Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 211: Not actively eating, there is something wrong with your thinking

"Hahaha, Boss Lin is here."

"Oh my god, Boss Lin is actually setting up a stall in front of the nursing home this week!"

"Fried skewers, fried skewers, my favorite. Oh, look at the time, eight o'clock. Boss Lin will be setting up a stall at eight this week!"

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟡𝟞𝕤𝕙𝕦.𝕟𝕖𝕥

"Spread the word quickly. Boss Lin will be setting up a stall at eight this week!"

"Boss Lin, it feels like a long time since we last met. It's already Wednesday. We miss you so much!"

Lin Zhou, who just arrived at the nursing home:......

No, he was wondering why these old customers could always find him!

"You guys came pretty early. "

Lin Zhou parked the tricycle in an open space, looked at the task time that was already counting down, and went to the stall as usual.

This surprise came unexpectedly, disrupting his plan to slack off.

"If you are not active in eating, you have a problem with your thinking. You must have come early."

"Hey, I came to wait for a while before work. If you don't come by 8:30, I have to leave, otherwise I will be late."

"Boss Lin, hurry up, I am also in a hurry to go to work."

Lin Zhou looked at the team formed by these people in a few seconds, and wanted to praise them for being well-trained.

This speed is really fast!

He just parked the tricycle!

Then the old men and women who just walked to the door to join in the fun looked at the long line in front of the nursing home and were a little confused.

"What's going on? Are you queuing up to get eggs?"

"I haven't received any notification. Where are the eggs distributed?"

"Oh, queuing up, I'll go to the back to queue up first."

"Who's going to the front to see what they are getting. "

The old men and women were very quick and came to the back of the line and started queuing.

The diners at the back of the line were shocked to see the old men and women coming together.

Are there already a large number of elderly people among Boss Lin's fans?

Oh, that's right. This week, the stall will be set up in front of the nursing home. Maybe the elderly will taste the food and become Boss Lin's fans.

"Young man, what are you queuing for?"

Old diners:???

This is definitely not Boss Lin's fans!

"We are queuing to buy fried skewers."

Adhering to the principle of respecting the elderly and loving the young, the old diners answered obediently.

Old men and women:!!!

Is it the fried skewers they ate yesterday?

"You eat fried skewers so early in the morning?"

"Well, as long as it is made by Boss Lin, we will eat whatever he sells. ”

It’s already good enough to be able to eat, how can it be their turn to choose.

The old man and the old woman didn’t understand, but they didn’t line up after knowing that they were not going to get eggs.

They had just eaten breakfast and couldn’t eat fried skewers, so they would wait until these people left at noon before buying them.

“What do you want?”

After Lin Zhou took out all the ingredients, he lit the fire and asked the diners to order.

The diners had been waiting for a long time. Looking at the various ingredients in the glass cabinet, they wanted to order two skewers each, but they knew that there would be a limit on the purchase, so they chose about ten skewers of their favorites.

Lin Zhou put one iron plate for each customer.

While frying, he looked at the next person.

“Hey, there are so many fried skewers, Boss Lin, I see that some of them are different from other fried skewers stalls, do you make them yourself?”

“Yes, the ingredients are all fresh ingredients bought at the vegetable market in the morning. ”

As old customers, everyone is very confident about the ingredients on Lin Zhou's stall.

It is fresh and visible to the naked eye.

Boss Lin is sincere and does not fool customers, and customers will never let down Boss Lin's cooking skills.

Every time there is news about Boss Lin, everyone will go out and come to eat even if they have to take leave.

The man in the middle of the line saw that it was almost nine o'clock and it was not his turn yet, so he gritted his teeth and called his boss.

"Hello? Manager, there is a traffic jam here. I may be late. I can't make it to the morning meeting. I'm sorry, there is really no way, the road is too congested!"

The manager on the other end of the phone frowned, but didn't say anything: "Next time there is a traffic jam, go out early."

"I know, manager, don't worry. ”

After greeting, the man heaved a sigh of relief. Now he could line up without worry.

The main thing is that he has been waiting for so long. If he leaves without buying it, he will lose a lot.

The fried skewers made by Boss Lin are right in front of him. The aroma is so fresh and fragrant. Who can resist it!

"Fuck, it's almost nine o'clock. I have to call for leave."

Hearing the man calling for leave, a diner opened his mobile phone and immediately called when he saw the time.

During the morning rush hour, the best reason for taking leave is traffic jam.

The company is not so strict that it will not work if you arrive a little late.

Soon, the people at the front were already eating the fried skewers.

The diners at the back were still looking at them eagerly.

Lin Zhou was also having a headache looking at the decreasing number of skewers.

There was no one all morning yesterday, so he had plenty of time to make skewers.

Today, there are diners waiting before the stall is even opened, so he has not had time to make skewers. There are not many stocks left.

"Wait a minute. ”

Seeing that the cabbage and oyster mushrooms were gone.

Lin Zhou took the time to move out the fresh-keeping box on the car, which still had ingredients that had not been skewered.

The diners who were waiting for fried skewers nearby saw that Lin Zhou also took the time to skewer the skewers, and immediately took the initiative to take the job.

"Boss Lin, you just make the fried skewers, don't fry them too much, I'll skewer them, I know how to do it."

"Yes, I can skewer them too, you just focus on making fried skewers."

The diners were very anxious when they saw that Lin Zhou was skewering the ingredients while frying the skewers.

"That's right. It doesn't matter if you don't wear it. Just fry it. Boss Lin, just fry it. Don't waste the bamboo sticks."

Lin Zhou was helpless when he saw everyone so impatient.

"Have you eaten breakfast? This fried skewers on an empty stomach is too oily and easy to make you feel sick."

"If I feel sick, it must be because my stomach is not good. What does it have to do with the fried skewers made by Boss Lin?"

The diner who was already eating on the side immediately retorted after hearing this.

Lin Zhou looked at the diner who was talking in surprise after hearing this.

This is a ruthless person!

"Hahaha, Boss Lin, don't worry. If you can't eat it, we will pack it up and eat it at the company for lunch."

"That makes sense. Heat it in the microwave and eat it in a pancake. It's beautiful just to think about it."

The aroma of the fried skewers was floating in the air.

Early in the morning, passers-by on their way to work couldn't help but turn their heads to look over.

As a result, I saw a stall selling fried skewers early in the morning, and there were still many people queuing up, which was also very novel.

Fried skewers are sold in the afternoon or evening.

Eating them early in the morning, you don’t mind the oil.

After watching, passers-by shook their heads and walked away.

Rushing to work, they didn’t have time to stop and find out.

If it was a weekend, maybe there would be curious people who would buy one to try.

There were diners helping to skewer the skewers.

Lin Zhou couldn’t stop them, so he just let them do it.

In order to eat the fried skewers as soon as possible, everyone said they didn’t need to sign them and just fried them directly. What else could Lin Zhou say?

He could only fry the skewers quickly and neatly.

Two oil pans worked at the same time.

The ingredients in the glass cabinet were consumed so quickly.

The old man and old woman who were watching the excitement on the side were furious.

That’s not right, how come the fried skewers are almost sold out?

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