Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 216 Boss Lin, tell us that this is someone you hired!

On the other side, after receiving Lin Zhou's call, Sun Deye immediately drove to buy groceries.

I rushed to the nearest supermarket and started shopping.

They can't make fried skewers that require special marinating, so they can only buy fresh ingredients that don't need to be processed.

Then I go home and start washing and preparing vegetables with my aunts.

All neatly cut and packed into boxes.

An hour later, Butler Sun came over with fresh ingredients, and Lin Zhou's inventory happened to be sold out.

Chatting with diners.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Seeing that Lin Zhou's ingredients were sold out and the stall had not yet been confiscated, the diners behind him really believed that such a good thing happened today.

The sun really comes out from the west.

When Boss Lin finished selling the ingredients, he confiscated the stall and asked someone to deliver the ingredients instead.

It’s really a rare opportunity in a hundred years!

Everyone was bragging about their awesomeness while waiting for the ingredients to arrive.

Then I saw a luxury car driving in from the intersection, and the diners in line moved to the side to stop blocking the road.

The bored diners even asked the people next to them how much the car cost.

"What brand is this? I've seen it online. It seems to cost more than three million, right?"

"I don't know. Take a photo and search online for the car."

"It's so handsome. Look at the lines and design. It's my favorite."

"We can only take a look. This kind of car is not affordable for ordinary families."

"Hey, is this car passing by or something? Why did it drive towards us?"

"Maybe we're here to eat the fried skewers made by Boss Lin."

"Rich people also eat fried skewers?"

"What the hell, what do you mean? Boss Lin is such a good cook. Rich people may not have eaten such delicious fried skewers. Isn't it normal to come here for dinner?"

"It makes sense. Even if I have money, I can't give up the delicious food made by Boss Lin."

As the man spoke, he looked at Lin Zhou with an expression that said, "I love Boss Lin the most."

Seeing him as such a thief, people around him also expressed their love for him to Lin Zhou.

It's like a comparison meeting.

Lin Zhou, who was shown love by everyone:...

Lin Zhou's face was twisted and he really didn't know how to answer the question.

Fortunately, there was a mask as a protective suit, otherwise he felt like he would blush.

Butler Sun found an open space and parked the car. He quickly got out of the car and went around to the trunk to carry ingredients.

In the eyes of all the diners, he looked like a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, getting out of a luxury car in a stylish manner.

His temperament is that of a wealthy person.

The texture of the suit is very good, exquisite and wrinkle-free, with the luster of the fabric, attracting everyone's attention in the sun.

Then he walked to the trunk and took out a big crisper.

Um? Moving boxes?

Before the diners could wonder, they saw a man carrying boxes heading straight to Boss Lin's stall.

Everyone seemed to smell the atmosphere of Yougua, and watched the follow-up with wide eyes.

A middle-aged man in a suit walked up to Boss Lin and respectfully called Mr. Lin.

"Sir, the ingredients you asked for are ready. Time is tight. They have been cleaned and cut, but they haven't been skewered yet."

"It's okay, there's someone here."

Lin Zhou took the ingredients, and then Butler Sun went to the trunk to bring another box of ingredients.

One box of vegetarian food and one box of meat food, packed separately.

This unexpected scene made the diners confused.

what's the situation?

First, Boss Lin sold out the ingredients and made a phone call to have them delivered.

Then a middle-aged man in a suit and leather suit drove a luxury car and brought two large boxes of ingredients.

And this man actually called Mr. Boss Lin.

No, what is Boss Lin’s identity?

The diners' heads were spinning.

I forgot to ask for a moment.

After the man delivered the ingredients and saw so many people at the scene, he asked Boss Lin if he wanted to help.

Seeing that Boss Lin didn't need help, he drove away in a luxury car.

A simple scene, but it brought a great shock to the diners at the scene.

After Lin Zhou sent the butler away, he looked at the replenished ingredients and looked at the next diner with satisfaction, ready to continue doing business.

He saw a group of diners all staring at him blankly.


What's going on? Is this?


As someone yelled "Fuck", everyone woke up, and the "Fuck" continued for a while.

"Boss Lin, what's going on? No? This? Who are you, this uncle driving a luxury car delivering food?"

"Boss Lin, do you have any other surprises that I don't know about?"

"Boss Lin, tell me quickly, do you have any special status?"

"Damn it, I found out. The top price of this SUV is over three million!"

"Boss Lin..."

The diners who woke up were full of doubts and gathered around one by one.

Question after question.

Lin Zhou didn't know which answer to answer.

I could only choose questions that were not difficult to answer, and replied: "Well... I don't have any special status. The uncle is my housekeeper, there is no relationship."

"What? Boss Lin, do you still have a butler?"

"Boss Lin, why are you so rich in love?"

"I don't believe it. They are all workers. Boss Lin worked hard to set up the stall. I still felt sorry for you, but you stabbed me in the back."

"Ah, I feel bad. Why are you so rich, Boss Lin?"

"Really or not, Boss Lin, please tell me this is your request, otherwise I will feel uncomfortable."

"Boss Lin, you are so rich, you actually set up a stall selling fried skewers?"

"Wow, I'm touched. Boss Lin is so rich, and he still comes out to set up a stall and cook for us. What else can I say? Boss Lin, I love you for ten thousand years!"

"Boss Lin, do you need a girlfriend? You are so stubborn about gender!"

When they heard that the middle-aged man who drove a luxury car to deliver the food was Boss Lin's housekeeper.

The diners suddenly became even crazier. They climbed onto the tricycle one by one, wishing to give it to Lin Zhou.

"Are you guys still going to eat fried skewers?"

Lin Zhou's head was buzzing because of the noise. They all crowded together and talked, and he couldn't hear what these people were saying.

When it came to eating, the group of people calmed down.

Boss Lin is a rich man, but he still has to eat.

After discovering that Boss Lin is rich, the diners felt even more worried.

Although they had always heard Boss Lin say that setting up a stall was a hobby.

But no one took it seriously.

They felt that Boss Lin had such good skills and such good business, how could he bear to give up setting up a stall.

If they were in their place, they would have wanted to set up a stall to make money every day.

Until they found out that Boss Lin actually had a luxury car and a butler, they immediately stopped talking.

He was so rich, so he didn't make money by setting up a stall to sell snacks, right?

Suddenly, the fear of not being able to eat the delicious food made by Boss Lin took over.

"Eat, eat, eat, everyone, move back, don't squeeze Boss Lin, Boss Lin, do you need help, I'll skewer you."

Lin Zhou:......

Everyone is quite pragmatic.

They knew that everything else had nothing to do with them, only the fried skewers in front of them were theirs.

And because of Boss Lin's identity, everyone felt that a rich man was making food for them, and they immediately looked forward to the fried skewers even more.


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