Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 214 Do these old men have such a strong desire to win?

It is his blessing to have such subordinates!

The leader’s mouth twitched as he called his boss.

“Hey, boss, I had a car accident during the morning rush hour. I have to go to the hospital. I guess I will be late.”

A group of subordinates looked at the leader’s way of asking for leave and immediately showed admiration.

Good guy, the leader is the leader, this sick leave is really cool.

The leader who hung up the phone after a while looked at these people who were still looking at him with wide eyes and stupidly, and sighed.

“Don’t understand?”

The employees did not understand what the leader meant, and they all expressed their doubts: “Ah?”

“I’m already in the hospital, why don’t you come to see? Don’t you have a reason for asking for leave? Why don’t you know how to adapt, one by one!”

The leader almost threw the ready-made reason for asking for leave in the face of these people.

A group of people were still there.

“Ah, yes, yes, manager, you still have a way!”

They were very happy to be late to buy fried skewers openly.

The excited words reached the ears of the nearby diners, and they all cast envious eyes at them.

Where can you find such a good leader!

He even brought his employees to buy Boss Lin's fried skewers late.

He also wanted to have such a leader!


In the nursing home, except for Hu Yunhui, a few old men and women were smart and went early.

The ones behind, when they slowly finished their breakfast and came out with their small stools, the queue for buying fried skewers was already endless.

As a large queue, the old men and women have never met opponents, so how could they bear this grievance.

Each of them looked serious and solemn.

"The fried skewers stall is right in front of our nursing home, but we can't eat it. It's embarrassing to tell others!"

"That's right, I've been queuing for so many years, and I've never been unable to grab food. This is a great shame!"

"No, there are too many people here. We have to come out early tomorrow to queue up."

"But it's not good to eat fried skewers early in the morning, right?"

The old people also knew that Lin Zhou would set up the stall at 8 o'clock.

But now, it is no longer a question of whether it is good to eat fried skewers in the morning.

It is a question of whether they can eat them!

"This is not just a question of whether we can eat fried skewers, but that we have lost the queue to the young people."

As soon as these words came out, a group of old people immediately understood where the depressed mood came from.

They all gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

Sakura, who came to work at 8 o'clock, looked at the door of the nursing home. There were more people at Boss Lin's fried skewers stall than yesterday, and she lost her expression control for a moment.

Thinking back, when she came to work yesterday, she saw Boss Lin's fans gathered at the door and didn't take it seriously.

She was going to buy fried skewers after get off work, when there were not many people in line.

Then when she got off work, Boss Lin had already closed the stall.

Sakura felt for the first time what it felt like not to be able to buy the food at Boss Lin's stall.

At that moment, she wished she could go back to the past and beat herself to death for publishing Boss Lin's location.

If she had known that Boss Lin had so many fans and was so good at eating, and didn't leave any fried skewers for her, she would never have told the news.

This is simply offering your own fried skewers to everyone!

Think about that day, there was no fan in front of Boss Lin's stall, only the people from their nursing home, who wanted to eat as much as they wanted, and stood in front of the stall, and asked Boss Lin to fry whatever skewers they liked.


Haha, she couldn't even squeeze into Boss Lin's fried skewers stall within ten meters.

She could only see a group of diners surrounding the stall, and even Boss Lin couldn't be seen.

Xiaoying wiped her face in grief and anger, and just as she was about to enter the nursing home, she saw the old people gathered at the door and whispering.


What gossip are you talking about?

Xiaoying excitedly moved over.

Then she heard a group of old people discussing how to buy fried skewers.

"The stall is right at the entrance of our nursing home. We naturally have an advantage. In this way, these young people come early. When we go to bed at night, we can just move the folding beds to the entrance and sleep in line. Let's see who can get there earlier than us!"

"Yes, yes, that's a good idea."

"Anyway, the weather is not cold. Just get a folding bed and a blanket at night."

"That's right. When we were young, it was hot in the summer and we slept outside. It was very comfortable."

"Okay, let's put it this way. I don't believe these people can get there earlier than us."

"Hehe, teach these young people a good lesson and let them see."


Are these old people so eager to win?

After reacting, she asked if she could take her with her?

The old people were startled by Sakura's sudden voice. When they turned around and saw that it was Sakura, they were relieved.

They thought someone had eavesdropped on their plan.

"Sakura, you're here. Do you know where these young people at the door came from?"

The old people were very confused about these diners who suddenly came to grab the fried skewers from them.

There weren't so many people originally.

Xiaoying felt guilty and didn't know how to respond, so she changed the topic and told everyone about Boss Lin.

Thus, she told these elderly people that Boss Lin's cooking was delicious, and it was normal for him to have so many loyal old customers.


On the other hand, after not buying the fried skewers that her grandson Xiaoming loved yesterday, Aunt Ge didn't go home after buying groceries this morning, and went straight to the entrance of the nursing home to see if the fried skewers stall was open.

When she saw such a long queue at the place, she didn't have time to think about it, so she quickly lined up a seat.

Then I had time to ask the people in front what they were queuing for.

Old customers: "Auntie, we are queuing to buy fried skewers, not to get free eggs or laundry detergent, so you don't have to queue."

The old customers standing in front had answered this question several times in the morning.

The elderly people passing by saw so many people queuing, and it was not a surprise at all. They all came up and queued up.

Then I asked the people in front what they were getting.

The old customers were a little frustrated by the questions, and kept explaining that they were not getting anything, they were just queuing to buy fried skewers.

It was obviously the truth, but some hard-of-hearing elderly people couldn't hear it clearly, and kept asking. I had to say it several times, and only after I explained it clearly would the elderly leave.

There were also those who didn't believe it.

They thought that there must be good things in front of them because there were so many people.

They didn't trust the old customers and had to queue up to see.

The old customers were all very desperate.

Aunt Ge: "Oh, that's right, I'm here to buy fried skewers."

When Aunt Ge heard that she had to queue up to buy fried skewers, she was happier than hearing that she could get free eggs.

Now it was the turn of the old customers to be speechless.

After persuading so many old people to leave, a real customer came this time?


"Boss Lin, can you give me two strings of each?"

The diners who finally got to the front of the line looked at the various fried skewers in the glass cabinet with their eyes shining.

Only children choose, adults of course want them all.

Lin Zhou glanced at the system interface in his mind, and the task duration countdown was more than seven hours.

It was still early.

He shook his head silently.

Needless to say, the old diners understood immediately, it was a purchase limit again.

He had been mentally prepared, and just now he was just testing it.

What if there is no purchase limit? Wouldn't it be a loss if he bought less?

"Each person is limited to ten strings."


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