“Yeah, but I don’t think you’re very competitive. I’ve seen a lot of pretty girls around the boss these past two days.

Song Chang:......

“Are you my biological mother?”

Although Song Chang didn’t think so, this is something that only a biological mother could say.

“Hahahaha, of course it is. Look at how you look like me. You’re so pretty.”

“Mom, don’t worry about my lifelong affairs. I’m so busy every day. How can I have time to find a partner? "

Song Chang knew why her mother was like this.

She was just worried that when she was gone, she would not have a family and would be too lonely.

Even at her age, she did not want to get married just for the sake of getting married.

She thought that no matter how old she was, she should at least have the idea of ​​pursuing love.

If there was no love, how could she survive the next few decades of daily necessities, the big and small trivialities and troubles in life.

With love, at least she would be willing, would not complain, and would not think about why she wanted to get married.

Without love, it would be too painful, and it would be completely a mutual torture between two people.

Mom also knew what she was thinking.

So she had never urged her to get married, and only joked with her when she occasionally met a handsome boy.

She was afraid that she would not find a partner for a long time and lose interest in men.

Only because of their good mother-daughter relationship could they talk about such intimate topics unscrupulously.

"You can be busy, but you can't be without a man around you, right? Anyway, you have money, and it's not bad to spend money to find a handsome boy to adjust your life. "

Song Chang almost choked to death on her own saliva when she heard her mother's words.

Who is more conservative, her or her mother!

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. Lao Wang and Lao Li are arguing again. I have to go and persuade them."

Song Chang: OK......

Her luck with men is not as good as her mother's!

Song Chang, who was bored, searched for information about Boss Lin on the Internet while waiting in line.

The more she dug, the more greedy she became!

Even Weibo had topics related to Boss Lin's diners.

Click in and you will see all the Weibo posts from diners.

And the top three hot searches in the city were all about Boss Lin, which was awesome.

Why didn't she realize that there was such a popular snack stand in Jiangdong before?

Look at this No.1: Boss Lin set up a stall in front of the Happy Nursing Home this week

No.2: Boss Lin set up a stall at 8 o'clock

No.3: Boss Lin fried skewers

No.4: Boss Lin's identity was exposed


The fried skewers were so delicious, those she had previously I have never tasted wontons, braised pork rolls, fried chicken, cold noodles, steamed buns... they must be so delicious!

I regret getting into this so late!

But what is Boss Lin's identity?

Song Chang clicked in curiously.

Then she saw many Weibo posts posted by netizens.

There was a photo of Butler Sun driving a luxury car worth more than 3 million yuan to deliver food to Lin Zhou yesterday.

There were also netizens who knew cars below, marking the models and prices of luxury cars.

As netizens dug deeper.

Even the photos of Lin Zhou who rarely drove out Bugatti were posted.

"Once I met a handsome guy driving a Bugatti on the road. At that time, I just thought the car was so handsome and it was a limited edition. I had never seen it before, so I took a photo of it. Now the more I look at the driver, the more he looks like Boss Lin. ”

The photo in the picture is Lin Zhou.

Although it is a back view.

But all of Lin's fans can recognize him by his hairstyle and figure.

The comments below are all detectives.

"It's Lin at first glance. There is a small mole under Lin's ear. This photo was taken from the back. The mole can be seen when it is enlarged. It is very obvious."

"Oh my god, do you look at Lin's photos every day? You can recognize a mole."

"And his hands!"

"Look at his hands. Lin's arms are well-defined, slender and have some blue veins. It's not too easy to recognize. When I usually go to see him cooking, I like to stare at his hands."

"I was shocked to see Lin's housekeeper driving the food. I didn't expect to see this photo."

"I knew Lin was rich, but I didn't expect him to be so rich. "

"Seeing this news, I suddenly remembered a piece of news I saw online before, saying that Boss Lin lived in the Royal Capital, but that news was deleted very quickly, and everyone thought it was unlikely, so it didn't make a splash. Now it seems to be true."

Song Chang looked at these comments, and her eyes widened as she read.

Is this the configuration that a roadside stall can have?

It's not enough that the craftsmanship is so delicious, and we are so rich!

No wonder the girls queuing up to buy fried skewers in the crowd early in the morning are all fully made up, and they are so exquisite as if they are attending some kind of party.

Look at her loose sportswear, no wonder her mother said she is not competitive.


Behind the stall, Lin Zhou looked at the diners who were particularly enthusiastic today, and he was also very uncomfortable.

"Well, there is no need for so many people to help. There are still fried skewers, and there is no need for skewers for the time being. Everyone just wait to eat. "

Looking at the countless number of diners who wanted to help him after ordering, Lin Zhou really didn't know how to refuse.

"Hey, seeing that Boss Lin is so rich and he comes out to set up a stall every day to cook for us, I am really a little flattered. The key is that he sells so cheaply. If I don't do something, I will feel uneasy when eating."

A big man took a napkin from Lin Zhou's stall, held it in his hand, wiped the corners of his eyes emotionally and said.

Lin Zhou:......

"It's not very cheap, just the normal price. I've sold porridge for 100 yuan a bowl."

Lin Zhou was amused by the funny actions of the diners and said self-deprecatingly.

"Oh, I didn't eat it, but if you sell it to me, I'll eat it for 1,000 yuan!"

Not to mention the amazing cooking skills, just take the rich people setting up stalls to cook for you, and you eat that status!

What level is he, to be able to eat the food sold by rich people who are worth billions of yuan.

It's exciting to think about it.

If you tell others, others will not believe it, and they may even think he is bragging.

"But, Boss Lin, you are so rich, I saw someone posted a photo of you driving a Bugatti on the Internet, why do you still come out to set up a stall every day, it's so hard."

Since the diners knew that Boss Lin was so rich, this question was the most curious to everyone.

When they heard someone ask, they all opened their eyes wide and listened with ears perked up.

"Isn't it a pity that I can't let more people taste my excellent cooking skills?"

He has unparalleled cooking skills given by the system, but no one knows about it. What's the point?

People should always have some value.

How can it be better to be liked and admired by so many people if you hide it secretly?

Lin Zhou has always been a very honest person.

He has the courage to face his heart calmly.

He enjoys the rewards brought by the system for completing tasks, and he also likes to be sought after by diners in this process.

For this reason, he now sets up a stall with passion and love.

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