The next day, when Lin Zhou got up, he saw that Dadong had prepared all the ingredients for making mooncakes.

There were a wide variety of ingredients, including salted duck eggs, red beans, mung beans, black sesame, pork, etc.

Lin Zhou only mentioned making mooncakes yesterday, but he didn't expect Dadong to buy all the ingredients early in the morning.

The red beans and other ingredients that needed to be soaked had been soaked overnight.

It can be seen that he took Lin Zhou's words to heart.

"Boss, take a look at these ingredients. They are all fresh ingredients I bought at the vegetable market this morning."

Dadong is worthy of being a chef certificate. The vegetables he bought are all fresh.

Lin Zhou looked around and said it was okay.

He hadn't thought about what kind of mooncake to make, but looking at these ingredients, he subconsciously started thinking about the recipe in his mind.


Red bean paste fillings can be used to make Cantonese-style mooncakes, and fresh meat can be used to make Suzhou-style fresh meat mooncakes, as well as beautiful snow skin mooncakes. They are simple and delicious, and you can make some of them.

You can give them to others or eat them yourself.

Lin Zhou's pastry skills, having been making pasta for so long, have become more skilled.

He has made many dishes, and he is no longer a pure novice who has full-level cooking skills but does not know any recipes at the beginning.

Cooking skills can be said to be interoperable.

With a systematic full-level cooking foundation, Lin Zhou basically has a recipe and knows how to make a dish, so the food he makes will not be bad.

With a plan in mind, he can start.

Of course, before he starts, he goes out to a morning tea restaurant for breakfast and comes back before starting.

Lin Zhou didn't need help, so he asked Dadong to rest outside. He listened to music while kneading the dough and frying the bean filling. He was busy and happy.

Making mooncake skin is different from kneading dough. Although it looks similar, it can only be made by pressing and folding to avoid kneading the dough. I dare not imagine what the chewy texture of the mooncake skin tastes like when I eat it.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhou suddenly felt a picture.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

In the eyes of the employees passing by, this picture is that the boss really likes to cook. When cooking, the whole person looks relaxed and happy.

Although it is Mid-Autumn Festival, the property still has to keep people on duty.

Because the companies in the building are not all on holiday during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The building can't close the door to let everyone rest.

So someone has to be on duty.

"Do you think we have a share of the mooncakes made by the boss?"

The people who stayed on duty in the company gathered together to chat when they had nothing to do.

To be honest, since their company was bought by the boss along with the Ziyuan Building, the workload was heavy at the beginning.

After all the work was handed over and on track, everyone had nothing to do.

They only needed to solve the accidents that happened to the tenants in the building.

Commonly known as property management.

"I don't know, didn't the Mid-Autumn Festival gifts come out? In addition to mooncakes and the like, each person was given a bonus of 1,000 yuan. This should be what the boss made for himself."

"I think the boss should give us some. The boss is thin-skinned, and we can get some if we get close to him and act coquettishly."

"Good boy, you are worthy of being a man, and you can accurately grasp the man's mind."

"You guys chat, I have to sign the parking space lease contract on the 23rd floor."

"OK, go and get busy."

The rest of the people had nothing to do so they made forms and sorted them out for all the companies in the building according to the date of the lease contract and the floor.

"By the way, has the finance department calculated how much the rent of this building is in a year? I can't believe how much it is?"

While sorting, the employees sighed with envy.

"You can't see it after it's sorted out, don't you think about it?"

"Hey, I'm just curious."

"It smells so good, is the boss baking mooncakes?"

"No, it smells like red bean paste, very sweet."

Yes, Lin Zhou is cooking red beans.

The method of making red bean paste is no different from the method of making red bean paste buns before.

The red beans that have been soaked overnight are first boiled, and then generally broken with a wall breaker, leaving half of the whole beans, and then poured back into the pot to continue boiling.

Cook until the water is almost dry, and the bean paste is in the pot, bubbling, bulging and bursting, making a sticky sound.

Then add sugar and stir-fry it into red bean paste.

The finished red bean paste is sweet with the fragrance of red beans. Whether it is making buns or snacks, it is a perfect filling.

Fry the green beans, red beans, and sesame fillings continuously.

Lin Zhou wiped the sweat from his forehead.

This is really a physical job.

If it is not fried into a ball and has a delicate luster, it is not a good filling.

The proportion of ingredients, the size of the fire, and the strength used are all very particular.

Even though Lin Zhou has better physical strength than ordinary people, he is still very tired even if he stirs three pots of fillings.

When the crust and fillings are completed, the rest of the work is simple.

Take a dough, wrap the fillings, press it into the mold, and then bake it in the oven.

Lin Zhou looked at the fillings on the table, and then looked at the employees who came to look outside from time to time under the pretext of drinking water, and thought of a good idea.

He walked to the office area and said with a smile: "I have prepared the fillings and dough. Do you want to try making mooncakes by yourself?"

The employees' eyes lit up when they heard this.

There is such a good thing?

"Yes, yes, yes, boss, I haven't made mooncakes yet!"

"Boss, you are so nice. Are you really letting us do it ourselves?"

If you go to some handmade studios outside to make mooncakes, it would cost a lot of money for this novel experience.

Unexpectedly, they actually experienced it in the company on the Mid-Autumn Festival!

"It's very simple. Just wrap the fillings with dough, press them into the mold, and bake them."

It really doesn't sound very technical.

The employees who had nothing to do followed Lin Zhou to the kitchen.

As soon as I entered the door, I smelled the sweet fillings.

The rich sesame aroma and the fragrance of red beans and mung beans really gave me the sweet feeling of mooncakes.

Several people lined up to wash their hands, and then watched Lin Zhou make a mooncake first. The rest of the people also got busy with the help and guidance of Dadong.

Lin Zhou smiled and ran to the side to make fresh meat mooncakes.

Fresh meat mooncakes are a kind of puff pastry, which is more difficult to make than Cantonese mooncakes.

The so-called puff pastry is made by wrapping dry oil pastry with water-oil skin, and then rolling it into puff pastry.

The difficulty of this kind of pastry is that the water-oil skin and the dry oil pastry must be of the same hardness.

Otherwise it will fail.

If the dry oil pastry is hard, the water-oil skin will be pierced when rolling, and it will fail.

If the water-oil skin is too hard, it will not be able to separate the layers, and it will also fail.

So be careful when making it.

Lin Zhou also made it for the first time. He was so focused that he had no time to wrap the mooncakes, so he could only find a way to get everyone to actively participate.

This way everyone will feel involved, and the mooncakes will be more delicious when they are eaten.


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