"Hey, I didn't expect Boss Lin to be so rich and still set up a stall every day to do business. Oh my God, what reason do I have for not working hard!"

"Stop it, you are a person who comes in late and leaves early every day, trying to catch fish at work. How can you say this?

In the crowd, Wen Nan listened to his colleague Xiao Wang's arrogant words, and was too embarrassed to expose him.

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"You'd better think about it carefully. Boss Lin is so rich. If one day he doesn't come out to set up a stall, let's eat whatever he wants."

Wen Nan was extremely sad.

Their working hours do not allow the two of them to go to work after buying fried skewers.

Since meeting Boss Lin, the two of them have become the ones who take the most leave in the company and ask for leave at every turn.

So now the boss basically ignores their requests for leave.

Except for one day off per week, the salary for the rest of the day will be deducted if you take leave.

They also want to eat the delicious food cooked by Boss Lin every day.

But the strength does not allow it.

Without a job, where would the salary come from? Without money, he couldn't even afford the food cooked by Boss Lin, so it would be a waste.

Reality is always cruel.

So today the two of them made an appointment to rest together and came to buy fried skewers.

This is so early in the morning, I guess I can only eat this meal this week.

"Do you still have to worry about this?"

"Let me ask you, since Boss Lin is rich, did he suddenly become rich? Someone who can own a butler's luxury car cannot become rich overnight. If it is possible, Boss Lin will not come out to set up a stall every day."

After listening to Xiao Wang's words, Wen Nan nodded, it made sense.

Then Xiao Wang continued to analyze, "When someone urged Boss Lin to set up a stall at the beginning, they said that Boss Lin had such a good business and didn't even make any money from the delivery. Boss Lin said that he was not short of money and would set up a stall. I just like to cook food, it’s just a personal hobby.”

"It's just that no one believed it, thinking that no one would work hard to set up a stall, not for money, but for some hobby."

"To sum up, Boss Lin should have always been rich. As long as his identity has not changed, he used to like setting up stalls, but he doesn't like it anymore? It's possible, but it's not something we can control."

"So, what are you worried about?"

These words not only woke up Wen Nan, who was anxious after discovering that Boss Lin was rich, but also the other diners waiting in line.

"Damn, that makes so much sense!"

What's the use of being anxious, worried, and anxious about things that they can't control?

When Boss Lin sets up a stall, they can enjoy the food. If he doesn't set up a stall, they can just continue living.

Can you still hold Boss Lin’s head and cook them food?

I want to eat shit!

People can't be anxious about things that haven't happened yet, otherwise they will consume themselves internally.

Wen Nan looked at him in surprise as if it was the first day she met Xiao Wang.

Good guy, let me chat with you and you will be my life coach?


"There are also bananas. How do you eat fried bananas?"

Lin Zhou took out the ingredients one by one, and the tray in the glass cabinet suddenly became full.

People are not so particular about foods like mushrooms, cabbage, and leeks that can be fried without skewers.

As long as there is some, you can eat it. If you don't have a skewer, just fry it and use a pair of disposable chopsticks, it will still taste delicious.

"Just fresh bananas wrapped in batter and fried. No need to apply sauce, just eat it directly. You can also add cheese powder, or tomato sauce, or salad dressing."

Lin Zhou was busy heating the oil pan.

While seasoning the minced meat stuffed by Butler Sun.

I also had to answer questions for diners, so I was very busy.

But the duration is also disappearing.

Butler Sun carefully prepared the seasonings and the soaked onions and ginger.

Diners also got to see how some delicious fried skewers are made.

"Then bring me a fried banana and two skewers of pork belly slices..."


While the diners were ordering, Lin Zhou was holding the tray, placing the ingredients on the tray according to the ingredients ordered by the diners, then holding a sign and handing the number to the other party.

There were many people ordering food. In order to distinguish them, Lin Zhou took out the digital shelf and used it.

Just wait until it's fried and call the number for diners to pick it up.

Peel the bananas, throw them into the batter, coat them with a layer of batter, throw them directly into the oil pan and fry them.

Bananas wrapped in batter are thrown into the pot. They are fried in a short time until they are round and chubby. There is no need to fry them again. They are golden and crispy on the outside and can be taken out.

Sprinkle a layer of white cheese powder according to the taste of the diner.

When the cheese powder is sprinkled on the surface of the fried banana, it is melted by the heat, and the fried banana suddenly has a rich cheese milk aroma.

People who have never eaten fried bananas and think it is a dark dish are very surprised.

It turns out that this is how fried bananas are eaten.

The diners who had never eaten it took it, blew it twice perfunctorily, and stuffed it into their mouths. As expected, they got burned.

"Siha~ So hot!"

Lin Zhou:......

How grown up!

"Eat slowly, it must be very hot right out of the pan."

The crispy outer shell breaks apart as soon as you bite it, revealing the hot banana inside, which is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, sweet and fragrant with banana.

The taste is very novel, something I have never tasted before.

Sweet and tender.

It has a completely different taste than raw banana.

No wonder the fried skewers stalls all have fried bananas. I originally thought it was a dark dish, but now that I taste it, I feel that there must be a certain reason for the appearance of some foods.

If it doesn’t taste good, no one will buy it.

"It's delicious. This is what fried banana tastes like."

The diners stood by, eating one bite after another.

The diners who were still queuing were all greedy.

"Well, Mr. Lin, give me a fried banana too. Is it delicious?"

The diners who couldn't understand, although they didn't understand, couldn't help but order a bunch to try when they saw the man eating.

"You can imagine it's similar to eating fried pumpkin pie, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with the fragrance of banana, and the addition of condensed milk cheese, a bit like eating dessert."

The diners who ate bananas thought about it and described the taste.

With a comparison of pumpkin pie, everyone didn't think of fried bananas as dark cuisine.

"Speaking of which, pumpkin pie is indeed delicious, Mr. Lin, do you have pumpkin pie?"

"No, there are not many ingredients today, I can make some tomorrow."

Lin Zhou found out that these diners want to eat everything.

They can't wait to fry everything and try it.

"I tell you, fried silkworm pupae are delicious, so fragrant!"

Lin Zhou:......

Lin Zhou lowered his head and pretended not to hear.

Good guy, ordering dishes to the worms.


Auntie Ge, started queuing a little after nine o'clock.

It was already past 10 o'clock, and she was still queuing.

Although queuing is nothing to her, she has queued back and forth when buying rice at a discount in the supermarket.

But her grandson will be out of school after 11 o'clock, and she has to go back to cook in advance.

I don't know if I will make it in time.

"Young man, how long will it take?"

Auntie Ge has been queuing until now, and she hasn't seen Lin Zhou's stall.

There is no choice but to ask the diners in front.


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