Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 212: Queuing, these old men and women are really professional.

When Song Chang arrived at Xingfu Nursing Home, she saw her mother and a group of old men and women sitting listlessly under the corridor, sighing.

what happened?

What big thing happened in the nursing home that she didn't know about?


Song Chang stood at the bottom of the steps and shouted to Hu Yunhui.

Hu Yunhui cheered up when she heard her daughter's voice.

He waved to his companions and walked towards his daughter.

Normally, these boring old men and women would have to make some jokes.


But today, I am very uninterested.

If you can wave your hand in response, it's a good relationship.

This unusual scene also left Song Chang confused.

I asked after leaving the nursing home.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"Hey, didn't I tell you yesterday that there was a delicious fried skewers stand in front of the nursing home?"

Song Chang nodded and looked up at the entrance of the nursing home.

No fried skewers stall?

Hu Yunhui understood her daughter's expression and then explained, her tone becoming particularly sad.

"This morning, a lot of people came and lined up to buy the fried skewers. There were too many people. Plus we had breakfast, and eating fried skewers in the morning is not healthy, so we didn't queue up with the young people."

"Then those young people just finished buying the fried skewers!"

"I was thinking of waiting for you to come over and buy some for you to try. Before 10 o'clock, the boss sold out and closed the stall."

When Hu Yunhui mentioned it now, she still couldn't believe it.

"Is there still this matter?"

Song Chang expressed surprise.

How delicious is this? It was sold out in the morning.

"Is it really that delicious?"

Hu Yunhui asked this question, so she nodded affirmatively.

“It’s really delicious. The sauce is fragrant and spicy. The most important thing is that the fried skewers are also fragrant and not greasy. Unlike other fried skewers that are full of oil and very greasy when you bite into them. These fried skewers are delicious in your mouth. of."

It's okay not to mention it, but when I mention Hu Yunhui, I think of the fried skewers I ate yesterday.

Every ingredient has its own characteristics when fried, and it’s undeniably fragrant.

I’m so greedy!

"If you want to eat, I'll take you to the fried skewers shop outside to buy some."

Song Chang smiled helplessly when she saw her mother was so greedy.

When I was young, in order to maintain my figure, I would not eat this or that.

I didn’t expect that when I get older, I still have cravings for food.


Hu Yunhui really wants to eat fried skewers.

She hadn't eaten this kind of fried and unhealthy food for how many days, but now a portion of fried skewers had completely tickled her cravings.

Then Hu Yunhui saw what the world is like.

"Oh my god, what's this? The starch sausage didn't even break into a crispy shell!"

"And why aren't these enoki mushrooms fried and blooming? They have a burnt and crunchy texture. They are as soft as boiled ones."

Hu Yunhui held a piece of fried skewers, eating each skewer and complaining about it.

He put it down after taking two bites with a look of disgust on his face.

Song Chang:......

She is now very curious about the fried skewers in her mother's mouth.

How delicious is it that makes her mother so picky?

"What time does the fried skewers stall you mentioned open? I'll buy it for you tomorrow."

As a mother, no matter what you do, you still have to pamper yourself.

Song Chang happened to be on vacation, so she still had time to queue up to buy some food for her mother.

She is usually busy with work, or traveling on business, and may not have time to spend time with her mother for several months, so when she is free, she will spend more time with her.

"No, it's right at the entrance of the nursing home. How can we beat that group of young people? We underestimated the enemy today. I didn't expect those people to buy all the food directly, so we didn't get any food."

"You finally have a few days' rest and have a good sleep in the morning."

"We will line up together when we come tomorrow and bring a bench. We are familiar with the business of queuing."

Song Chang couldn't help but laugh after hearing this.

Queuing up, these old men and women are indeed professionals.

Normally, you have to give up your seat when taking a bus, but when queuing up to grab something, each person's posture is stronger than the other.

Run faster than her.

Song Chang felt that she could not compete with her mother in lining up to grab things.

I don’t know why her mother, who is usually a very particular old aunt, gets so excited when it comes to grabbing discounted items.

Then he competed with a group of people without caring about his image. He ran extremely fast and was able to move out of position.

"We are old and don't get enough sleep. We wake up after five o'clock in the morning. When the time comes, we go to queue. I don't believe that we can't queue up the young people."

Hu Yunhui has high morale and will never believe in losing to young people in the field she is best at.

"Okay, okay, then I'll wait for my mother to buy me fried skewers."

Song Chang followed her mother's words.

She was quite happy to see such a motivated mother.

The more energetic the old man is, the better his health is.

This puts her at ease.

You have to have something to do and something you are interested in so that you don’t get sick in your spare time.

"By the way, the guy selling fried skewers is very handsome. Come here early tomorrow and show you around. You must like it."

Song Chang laughed helplessly.

She is already thirty-seven, and people who are about to turn forty are no longer thinking about love.

The youngest years are devoted to work, otherwise there would be no way to have the current annual salary of one million, a car and a house, and no worries about food and clothing.

Love is the best thing to have, but it doesn't matter if you don't have it.

Usually, just chase celebrities, look at handsome guys, and adjust your life.

In reality, men only affect her work.

After working hard for ten years and saving enough money, she can quit her job, retire and travel around the world.

"Haha, it's okay to look at handsome guys, but how is Uncle Li who pursued you in the nursing home?"

"Don't mention it. I've been getting closer to Lao Wang recently and we're having a quarrel."


Song Chang couldn't help laughing again.

Don't underestimate the love, hate, and emotions of young people. Once the twilight love of the elderly has a spark, it will be very passionate.


The next day, at around five in the morning, Hu Yunhui got up, washed and dressed, and walked out of the room with a small stool.

Then she saw Lao Li and Lao Wang standing in the hall waiting for her.

"Huh? What are you doing here with your eyes crossed?"

Even though Hu Yunhui is over sixty, her figure and appearance are well maintained. If it weren't for the white hair, she would look like an aunt in her fifties.

It's normal to have suitors in the nursing home.

When she was younger, she had many suitors, but for the sake of her daughter, she never remarried. Now her daughter doesn't need her to worry about it.

Hu Yunhui's life should not be too comfortable.

So she never agreed to the old man's pursuit.

She didn't plan to remarry when she was young, and she didn't have that idea when she was old.

"Xiao Hu, don't you like the fried skewers at the door? I got up specially and lined up to buy them for you."

Lao Li dressed very well. In order to look younger, he dyed his hair black. Now he was holding a fake rose in his hand and was showing his courtesy to Hu Yunhui.

But Lao Wang on the side was very angry.

"Lao Li is just imitating me. I got up first, and he saw me get up, so he got up shamelessly."

"Xiao Hui, I don't think he is sincere. Why don't you take a beauty sleep and I will buy it for you?"


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