Today is already Tuesday. After Lin Zhou bought the duck, he hurried back to prepare.

Five hundred roast ducks were sold in six days, and it is still unknown how the situation will be.

If you want to make roast duck delicious and authentic, the craftsmanship is not simple.

First of all, the duck must be selected well.

This is the first step to delicious taste.

Compared with frozen goods, Lin Zhou still prefers to use fresh ingredients.

No need to thaw after buying, just start preparing directly.

First, gut the ducks one by one and carefully take out all the internal organs.

When they were in the farm, the workers inside killed and plucked the feathers, which saved a lot of trouble.

Then put the duck breast upwards and the duck head outwards.

Chop off the duck feet from the joints. Then, turn the duck over, pinch the duck head with your hand, poke the nozzle of the air compressor into the knife edge of the duck neck, and start to inflate.

This step is to inflate the air into the fat layer outside the skin and meat.

When the air is inflated to 80% or 90%, Lin Zhou pulls out the nozzle and holds the base of the duck neck with his left hand to prevent air from escaping.

The duck body should be inflated to be full, the skin should not be cracked, and the whole body should be beautiful.

It is also a technical job.

Lin Zhou inflated one hundred ducks one by one, and the preparation work took more than two hours.

The inflated ducks, with their chests all bulging, were hung up by iron hooks in the yard of the villa, hanging side by side, what a picture of hanging duck beauties!


On the other side, Xiao Ming, who had not eaten delicious fried skewers for several days in a row, was emo all day long.

The meal was not delicious, and the whole person was out of spirit.

He also posted some sad literature on WeChat Moments every day.

His parents suspected that their child had fallen in love early and had broken up.

"Look at this, disappointment is just normal, but I'm used to pretending, what does it mean?"

"Take a screenshot and show it to him when he grows up."

After the mother said this, she took a screenshot of the dynamic posted by Xiao Ming on WeChat Moments.

The father on the side was hesitant to speak, opened his mouth, and closed it again.

He could imagine the scene when his son saw these dark histories when he grew up.

Social death, too social death!

"And this one, without you, I feel like a fish without water, unable to breathe."

As the mother read, she shook off the goose bumps on her body in embarrassment.

"No, why didn't this child block his family and relatives when posting on WeChat Moments?"

As parents, their faces twisted when they thought that relatives could also see these sad words.

"My son is really in a bad mood these days. Let's ask him in the evening. If he is heartbroken, comfort him well."

The father thought that the child was in his teens and it was indeed time for puberty to fall in love.

This problem must be handled well, otherwise he will be in a bad mood after a breakup and his grades will plummet.

In front, Aunt Ge's grandson couldn't eat delicious fried skewers, and he was emo every day.

In the back, the old men and women in the nursing home began to dislike the dishes made in the cafeteria.

At noon, a group of people came to the cafeteria and looked at the dishes on the buffet table. They didn't even have the desire to serve rice.

"Look at this stewed tofu with green vegetables. It's clear and watery."

"Yes, it's all light dishes, celery fried with lily, bitter melon fried with eggs, pork ribs and kelp soup."

"Oh, I want to eat Maoxuewang."

"I've tasted the taste of fried skewers. Now I have no appetite for these light dishes."

"The doctor said that a light diet is good for the body."

"Forget it. I've eaten fried skewers for two days and I feel much stronger."

"My daughter said that Boss Lin, who sells fried skewers, changes the place to set up the stall every week. I don't know where he will set up the stall this week. She said she will pay attention to Boss Lin's news. When there is news, we will go to eat."

Hu Yunhui is not so worried because her daughter is there.

She ordered two dishes at random, poured a bowl of soup and sat aside. She sent a message to her daughter to ask.

Song Chang was still working. When she received a message from her mother, she picked up her phone and checked it. Only then did she realize that it was noon.

In no hurry to reply to the message, she clicked into the diners group of Boss Lin's steamed bun stall to see the situation.

As a woman with many years of experience in chasing stars, she started looking for fan clubs as soon as she became a fan of Boss Lin.

Of course, Boss Lin’s fans are not fan clubs, so there are not so many requirements.

But there are still customer groups.

After many investigations, based on her experience, she immediately found the largest and formally managed steamed bun stall customer group.

Especially after the investigation, she found that the group owner was someone she knew and was a friend of the other party.

It was someone she met at a dinner party.

This is not a coincidence.

She went directly to the door and used money to get into the customer group.

There were many discussions in the group about where Boss Lin set up his stall.

And after yesterday, everyone had looked in many places, but no trace of Boss Lin was found.

"I have a feeling that it might be hard to find a place for Mr. Lin to set up his stall this week. According to Mr. Lin's habit, he will run away when there are too many people. I'm afraid it's in jeopardy this time."

"Pfft, don't say such unlucky words. I just went to Changzhong Temple to worship. Maybe I can find Mr. Lin soon."

Ever since Lin Zhou went to set up a stall in front of Changzhong Temple, Changzhong Temple has always been very popular.

Because of all kinds of unexpected publicity, I don't know if it's psychological effect, but everyone now thinks that making wishes in Changzhong Temple is very effective.

And with the publicity of diners, more people come to the temple to burn incense.

It has become a tourist attraction in Jiangdong that is more worth checking in.

The monks in the temple are all very happy.

I didn’t expect there would be such a good thing of heaven-sent wealth.

I recited the daily lessons more devoutly and seriously.

Song Chang looked through the group messages for a long time but didn’t see any useful information.

She went online to check again.

She scored very high in the archaeology exam, and even followed Ma Ming’s account, hoping to get some useful information from it.

Of course, Lin Zhou’s small account was not spared.

After another round of checking, there was still no news from Boss Lin, so she replied to his mother.

“There is no latest news from Boss Lin yet, I will tell you when there is news.”

Hu Yunhui: “Okay, don’t work too hard.”

“Don’t worry, mom, I’ll go to eat in a while.”

After saying that, Song Chang finished the work in her hands and got up to eat lunch in the company cafeteria.

Usually at lunch time, she would vote for the idol she followed and do data and so on.

Since she became a fan of Boss Lin, she even changed her phone screen saver to a picture of fried skewers.

Every day, looking at the appetizing food pictures, she has a better appetite for food.

By the way, I watched the food videos that Boss Lin had sold before.


At Ma Ming's home, Ma's parents have not interfered with Ma Ming's life since the wonton stall.

The relationship between the three of them has directly entered a harmonious period.

His parents have not reached retirement age yet, and they still have to go to work every day.

Ma Ming is a full-time live broadcaster at home. He sleeps until the morning and makes lunch.

At noon, Ma's parents come home and can have lunch directly.

These days are so warm that the three of them can't believe it.

But after many days, they get used to it.

"Are you still going out to live broadcast to find Boss Lin today?"

Since Ma Ming live broadcast to find Boss Lin, the popularity of the live broadcast room has risen again.

So Ma Ming is still doing this series.

I live broadcasted all day yesterday, but I didn't find anything.

If nothing unexpected happens, I will go out to look for it today.


(Update late, I went to study how to make roast duck, this chapter counts as yesterday!)

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