Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 219 Does our company have any consolation activities?

"Hey, you don't know, when I arrived at four o'clock..."

As soon as the man who was speaking opened his mouth and mentioned that he arrived at four o'clock, the eyes of the others were all staring at him.

"Good guy, you are really good!"

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"Boss Lin set up the stall at eight o'clock, you came at four o'clock!"

"Look at these old men and old ladies, they even moved out their beds to take up space."

"Don't interrupt, listen to me."

The man waved his hand nonchalantly, if he was not active in eating, when would he be active.

Come earlier, buy the first batch of fried skewers, he can still go to work in time.

The later you come, the more time you waste.

The others no longer care about what he saw, but are curious about why he can come so early.

"Brother, did you come here to queue up before sleeping, or what?"

"Yes, I'm curious too. I came here at 5 o'clock and I think I'm early."


Will you listen to what happened?

It's really uncomfortable to want to share but can't!

"I forced myself to change the time difference. I go to work at 9 o'clock and get off work at 6 o'clock. When I get home, I clean up and go to bed. I wake up at 2 or 3 o'clock and come to queue up directly."

Good guy!

Hearing about this schedule, the other diners cast admiring eyes at him.

Not everyone can sleep as soon as they say they will.

"Listen to the key points!"

"After I came, not long after, there were uncles and aunts carrying folding recliners and beds. They were well-trained and lined up in a row and just lay down!"

Very good, it's a picture.

Whoever sees this will be confused.

It took Gao Jiazhi a long time to remember to notify his friends in the group, and he quickly took a photo of the scene of queuing on the spot and sent it to the group.

"Brothers, hurry up, the places within the top 50 are gone, but you can still grab the places within the top 100."

Don't mention how shocked the old diners were when they saw the group message.

In fact, except for a few old men and women who have good sleep quality, the rest of them are awake at this time.

The nursing home starts to provide breakfast at 6 o'clock.

To buy fried skewers today, everyone didn't even eat breakfast and lined up on the roadside with folding recliners.

When I got to the place, I didn't know what to do. I was stared at by a group of people, which was very embarrassing.

It's still early for the fried skewers stall to open.

It's better to lie down with your eyes closed.

Until after 6 o'clock, more and more people came to the scene, and the voices became louder.

Everyone opened their eyes one after another.

"Lao Wang, I see they all bring small stools to reserve seats, why don't we do the same?"

"That makes sense, I'm a little hungry, let's go back and have breakfast first, and then line up again."

"Okay, then put the recliner here, leave something to reserve a seat, let's go."

Then the diners watched the uncles and aunts, one by one, get up, pat their butts and leave.

Leaving behind a long row of folding beds and folding chairs.

"What do you think, I can help my friend get a folding chair to queue up?"

Some diners who came early saw this scene and wanted to take advantage of it.

Anyway, there are so many benches on the scene, and one extra one should not be noticed by anyone, right?

The diners next to him heard what he said and glanced at him silently, "If you want to be beaten, you can try it, there are so many people watching here, do you think no one has done what you said?"

Everyone got up early to line up, and they hated things like cutting in line, or queuing for others when they were not there.

Whenever they found one, a group of people would surround him and reason with him, without exception.

As for how to convince people, it depends on each person's ability.

Because the queue time is boring, I don't know how many people are staring at the long row of benches.

If there is one more, you can find it.

The diners who thought they had a good idea:......

On the other hand, yesterday the leader took a department to ask for leave to buy fried skewers.

But, the excuse of being in the hospital for a car accident has been found, how should they think of queuing up to buy fried skewers today?

A group of people stood in the queue, thinking hard.

Then one of them looked at the elderly people lying on the recliners in front of them and queuing leisurely.

A light bulb flashed.

"Manager, does our company have any charity condolence activities?"

The leader nodded, there is such an activity, every month, it is an old tradition of the company.

Following his gaze, a group of people looked at the elderly in front, and then looked at the nursing home not far away, and suddenly realized.

"Your brain is really quick!"

"Yes, we can tell the higher-ups that we will come to the nursing home to express our condolences today!"

"That's right, after we buy the fried skewers, we can buy some other things, visit the nursing home to express our condolences, take photos, and implement the activity, isn't that enough?"

"That makes sense, this reason is fine."

The employees all thought this was a good idea, and then looked at the leader and waited for the leader's decision.

"Okay, let's do it this way. Although it was not reported in advance, it's not a big problem. I'll solve it."

The leader felt that it could be operated, so he agreed.

Then he took out his mobile phone and started typing.

The employees who were relieved and could line up with peace of mind were all very happy.

The eyes looking at the leader were full of admiration.

They just like this kind of leader who stands with their employees!

At first, I regretted turning some people into fans of Boss Lin. Now I finally experienced what happiness is.

Although there are many people competing with him for fried skewers, it feels so good to have a leader take the lead in asking for leave to buy fried skewers with everyone.

At least I don’t have to worry about being scolded by the leader for being late.

If there is something, there is a leader in front!


At the urging of her mother, Song Chang also rushed to the entrance of the nursing home to line up at around 6 o'clock.

But the mother and daughter were still separated.

Song Chang stood at the back and Hu Yunhui stood at the front.

When Lin Zhou rode a tricycle to the entrance of the nursing home.

Song Chang stared at Lin Zhou without blinking.

With the addition of delicious fried skewers, Lin Zhou seemed to have a filter in Song Chang's eyes at this moment, beating all the celebrity idols she had supported before.

Can those people make fried skewers that make people linger!


She announced that Boss Lin would be her new idol in the future!

Song Chang, who has no other hobbies but likes to chase stars, really loves Lin Zhou at this moment.

She took out her mobile phone and sent a message to her mother.

"Mom, you are right, he is really handsome, but he is handsome, the key is that his cooking skills are good."

Song Chang thought of the fried skewers she ate yesterday, and she felt very ignorant.

She never thought that the fried skewers that can be seen everywhere can be so delicious.

It simply overturned her perception of fried skewers.

The key is that there are many types of fried skewers.

Each different ingredient has a different taste.

Combined together, every time you eat a skewer, there is a new surprise.

Ten skewers are not enough.

The mother and daughter each ate a skewer and were not satisfied until the end.

Hu Yunhui was still sighing, if she had known that Lao Wang and Lao Li sent the fried skewers, she would have accepted them.


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