Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 228 Is this adding a dish to the farmhouse menu?

"Well, how many roast ducks do you have in this oven?"

The owner of the farmhouse smelled the aroma of roast duck from the oven and swallowed his saliva and asked.

The tourists who bought roast duck in front have already eaten it.

It makes him feel miserable. He has to wait if he comes a step later.

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

Who can refuse a whole roast duck!

Lin Zhou glanced at the roast duck and replied: "Twenty."

"I want all!"

The owner of the farm who was leisurely playing with the dog on the side heard this and his eyes widened.

He can wait in front of the oven without rushing, but it doesn't mean that the whole oven of roast ducks has been bought up by others. He is not in a hurry.

The owner of the farm came forward and saw that he was an acquaintance.

Isn't this Mr. Yang from the farmhouse next door?

"Boss Yang, you are being unkind. I'm still waiting. If you buy it all, what should I eat? I'm still waiting!"

"Oh, Boss Ding, I didn't see you here just now. You're here to buy roast ducks too. How many do you want?"

"One is enough. I just bought one. You are well-informed. There is a roast duck stall in front of my door, and you come. What? Add a dish to your farmhouse menu?"

"Of course, such delicious roast duck will definitely be loved by my customers."

It must be said that Boss Yang knows how to do business. After tasting such delicious roast duck, he doesn't think about how much he wants to eat, but buys it back to do business.

Not everyone knows that there is a roast duck stall here.

Lin Zhou just looked at the two people in front of him and arranged the roast duck that was about to be baked.

"Of course, don't worry about the roast duck. The live ducks bought from me have excellent ingredients!"

The owner of the farm introduced it right away, and was more active than Lin Zhou.

Lin Zhou stood beside the two people, only being a foil in the conversation, and showed a polite smile when they looked over.

I'd better wear a mask for a while, otherwise I always feel that something is missing.

Ten minutes later, the second roast duck came out of the oven.

Lin Zhou took the pole and took out the roast ducks that were sizzling and oozing with oil.

The moment the oven was turned on, the rich aroma swept everything around, and Lin Zhou was closest to the oven.

You can also see the scarlet sparks jumping in the oven, with a fruity aroma, very charming.

The roast duck taken out is also very beautiful, with duck oil dripping down drop by drop.

The owner of the farmhouse, looking at the clean duck oil stored in the groove at the bottom of the oven, his eyes lit up.

"Master, do you sell this roast duck oil?"

Lin Zhou knew from the conversation he had with the owner of the farm just now that this person was running a farmhouse.

Asking about duck oil now, no need to think too much, it's cooking.

"I'll give it to you, no charge."

Lin Zhou had no place to put the duck fat, so it was okay to give it to diners as a gift.

And this was a big customer.

He had to sell 500 roast ducks this week, but with this oven, he only sold 39. He ate one himself, so it doesn't count.

"Thank you so much. You are so young, but your roast duck skills are so good. It's amazing."

The owner of the farmhouse looked at the roast duck roasted by Lin Zhou with an extremely eager look.

A roast duck master with this skill is hard to come by. If he could find a roast duck master in his farmhouse to specialize in roast duck, wouldn't it be easy for his farmhouse to become famous?

"How much money can you make in a day?"

Lin Zhou: "I haven't calculated it, and I don't make money from it."

The owner of the farmhouse was choked by this, and he couldn't continue with the prepared words.

He nodded with a stiff smile on his face, "Very good, very good."

"Well, pack the whole duck."

"Okay, do you want marinade and bread?"

"Yes, marinade." There are plenty of shredded green onions and cucumbers in the farm garden. If you use your own, you can add a name and sell it at a higher price.

Lin Zhou nodded, put a bag on the roast duck that had just been taken out to prevent dust, and packed some red marinade.

Then he left one for the farm owner.

"Boss, are you still going to cut this one up for dinner?"

"No, I'll eat the Peking duck."

He still had half of the chopped duck left, and he could take another Peking duck home. He didn't have to cook meat dishes in the evening, he could just stir-fry two vegetarian dishes and eat.

The farm owner looked at the time and knew he would be off work soon.


The duck was very hot just out of the oven.

Lin Zhou wore gloves and sliced ​​it one by one.

The cuts of the duck meat were steaming and fragrant.

The appetite of the people watching was aroused.

"I have seen people eat roast duck, and they eat the roast duck skin and dip it in sugar."

Lin Zhou: "You can eat it this way, do you want to eat it? I'll give you a slice."

"No, no, I just said that, it's so strange to dip it in sugar."

Lin Zhou smiled. People in different places have different tastes. This can't be said to be unpalatable, it's just personal taste.

"It tastes good, you can try it."

Lin Zhou's words sounded very credible to the farm owner.

I didn't want to try it at first, but I was curious at this time.

It's not troublesome, who doesn't have sugar at home.

I'll try it when I go back in the evening.


On the other side, the owner of the farmhouse returned to the farmhouse with 19 roast ducks, went straight to the kitchen, handed them to the cook, and put them away.

Then he ran to the hall to tell the waiters to add a special limited dish, roast duck-288 per serving.

The price of the farmhouse is not cheap.

The main point is self-production and self-sale, and the dishes and ingredients are all grown and raised in the yard.

The food is pure and natural.

If it is all natural, how can the price be cheap?

A roast duck that costs 200 yuan per piece is sold for 288 yuan after being put on a plate.

He has tasted the roast duck and it is unique.

He thinks it is popular at this price.

If he is not afraid that tourists will know that the roast duck is bought from somewhere else, and find out the price, he will be scolded for selling it too high, he would like to sell it for 388 yuan.

This taste, this price, is totally worth it!

As a catering person, he has eaten in many gourmet restaurants. For him, this roast duck tastes the best in the country.

In Koucheng, it can be said to be the best.

Such a good roast duck chef has fallen to the roadside stall.

In an instant, Boss Ding has filled his mind with many stories about Lin Zhou being excluded because of his outstanding skills, and he can't work in his original place, so he can only come out to set up a street stall.

It's so sad!

Such a good chef's craftsmanship is not valued.

Tomorrow, he will try to get close to him and see if he can dig him to their farmhouse.

Today, I'm not familiar with him, so it's hard to start.

In the kitchen, several employees looked at the roast ducks and lost their focus on their work.

"Where did the boss buy the roast ducks? It's still hot and roasted so well!"

"Yes, it smells so good that I'm greedy. Do you think we can eat it if it's not sold out?"

"I don't know. The boss got the goods from outside and he can't bear to give them to us."

"Are you stupid? If you want to eat it, there will be customers who order it later. When you cut it, leave a piece to taste it. Can't you, as a cook, put up with your mouth?"

The chef who cooked the dishes rolled his eyes speechlessly after listening to the others' words.

We all work in the kitchen. We don't need anything, but this bite of food!


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