But when it’s time to fish, you still have to fish.

Just like now.

He even had his job of packing food for diners taken away. He was really speechless!

Sometimes it's not good if diners are too enthusiastic.

Lin Zhou silently took back the hand that was holding the bag and glanced resentfully at the diners who were working quickly.

Work is work, but if you don’t have time to fish, it will be difficult to lose weight.

"Boss Lin, I cry to death, you are the real hero!"

"No, with this skill, he can benefit the public, he is a contemporary Lei Feng!"

"Don't, don't, don't, it's exaggerated, it's exaggerated. If you keep boasting, I will become a god."

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Listening to their more and more outrageous praise, Lin Zhou quickly interrupted.

So shameful, so shameful!

You have to praise him behind his back, or praise him in front of his face, who can withstand this!

Lin Zhou felt that his ears were a little hot.

It seems that he is not thick-skinned enough!

"Boss Lin, you are my god!"

Following the roar of the diner, Lin Zhou dug his toes into the ground in utter shame.

Silently he pulled up the mask.

I wish I could wear a hat and hide myself.

There's just too much heat this week.

Lin Zhou looked at so many diners and thought about finishing the task in one day and then resting and cooling down.

Otherwise, so many people would attract the traffic police and the road would almost be blocked.

Maybe he will be driven away and not allowed to set up a stall.

Seeing that there was no decrease in diners after selling for a long time, Lin Zhou made up his mind and asked the butler to continue delivering ingredients.

He has completed his task today and is closing the stall.


The diners in front didn’t know.

The diners at the back saw that the line had reached past 12 o'clock, but Boss Lin hadn't taken over the stall yet.

I couldn't help but ask one more question.

Then I heard the bad news.

"What? Boss Lin, you're going to have a rest after you finish selling today?"

The diners who thought they were extremely lucky, heard this as a bolt from the blue, and immediately held the fried skewers, neither happy nor unhappy.

The expressions are a little distorted.

"No, Boss Lin, I haven't eaten enough yet."

"That's right, Boss Lin, I asked you why you are so lucky today. The queue was past 12 o'clock and you can still buy it. It turned out to be waiting for me here."

Lin Zhou: "The longer the stall is set up here, the more people there will be. It has already affected traffic. Let's see you next week."

"Then where will you set up your stall next week?"

"I don't know. Let's talk next week."


What’s the difference between saying this and not saying it?

After Lin Zhou closed the stall and left, he knew everything he needed to know.

The diners who were originally happy to buy fried skewers suddenly stopped laughing.

"I just say that there are too many people who don't know. When there are too many people, Boss Lin will close the stall early to avoid the heat. It was the same week before the braised pork rolls."

"Brothers, if there is something good, why don't we hide it? Everyone who has to do it will know it. Now that it's good, we won't have to eat it."

"That's so funny upstairs. If the girl at the nursing home hadn't given Boss Lin the location this week, would so many people have been able to eat it?"

"That's right, that's how I ate it. If I ate it myself, I would throw the bowl to prevent others from eating it, right?"

"It's all due to that marketing account. Somehow, food bloggers got mixed up among the diners. They took pictures of Boss Lin's stall and posted them online. More people knew about it, and many of us old diners didn't get to eat."

"Hey, what are you guys arguing about? Boss Lin's cooking skills are so good. The more people eat it, the more people will know about it. You can't hide it."

"Besides, Boss Lin will change places to set up stalls every week, so there will be more people in each place. There is no point in your arguing."

The more fans there are, the more comments there are.

Lin Zhou rarely pays attention to online news.

After completing this week's tasks, I'm completely at home.

I lie down for several hours without turning over.

The reward for this mission was a farm. Lin Zhou called Huang Zhenghao directly and asked him to take over and manage it.

Huang Zhenghao is professional in this regard.

Huang Zhenghao's team was also purchased for managing Lin Zhou's properties.

Lin Zhou was systematic and Xianyu was extremely thorough.

After the tasks were refreshed in the new week, he cheered up and looked at the tasks carefully.

[This week’s task: Sell a total of 500 roast ducks. Mission location: Koucheng-Guangda Breeding Farm entrance. 】

(Note: There is no requirement for task time.)

[Recipe: "Secret Roast Duck Recipe\

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