After Lin Zhou’s stall for a few days, people who worked overtime until late at night in Ziyuan Building all knew that there would be a cold noodle stall downstairs at 10 o’clock.

But it was limited to people who came out of the main gate.

Those who took the elevator directly to the underground garage and drove away didn’t have this good fortune, and no one told them.

The people who first discovered this treasure late-night stall regarded it as a place to relieve stress after overtime, so naturally they didn’t want too many people to know about it and disturb everyone’s relaxation.

The middle-aged man who also set up a stall to sell fried skewers at the intersection of the commercial street opposite Ziyuan Building late at night was very tempted when he saw Lin Zhou setting up a stall in Ziyuan Building and that business seemed to be good.

I haven’t heard that you can set up a stall downstairs in Ziyuan Building.

The middle-aged man has been following Lin Zhou for a few days.

Today, I saw him setting up a stall on time again, and I couldn’t help but come over to ask about it.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱

Then he was stopped by the security guard on duty at the gate without any surprise.

"Sir, you can't set up a stall here."

The middle-aged man didn't believe it at all, and stared at Lin Zhou who was setting up a stall inside.

"Why can that cold noodle stall be set up? Do you have to pay a stall fee?"

Generally, if you set up a stall in a fixed place, you must charge a stall fee.

So many roadside stalls are basically not fixed in various places.

"That's our boss. Don't say you can set up a stall under the building. You can set up a stall on my head."

When the middle-aged man heard this, his expression became very outrageous.

Look at the young man setting up a stall inside, and then look at the security guard at the door.

He was full of disbelief, trying to find traces of lying on the security guard's face, and then met the other party's serious eyes and fell silent.

There was no need for the security guard to lie to him, right?

As far as he knows, stalls are not allowed in such high-end office buildings.

I didn't expect that a big boss would have this hobby.

The middle-aged man returned to the intersection where he had set up the stall before with a wooden face, and the words of the security guard kept echoing in his mind.

Alas, I didn't expect that setting up a stall would also allow me to see the gap between the rich and the poor in the world.

I don't understand rich people.

If he had money, why would he set up a snack stall? He would have enjoyed life long ago.


Lin Zhou didn't notice the movement at the gate, and was busy mixing cold noodles.

Diners gathered around him, chatting lively.

Those who brought their own beer came early to occupy the only two tables. A mouthful of sour and spicy chicken shredded cold noodles, and then a mouthful of ice beer, don't mention how comfortable it was.

This comfortable and relaxed posture also affected the surroundings.

Those who came a step late and didn't have a seat could only eat on the steps.

Holding a bowl of cold noodles in hand, you have to eat it in big mouthfuls to feel happy.

Some people can't eat spicy food very well, so they want mild or medium spicy food.

Then I saw some people say that they have to eat spicy food to feel good and relieve stress, so I bought ice beer and ate spicy cold noodles.

A bowl of spicy cold noodles, wrapped in rich red oil, the stimulating aroma of chili hits the nose, and some people sneezed because of the spiciness before they even eat it.

Then a mouthful of cold noodles goes down the throat, but the spiciness doesn't immediately hit the head.

Instead, the taste of the ingredients takes over. The slippery noodles are rich and chewy when eaten. The crispy cucumber shreds and bean sprouts and kelp shreds are inseparable from the cold noodles, and the taste is very rich.

Then the spiciness starts to hit the head, but at this time you have already tasted the taste of the cold noodles, and you can't stop eating them. Even if it's spicy, the freshness and fragrance of the ingredients are equally rich.

It can be said that this bite is really incomparable deliciousness on this summer night.

"I feel that putting sesame sauce in cold noodles is a weird thing, not refreshing at all."

The diners who ate pure spicy and vinegar without sesame sauce looked at the diners who added sesame sauce with a puzzled look.

"What do you know? I want the sticky taste of sesame sauce. The red oil, chili and sesame sauce are fragrant."

"I want more!"

"Boss, this sesame sauce is very fragrant. It's perfect when wrapped on noodles."

The diners who added sesame sauce felt that the taste was not rich when they ate it that way, and they wanted to force them to eat it with sesame sauce.

The two sides refused to give in, and then there was a roar at the door: "Wang Yanghui!"

The bald man holding the cold noodles shook reflexively when he heard the voice.

The colleagues around him looked at him, and then looked at the woman standing at the door.

You don't have to guess that it was his wife who came.

"Well, why don't you go and take a look first?"

Ding Su patted the dumbfounded Wang Yanghui and asked him to go and take a look quickly, otherwise you can imagine how serious the consequences will be.

"Well, you guys eat. My wife is here to pick me up. I'll go home first."

Wang Yanghui ran away with his briefcase in one hand and the unfinished cold noodles in the other.

His guilty look made his colleagues laugh.

"Wang Yanghui's family is strict, but he dares to stay every night to work overtime and eat cold noodles. Guess whether he will kneel on the washboard or the keyboard when he goes home tonight."

"I guess it's durian."

"Hahaha, he's a coward but very brave."

"Speaking of it, Ding Su is the freest. He's not married and doesn't have a partner. He can feed his family with one person's fullness. He doesn't care what time he gets off work, whether he works overtime or plays outside."

Ding Su, who was mentioned, shook his head in disapproval.

"You envy my single freedom, but I envy your wife and children's warm bed."

"Each has its own advantages. You can only know it if you experience it yourself."

Another colleague drank a sip of beer with a deep look on his face, and ate the cold noodles slowly, looking very tired.

"Brother Jun, has your life been bad recently? Such delicious cold noodles don't suit your taste?"

The man who was called Brother Jun was over 40 and was a veteran employee in the company.

He also worked overtime with young people every night to earn overtime pay. The visible fatigue made people couldn't help but advise him to take care of his body and rest when he should.

"Of course the cold noodles are delicious. This is the only time I can relax in a day."

"I can't bear to see him finish it too quickly."

The topic of everyone did not stop because of Wang Yanghui's departure, and they started chatting again in a blink of an eye.

Wang Yanghui, who was holding the cold noodles and walked out of the park happily, was pinched hard by his wife when he came up.

"Didn't you say you were working overtime? What are you doing? A group of people gathered together to drink and eat supper? Your life is beautiful, leaving me alone at home to take care of the children."

Wang Yanghui grimaced in pain, but he pretended to be calm outside.

"I'm working overtime, and this cold noodle stall doesn't open until 10 p.m. Well, I just got off work and was hungry, so I bought one."

"This cold noodle is so delicious, wife, try it, if you like it, I'll buy you another one."

Wang Yanghui was about to feed the cold noodles to his wife.

"It's really delicious, you'll know if you try it."

The cold noodles in front of her had a strong sour, fresh and spicy aroma, which immediately attracted the woman's attention.

She hadn't finished her mumbling complaints, and now she was bribed. What else could she say?

"Hmph, I want to see what this cold noodle tastes like!"

After saying that, she took a bite and stopped talking immediately.

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