Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 156 Don’t repay kindness with enmity

If the extra overtime pay can be considered as making a fortune, then his wish to make a fortune can also be considered fulfilled.

Changzhong Temple is really spiritual. I will pay my respects when I have a break next week!

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He heard that there are other things to pay attention to before worshiping Buddha, but he didn't understand. He would search online in advance to find out what he should pay attention to.

After a while, Wen Nan saw Xiao Wang coming out of the boss's office with a grimace on his face.

He didn't even have to guess at that appearance, he definitely didn't get the leave.

"What did I say?"

Wen Nan crossed his arms and said helplessly.

Xiao Wang felt very sad and lay on the table without love.

"The boss said there was something wrong with me and he could take me to the hospital."


Wen Nan couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

"Don't be sad, I still have braised pork rolls here, I'll share one with you at noon."

Xiao Wang perked up as soon as he heard this. He sat up suddenly and looked at Wen Nan with burning eyes.

"Brother, you are literally my brother. If you weren't a man, I would have married you!"

Wen Nan:......

"Don't repay kindness with hatred."

Xiao Wang chose not to listen, and then realized that Wen Nan hadn't gone to Boss Lin's stall to queue up to buy braised pork rolls in the past two days. Where did he get the braised pork rolls?

"Tell me the truth, how many did you buy when you met Boss Lin on Monday?"

At this time, Xiao Wang recalled everything that was wrong with Wen Nan.

He was also one of the people who queued up at Lin Zhou’s stall. Not to mention the problem of queuing, it would have taken two hours to sell so many braised pork rolls. It was only around 11 o’clock when Wen Nan shared in the group.

Then he said that Boss Lin had closed the stall after all the sales.

At that time, everyone was immersed in the excitement of finding Boss Lin and did not notice this detail at all.

Looking back now, there must be something fishy going on.

Wen Nan:......

Good guy, you shouldn't be soft-hearted, you made a mistake!

"Not much."

Wen Nan's eyes were evasive, but he didn't tell the truth.

"I don't believe it. You're not usually so generous. Besides, you were the most active in queuing up at Boss Lin's place before. Now you're not in a hurry at all. You won't go even if I ask you to go. It's been three or four days since I ate and you still have some stock. You I must have bought a lot!”

"It's really not much, I won't give it to you if you ask again!"

Xiao Wang:......

You are cruel!


On the other side, seeing that it was ten o'clock, Ma Ming had a headache when he saw his parents who were still at home and not going to work.

He wanted to buy two braised pork rolls that he had eaten yesterday before becoming a monk, but his parents were at home, so it was difficult for him to go out.

So he pretended to go out to buy something and left the house.

The horse's father and horse's mother, who had been prepared for a long time, looked at each other and quietly followed behind.

Then I saw that the route my son was taking was still in the direction of Changzhong Temple.

"Does he still want to become a monk?"

"It's possible, let's see."

"It's your mother's fault for this. She just believes in Buddhism. She taught her children to recite sutras since they were young. Now that they're fine, she has to become a monk at every turn."

The mother looked at her son's back and was so angry that she hit her husband next to her twice.

Father Ma had a grimace and did not dare to speak.

Being beaten in silence.

The couple followed along and saw their son coming to the vicinity of Changzhong Temple. They didn't go in and just found a shady place to stand.

As if thinking about something.

The couple hid behind a big tree not far away, feeling a little confused.

"What is my son doing?"


Ma Ming was indeed deep in thought.

Because of the influence of his family since childhood, whenever he had troubles, he liked to go to the temple and tell the Buddha.

You won't be overheard, and you won't worry about the Buddha snitching on you. You will have a great sense of privacy.

When he was a child, he got into trouble and was beaten by his parents, when he couldn't do his homework, when he grew up, he was worried about work, and when he was frustrated in love, etc., he could always find healing in the temple.

When you enter the temple, you don't need to ask. Just sit there, listen to the sound of knocking wooden fish, and smell the smell of burning incense, and you will get the answer.

In fact, the moment he knelt down to worship the Buddha, he was just asking his own heart.

The outside world is really annoying. I used to have pressure to study. My parents always talked about getting into a good university, and then I finally graduated from university, thinking that I could make money, be filial to my parents, and live the life of my dreams.

Only then did I realize that being a college student was nothing, finding a job was difficult, and I couldn’t make much money at all.

Before she had time to fight, she was forced to marry.

Once you find a partner, you have to think about buying a house and a car.

It feels like I have been working hard for half my life, but to no avail.

So what's the point of his efforts?

As long as you become a monk, you won’t have to face pressure from your parents to get married and have children, and you won’t have to work hard to make money and buy a house or car under huge pressure.

Ma Ming looked at the temple not far away, his eyes confused and in a trance.

Until I heard someone shouting that Boss Lin is here!


When Lin Zhou arrived at the place, there were still diners waiting.

After seeing Lin Zhou arriving, everyone quickly and neatly started lining up.

Then the eyes of the young monks at the door of the temple also lit up. One went to line up first, and the other went back to the temple to call people.

After a while, there was a sound of footsteps, and more than a dozen monks ran out together and went straight to line up in front of Lin Zhou's stall.

With so many monks coming at once, not only Lin Zhou stared at them with wide eyes, but also the passers-by and other vendors setting up stalls around them couldn't help but be attracted.

What is the charm of this braised pork roll? Even the monks in the temple come to line up. It must be delicious.

After a customer came to buy a vegetarian roll yesterday, Lin Zhou enriched the menu on the blackboard today.

Added elbow flavor and vegetarian rolls, which makes it clear at a glance.

In addition to the cold vegetables, braised lotus root and kelp are also added. The ingredients are more abundant, and everyone has more choices.

But the purchase limit is very unfriendly. There are so many flavors, but you can only buy two, and you can't choose at all.

If you buy a family portrait, the price of a roll will be twenty or thirty. If you buy a drink, the price of a lunch will be more than a dozen. Lin Zhou's diners are not all rich people, there are also poor diners.

You can only choose what you like within the limited economy.

"Wow, Boss Lin, you have a new flavor. I want to eat it. Give me a braised pork, braised pork elbow, green onion, green pepper, braised kelp and lotus root slices."

"Another beef with tripe, shredded potatoes, bean sprouts, bean skin, and coriander."

"All spicy."

It's really interesting to see the customers struggling for a long time, wanting to eat everything and wanting to combine new flavors.

Lin Zhou didn't expect that there are so many people with choice difficulties.

Facing the people who ordered food behind him, he said that they could add whatever they wanted.

The rich variety makes it even more difficult for diners.

Those who are rich naturally don't have to worry. Except for some things they don't like, they want everything else.

The family-style pancakes need to wrap more meat. When Lin Zhou rolls the pancakes, he rolls them a little bigger, otherwise they can't wrap them.

"Boss, how much is a family roll?"

"The braised egg is 17 yuan on top of the braised pork roll, and the three kinds of meat are 5 yuan each, which is 32 yuan."

Lin Zhou calculated the price and reported it to the diner.

The diner took out his phone and paid 64 yuan.

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