Hu Yunhui:......

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The two little old men are quite energetic.

"No, I'm up, let's go out and line up together."

Then when they arrived at the door of the nursing home, they saw a group of diners waiting on the roadside.

The old men and women widened their eyes in surprise, feeling incredible.

When have they ever seen young people queue up more fiercely than these old people?

"What's going on, it's just dawn!"

The old men and women didn't understand and were shocked, and almost couldn't hold the small stool in their hands.

"Good guy, let's go and grab a seat quickly, don't get up so early and still can't buy it, it will be embarrassing."

Hu Yunhui took a quick step and left Old Li and Old Wang behind, and strode to the back of the line to line up.

She looked at the row of benches in front of the fried skewers stall, and a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes.

How come these young people are queuing up more fully than these old people.

They all know to bring stools to grab seats.

The diners who lined up at this time, some had not slept all night, some went to bed early and got up early to line up, and some brought a folding bed to lie in the middle of the line to catch up on sleep.

These old people were dumbfounded.

What's going on!

Why do I have the illusion that I lost to these young people?

This week, Lin Zhou's stall location was exposed too quickly, and it was not a small-scale exposure.

It was directly posted online by Xiaoying.

All the old fans who usually pay attention to where Boss Lin sets up the stall know what they should know.

A group of people have gained experience in scrambling for food. They know that Lin Zhou sets up the stall at 8 o'clock and queuing three hours in advance is the most basic common sense.

It's not surprising that there are so many people.


On the other hand, Lin Zhou, who came home after buying vegetables, was not as happy as yesterday.

I didn't expect that the old diners would find the location after he set up the stall for one day.

He really can't be lazy at all.

He started frying skewers as soon as he arrived at the place, and he was busy until the ingredients were used up. If he hadn't closed the stall quickly, the diners who didn't buy skewers would have almost returned from the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

Lin Zhou looked at the task time that was still more than eight hours away, and felt a bad premonition.

Originally thought that the time could be completed in two or three days, it seems that it is not easy to complete it within a week!

Today is Thursday!

If it is averaged out every day, he has to set up the stall from at least eight o'clock to ten o'clock to complete 20 hours in a week.

He knew that there would be no pitfalls in the system tasks.

It's just a matter of whether the pits are big or small. As long as there is a welfare task that is easy to complete, just be happy.

"Sir, you bought a lot of ingredients today. Are they all skewered?"

The housekeeper looked at the ingredients that were twice as much as yesterday and asked uncertainly.


Lin Zhou nodded and started making the dipping sauce.

Time is very tight.

In order to hold the stall longer, Lin Zhou had to increase the amount of ingredients, otherwise the food would be sold out in less than two hours, and he would not be able to complete the task.

At this moment, he felt that he was too young when he just received the task on Monday and thought that the task was easy to complete.

He was in the mood to take a break.

Oh, the slap in the face came too fast.

It caught people off guard.

In addition, the diners are really well-informed.

Lin Zhou closed the stall early yesterday, and searched for news about himself on the Internet when he got home.

The latest video that came out was the one Xiaoying posted.

Now there are more than 10,000 people who like, share and comment.

Lin Zhou looked at it and said nothing.

He didn't expect that he would have so many fans just by setting up a stall.

It fully shows that there are still many foodies.

He bought too many ingredients, and it was past seven o'clock, and he hadn't finished skewering.

Lin Zhou directly told everyone not to skewer, anyway, there would be diners who couldn't wait to help when they arrived at the scene.

If there were no customers competing with him for his business, he could still use the time to eat skewers to get some extra time.

His abacus was jingling.

He started on his tricycle and arrived at the entrance of the Happy Nursing Home at eight o'clock.

He said, why should a time be set for a task of brushing time? It turned out that they knew he couldn't complete it in one go, so they were waiting for him.

When Lin Zhou arrived at the place, he was not surprised to see the long queue. He greeted the diners in line with a smile.

"Good morning."

"Morning, Boss Lin."

"Good morning, good morning~"

For a while, the voices of greetings were endless, waking up the man who was catching up on sleep.

He sat up dazedly and saw that Lin Zhou had arrived. He woke up in a second.

"Good morning, Boss Lin."

His good morning was more or less well-deserved.

He had just opened his eyes.

The diners behind him looked at the man's sleepy look and couldn't help laughing and said, "Brother, what time did you come? You should catch up on some sleep."

"Don't mention it. I worked overtime until after 12 o'clock before going home to sleep. I woke up at 5 o'clock in the morning and lined up at Boss Lin's stall. How could I not catch up on some sleep?"

"You are really hardworking."

The diners behind him gave the man a thumbs up.

The power of this foodie is really strong.

"It's nothing. I can buy the delicious food made by Boss Lin by spending a little time. I have energy to work all day."

Boring and busy work is very exhausting. It's different if you have some delicious food. At least you have a goal and feel the fulfillment of being full and satisfied.

"That makes sense, buddy, put the folding bed away, I can still stand forward."

A folding bed placed vertically can occupy the space of several people.

It didn't matter before Boss Lin came.

Now that Boss Lin has set up his stall, everyone can't help but want to move forward.

The man who called his boss yesterday to ask for leave due to traffic jam is now standing in the crowd, looking at the boss in front and the colleagues behind, really suffering.

He bought fried skewers, but was in a hurry to go to work, so he didn't eat them at all, and saved them for lunch at noon.

At noon, he heated them in the microwave, paired them with two steamed buns, and was about to have a delicious meal.

The fragrance was so fragrant that it directly attracted the boss and colleagues.

Not only did he not enjoy the fried skewers alone, but he also brought the boss and colleagues into Boss Lin's trap.

As a result, the number of people queuing to buy fried skewers increased by more than 20 people.

He was sorry for the old friends in the group, and let more people know about the existence of Boss Lin.

Wow~There are too many people, don't be unable to buy!

However, more than half an hour passed, and seeing that the team in front of him had not moved, the man looked at the leader.


"So you said there was a traffic jam yesterday morning, and this is how it works?"

The man looked at the sky and the ground, but not at the leader.

The colleagues behind him were trying to hold back their laughter, and their faces turned red.

"Now is not the time to discuss this. Yesterday, there was only me, but today we are the whole department. If we are all late..."

Everyone understood what the man had not finished.

Oh my god, I laughed too early.

What should I do?

Everyone looked at the leader unconsciously, waiting for him to make a decision.


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