"Yes, Boss Lin has many fans and is very cohesive. Going out to see Boss Lin on live broadcast is very popular, and he gives a lot of gifts."

Ma Ming has been focusing on studying to be an anchor these days, and has also learned a lot about making money and capturing traffic.

Regardless of anything else, when it comes to live broadcasting, it must be live broadcasting what fans want to watch, and the money will be earned quickly.

This is much more than what he earned when he graduated and worked.

When the traffic is high, rewards can reach tens of thousands of dollars in one night, which is still very little.

As long as he can make money, he will work hard.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ

When his parents saw the money he earned, they stopped talking.

The money they make in one night is more than the old couple makes in a month combined. Their life experience as parents is no longer applicable to children.

Naturally, there are fewer words.

With less control from them, Ma Ming felt relaxed at home, and the relationship between the family naturally improved.

"It seems that you found Koucheng and didn't go to the last live broadcast. Do you want to go and have a look this time?"

Ma Ming heard that it made sense.

Many diners know that Boss Lin has been to Koucheng to set up a stall before, but no one knows the specific situation.

If the live broadcast goes to Koucheng to find people, it should be popular.

"Okay, then I'll buy a high-speed rail ticket and go to Koucheng today. I'll probably stay there for two or three days and come back if I don't find it."

Ma Ming thought about it and arranged the itinerary.

Neither the horse's father nor the horse's mother had any objections.

The family had a wonderful lunch.

When Ma's father and mother went to work, Ma Ming packed his luggage and first sent out a notice to go to Koucheng Live Broadcast to see Boss Lin, and then booked tickets and a hotel.

Koucheng is close to Jiangdong, so there's nothing to pack. Just bring a couple of changes of clothes.


Lin Zhou went from buying ducks to handling ducks to disemboweling and inflating all the ducks.

After a short break, I boiled a large iron pot of boiling water in the yard and began to scald the dead duck.

The dead ducks hanging on the iron pole were taken down one by one and carried in their hands, from top to bottom, and boiling water was poured on the surface of the duck skin.

When the duck skin is topped with boiling water, the pores shrink and the skin becomes firm and tender.

Then apply skin moisturizer.

Skin water is simple to make, just mix water and maltose in a certain proportion.

Lin Zhou's skin water recipe also adds an appropriate amount of white vinegar and white wine to enhance the flavor.

The characteristics of liquor are that it is easy to evaporate and is flammable. Putting it in skin water will help dry the skin of the duck and is more conducive to coloring. It is very good to add a little appropriately.

The addition of white vinegar can effectively remove the mutton smell of duck body.

Such perfect skin water will continue to be poured on the duck skin. It must be evenly colored so that the crispy skin will look good.

Fortunately, the temperature of the outdoor sunshine is sufficient.

After watering the duck, hang it directly on the iron pole and continue to dry it in the yard.

I feel like one person is a little too busy.

Lin Zhou called Huang Zhenghao and asked the employee who had taught him how to cook to come and help.

When Dadong received the call from his boss, he jumped three feet high with joy.

He knew that his job was top-notch, and his boss would definitely take note of him.

When the rest of the employees heard the boss naming Dadong to help, their eyes turned red with envy.

"Damn it, I also want to take the chef certificate and help the boss. Then I can eat the delicious food cooked by the boss. Dadong is so lucky!"

"I should have known this. I have taken so many certificates, why can't I take another chef certificate and directly join the boss's lap?"

"By the way, who is going on a business trip with Mr. Huang? The boss's new farm needs someone to manage it."

"I won't go. The boss is in Koucheng this week. I have to stay and defend my position."

"Where is the farm?"

"In Jiangdong, the boss lives there most of the time, and Koucheng doesn't come here often. But I bought a villa this time, and I think he will stay there often in the future."

"I don't know, why doesn't the boss live in the building? I miss the staff meals made by the boss, eh eh eh."

After receiving the news, Dadong rushed to the villa where Lin Zhou lived without stopping.

Looking at the rows of maroon-colored roast duck embryos in the yard, my eyes lit up.

Wow, roast duck!

Who doesn’t love this!

Before she even opened her mouth, her saliva started to secrete.

"Boss, I'm here, is there anything I can do to help?"

Dadong sipped his saliva, looked at Lin Zhou and said.

"Look at these roast ducks in the yard. The skin water is here. After drying, wherever the color is different, just brush a little to make up for it. I will go back to the house to make the roast duck ingredients."

The most famous roast duck can be divided into Beijing roast duck and Nanjing roast duck.

Each has its own way of eating, and the taste is also different.

Nanjing roast duck, cut into pieces and poured with special red brine, slightly sweet and slightly sour, moderately salty.

Peking duck, sliced, served with spring pancakes, shredded cucumbers and green onions, sweet noodle sauce, etc., rolled into pancakes and eaten.

Of course there are more ways to eat it.

But Lin Zhou couldn't prepare too many ingredients by himself, so he just prepared them according to these two categories.

According to the system's task requirements, he did not prepare anything and directly sold the roasted ducks. Selling them one by one was the most convenient and hassle-free.

But if you want to eat well, you still have to put in some effort.

Otherwise, I would be sorry for all the hours of hard work I put in.

Roast duck is so tedious that it can be regarded as the most time-consuming food he has made since setting up a stall.

Lin Zhou was kneading the dough and looking at the red brine boiling in the pot. He was very busy.

The work of cutting green onion and cucumber shreds was handed over to Dadong.

After all the preparations were completed, the most important step was left.

Roast duck, of course it had to be roasted!

This week's tricycle was completely transformed by the system.

Above the counter is a table, where things are placed and roast ducks are hung.

In the lower compartment is a large oven.

There is a place to place firewood as fuel, and there is also a place to hang roast ducks. One oven can hang twenty roast ducks, which is very large.

Lin Zhou is willing to call this oven black technology.

It looks very easy to use.

It makes him want to make a roast duck immediately.

Time is tight, Lin Zhou directly ignites the fruit wood he bought, puts it in the oven to make a fire, and then starts to hang roast ducks in the oven.

This special roast duck tricycle also stunned Dadong.

This cost is not cheap, right?

It looks very expensive!

Dadong estimated that this oven would cost tens of thousands of yuan, and since it was modified from a tricycle, the cost of this tricycle would be hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Rich people's hobbies are not cheap even if they are set up as a roadside stall!

Dadong's heart was throbbing.

He was tired of saying the word "envy".

There are so many rich people in the world, what's wrong with one more!

"Put the rest of the roast ducks in the fresh-keeping boxes, I have to go to the stall."


Dadong was still staring at the tricycle in a daze, and he didn't react for a while when he heard this.

He was roasting ducks and going to the stall at the same time?

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