in private.

Knife skills are something that can only be effective if you practice for many years.

"By the way, boss, Mr. Huang asked me to ask you, can the kitchen on the top floor be used as the company cafeteria when it's usually empty? Hire a chef to take care of the employees' meals."

"No problem. You are the ones working in the company. You can hire if you need it. You don't need to ask me about this little thing."

Lin Zhou bowed and walked to the restaurant to prepare for breakfast.

When Dadong came, he not only brought dishes, but also brought breakfast from a five-star breakfast restaurant.

More than a dozen dishes were set up on a large table, waiting for Lin Zhou to eat.

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