Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 176 Be careful on the road, see you tomorrow.

"So delicious?"

The noodles were sour and spicy, soft and smooth, and chewy. They were sour, salty, and spicy. The flavors were layered and caught her taste buds at once.

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Both the noodles and the ingredients have absorbed a lot of seasoning flavors.

It was strong but not salty, fresh and spicy, and the crispy vegetables tasted completely different from the noodles, but they were mixed together to enrich the taste. The overall taste was immediately spicy and refreshing.

The shredded chicken was very thin, not woody, and the fresh taste was completely different from the shredded chicken cold noodles she had eaten before.

And after taking a bite, the overall taste of the cold noodles was dry, fragrant, and oily.

It was magical that there was no feeling of eating wet noodles soaked in wet soup, but it was very fragrant.

The woman had eaten such delicious cold noodles for the first time.

In an instant, the anger she felt when she saw her husband not coming home after work and eating alone outside disappeared completely.

If there was such delicious cold noodles downstairs in her company, she would not be able to resist.

"You feed me too slowly, I will eat it myself."

The woman took the cold noodles directly from her husband and ate them in big mouthfuls.

Wang Yanghui, who was greedy, kept swallowing his saliva. The smell of sour and spicy food would make his mouth water and secrete saliva. He was hungry just by imagining it.

"Let's go, let's buy another bowl. I wanted to bring it to you, but don't you usually lose weight at night? I didn't bring it to ruin your plan."

Wang Yanghui silently made up for himself, otherwise he would not be able to get over the fact that he ate alone.

"Hurry up, the child is asleep at home, no one is watching, I'm worried."

"Your company doesn't pay much for overtime, what's the point of working overtime, you might as well go home early to help the child with homework, you don't know how frustrated I am when I help the child with homework at night, I'm so angry that I want to beat the child, you are the only one who knows how to be lazy."

Wang Yanghui looked like he was being scolded, he nodded to everything he said, but he never mentioned leaving work early.

"This cold noodles are delicious, right? The boss doesn't open the stall until 10 o'clock in the evening. If I come back after I go home, why bother going back and forth? It's better to work overtime to earn a few dozen yuan in overtime pay, and buy cold noodles for you after get off work, right?"

The woman thought it made sense, the cold noodles were indeed delicious.

"Can you set up a stall here in Ziyuan Building?"

The woman who followed the boss into the park looked at Lin Zhou who was setting up a stall at the entrance of the building and was very confused.

"No way, I heard from my colleagues that the boss has someone above him, and he got in through the back door, so he must have some connections, otherwise he would have been driven away by the security guards."

"That's right, I see there's not even a supermarket or convenience store downstairs in your building, how can there be a roadside stall."

There were still several people queuing in front of Lin Zhou's stall.

Wang Yanghui took his wife to wait at his colleague's table first, and he went to queue up.

"Sister-in-law is here, come and try the braised food, it's very comfortable with cold noodles and beer."

"No, I drove here, I can't drink."

"There's no drinks, I'll go outside and buy you some drinks."

"No, no, I can eat spicy food, there are drinks in the car, no need to buy."

With the family members around, Ding Su and others restrained their topics of conversation, mainly focusing on the topic of their good relationship with the couple.

"Sister-in-law still loves Brother Hui and comes to pick him up after get off work, unlike us who ride our bikes back home."

"No, we have to take a taxi back after drinking, hehe."

The woman smiled and didn't know what to say. She could only eat the cold noodles in big mouthfuls. The more she ate, the better she felt.

It was so spicy that even the bad mood of tutoring her children's homework at night disappeared.

After a while, Wang Yanghui brought back another serving of cold noodles. A group of people gathered around the table and went home after eating.

When leaving, he greeted Lin Zhou enthusiastically.

"Boss, I'm leaving. The cold noodles are super delicious!"

"By the way, don't forget the cold skin that you promised me."

"See you tomorrow, boss."

Lin Zhou smiled and waved, saying goodbye to them.

These days, he watched these diners who had worked all day come to the stall with tired bodies, and after eating the cold noodles, they left as if they were revived. It really felt like a healing feeling.

He saw the healing power of food in these diners.

Food is really the healing behavior with the lowest cost.

For example, when under great pressure, some people like to eat something spicy to vent their emotions.

Some people like to eat something sweet to relieve their emotions.

Or after working for a week, they can have a good meal on their day off to reward themselves.

Not everyone has the ability to go shopping in the mall or travel abroad to relax when they are unhappy.

Life must go on, so the only way to make yourself happy for a short time is through this little bit of food, so as to achieve balance and heal yourself.

Lin Zhou used to not understand why those diners would go to such great lengths to find him just to eat when they couldn't find him.

Don't you feel tired after queuing for so long?

It was not until now that he understood what the food he made meant to those diners.

He thought that he understood the meaning of setting up a stall.

When something finds its meaning, the core it represents is completely different.

For cooking, it may have been just for eating, completing tasks, and getting rewards.

Now, looking at the smiles on the diners' faces when they eat the food he made, Lin Zhou also feels the meaning of setting up a stall.

"Be careful on the road, see you tomorrow."


After selling the last portion of cold noodles, Lin Zhou packed up and prepared to close the stall.

It was past 11 o'clock.

The whole building was much quieter than during the day.

Lin Zhou rode the tricycle to his garage, then moved all the used kitchen utensils to the cart and returned to the top floor.

"Boss, I'll clean up. It's getting late. You should go to bed early."

Dadong waited at the door after receiving a message from the front desk saying that the boss had closed the stall.

As soon as the elevator door opened, he took the cart from Lin Zhou.

"Clean up tomorrow and get off work early."

Maybe Lin Zhou was also an employee before, and he didn't have the idea of ​​exploiting employees as a boss.

His requirement for his subordinates was to complete the work he assigned.

He was very easy to talk to the rest of the time.

The employees were not fools. They had to let the boss exploit them. When they met a leader who was easy to talk to, they would laugh in their dreams.

In order to stay under such a good boss, everyone worked harder.

Only by working hard and sharing the boss's worries can the boss remain standing.

Anyway, you have to work, so of course you have to work under a good boss.

So sometimes sincerity really has unexpected effects.

"Boss, don't worry, the employee lounge on the top floor has been cleaned up. I will go to rest directly after cleaning up. If you have anything, call me and I will come immediately."

Dadong has been following Lin Zhou these days and has the most contact with him. He is almost like Lin Zhou's assistant.

Lin Zhou nodded helplessly.

He still can't understand why his employees always like to work like chicken blood, and they change from villas to buildings.


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