"Ten skewers are not enough, listen to me, twenty skewers per person!"

The old diner waved his hand, and his words were echoed by hundreds of people. 【】

The diners around were all cheering, making the atmosphere lively.

But when they saw Boss Lin looking at them quietly, they immediately backed off.

"Hey, just kidding, Boss Lin~"

"Give me a skewer of chicken wings, tenderloin, starch sausage, rice cake, black stinky tofu, cabbage, lotus root, eggplant box, green pepper stuffed meat, quail eggs."

The customer counted on his fingers and ordered, looking at the fried skewers that were not favored, and drooling.

"Brother, you really know how to eat, and what you order is technically demanding."

The buddy squatting next to Lin Zhou to help skewer, looked at him approvingly.


He knows how to order dishes.

Half of the orders were made by Boss Lin himself.

"That's a must~"

The diners happily joined the skewers army.

After ordering the dishes, they had to wait for them to be fried.

The waiting time was just enough to help Boss Lin skewer the skewers, saving Boss Lin's time.

"Come, give me a pair of disposable gloves."

Four or five people each held a fresh-keeping box of vegetables, and they were so excited to skewer them.

When their fried skewers were packed, the next diners would take over.

The diners waiting to eat didn't give Lin Zhou any time to slack off.

They wanted to do all the chores.

They were afraid that they would delay their time to eat fried skewers.

"Oh my god, these chicken wings are so tender!"

The marinated chicken wings were thrown into the oil pan and fried. They were golden and crispy. After brushing them with sauce, they were eaten immediately. The outer shell was still crispy, and the tender inside was smoking. When they took a bite, they were hot and fragrant, and they were so excited to eat.

Fresh chicken wings, marinated and well-seasoned, fried without any peculiar smell, fresh and delicious, it feels like a dream back to the fried chicken stall.

But the fried chicken wings taste completely different from the fried chicken.

They taste different, but the only thing they have in common is that they are both delicious.

"Boss Lin, don't you have fried chicken legs? The kind of big chicken legs that are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside?"

"No, I'll prepare some tomorrow, but if I want to fry them, they should only have a crispy and fragrant taste, not necessarily crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, because the chicken legs are too big. Unless they are chicken wings."

As soon as the diner said this, Lin Zhou already had a picture in his mind.

The description made the diner greedy.

"Oh my God, Boss Lin, I love everything you cook, whether it's a big chicken leg or a chicken wing root, as long as it's meat, I love it!"

The diners behind him saw that they could still order dishes, so they immediately came up.

"Boss Lin, I want to eat preserved eggs, is that okay?"

"Spicy preserved eggs~"

Lin Zhou: "Hmm?"

This magical tone immediately attracted Lin Zhou's attention.

"What? Spicy preserved eggs?"

"Yes, that's the way it tastes."

Lin Zhou:......

"I'll see if there's any in the market tomorrow."

"Then Boss Lin, can I eat fried preserved eggs?"

Seeing that Lin Zhou was easy to talk to, another head popped up right behind him.

Lin Zhou:......

The tastes of this group of diners are really unique.

"Stop talking, Boss Lin has stopped his hands just listening to you guys talking."

Lin Zhou:......

Lin Zhou was choked by all of this and couldn't speak.

Good guy, who can eat better than you guys!


Song Chang woke up and saw the message her mother sent her at six in the morning.

Telling her to get up and come to the nursing home to eat fried skewers.

There were too many people in line, and she was afraid she wouldn't be able to eat.

Eating fried skewers actually made such a big fuss, full of urgency.

This made Song Chang very interested in the fried skewers stand at the entrance of the nursing home.

She got up immediately, washed, changed her clothes, dressed up, and went out beautifully.

As a result, before she reached the entrance of the nursing home, she found that the intersection was blocked!

No, it can't be said to be a traffic jam, it was directly blocked by people.

The intersection was blocked by people queuing.

She couldn't even drive in.

She thought about finding a parking space on the side of the road to park the car, but she didn't find a parking space after going back and forth twice on the same road.

Song Chang sent a message to her mother helplessly.

"Mom, I'm stuck at the intersection and can't get in. Is there any place to park?"

Hu Yunhui had already bought fried skewers and was waiting for her daughter at the entrance of the nursing home.

Seeing that her daughter couldn't come in, she took the fried skewers to find her.

The attentive old Li and old Wang saw Hu Yunhui leaving, rolled their eyes at each other, and turned around and left.

It can be seen how much they don't get along.

The rivals are particularly jealous when they meet, not to mention that they live in the same nursing home.

"Hey, Lao Wang, don't leave in a hurry. Xiao Hu doesn't want to eat, but I do. I didn't buy any fried skewers today. Give me some to try."

The old men who didn't buy any on the side gathered around him.

Hu Yunhui bought the fried skewers, but she didn't care. They did!

"Go away, go away. I bought them for my sister Hui. Why are you joining in the fun?"

"She doesn't want them. What's wrong with me eating some? It's for your own good. You have high blood pressure, so eat less fried food."

Lao Wang rolled his eyes at the shameless old man.

Then he ran away with the fried skewers.

"Hey, don't leave. Wait for me~"


On the other side, less than two hours later, Lin Zhou saw that there were not enough ingredients to sell, so he took the time to call housekeeper Sun.

"Hey, Uncle Sun, I don't have much food here. You and the aunts can prepare some food for me and send it over. I'll send you the address on WeChat."

It's not even two hours yet, and only half of the food is left. I have to sell more today, otherwise it will take longer to distribute it to the future.

Lin Zhou was about to ask Butler Sun to send more food.

The diners in line behind were worried that it would be their turn to sell out and have nothing to eat, but they saw Boss Lin calling someone to send food over.

The surprise came so suddenly that these old diners couldn't believe it.

"No, Boss Lin, please don't be too pampering. Before, when the ingredients were gone, you just closed the stall. I didn't get to eat them many times. This week, you actually asked someone to deliver the ingredients. Something is wrong with you!"

"I feel that Changzhong Temple is so spiritual. I made a wish before that I could know the location of Boss Lin's stall every week. It has been two weeks in a row, and it has come true. I will go to fulfill my wish tomorrow. Woohoo, I am so moved that I am crying!"

"Is it true? Boss Lin, you asked someone to deliver the ingredients?"

"I am so moved. Boss Lin, you are my god!"

"Hehe, keep queuing, keep queuing. Boss Lin's ingredients are on the way. Don't worry about not having food!"


The diners in front heard the call from Lin Zhou.

When the diners behind heard it, they couldn't believe it.

If they were not afraid that their stalls would be occupied after queuing for half a day, they would have gone to the stall to ask Boss Lin if it was true.

It's really hard to believe.

Boss Lin didn't set up the stall like this before!


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