Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 157 What is the origin of this braised pork roll? Can you become a Buddha by eating it?

Father Ma and mother Ma looked at their son like this, from the original deep to happy, and went straight to a braised pork roll stall.


The couple looked at each other and were very confused.

Didn't he become a monk? Why did he go to eat braised pork rolls again?

And this business is too good, as soon as the stall arrived, a long line had formed in less than 30 seconds.

Then the couple saw an even more explosive scene, there were monks from the temple queuing up!

"What is the origin of this braised pork roll, can you become a Buddha after eating it?"

Father Ma looked at his silly wife helplessly, what kind of braised pork roll can make you a Buddha after eating it.

It is probably because it tastes good, so there are so many people waiting to buy it.

"Then we will just watch here?"

Mother Ma asked when she saw her son queuing in the crowd

Father Ma: "What else?"


At noon, the people who had finished burning incense in the temple left the temple. They wanted to try the famous vegetarian noodles of Changzhong Temple, and then they saw that all the monks in the temple lined up in front of a braised pork roll stall.

The confused pilgrims looked around and thought that the place where the monks in the temple went must have good taste, so they also followed the line to the back of the line.

In addition, today, not only the old customers of the steamed bun stall knew that Lin Zhou was setting up a stall here.

The people of the fried chicken stall also knew about it.

As a result, at just after 11 o'clock, there were already hundreds of people in the line.

Lin Zhou looked at the increasing number of diners and was very glad that he had found a good elbow in the morning. He bought a few more elbows and prepared a lot of ingredients. Otherwise, according to the task standard required by the system, if he sold 100, he would probably be gone in less than an hour.

With so many people at that time, it was still a question whether he could retreat.

Changzhong Temple was originally a tourist attraction.

Such a long line was very attractive, and the tourists who came to travel took photos and started sharing them.

"Look, the braised pork rolls are lined up for the monks. I want to see how delicious they are. There are so many people lining up."

Ji Shanshan is from the next city. She saw on the Internet that Jiangdong Changzhong Temple is very popular for seeking wealth. It is not far away. So she took advantage of her recent resignation and came here to travel for a few days, worship Buddha, and hope to find a good job.

Her best friend also said that she had learned something after receiving the news.

"Monks can eat braised pork rolls?"

Almost everyone who saw this scene had this subconscious reaction.

"There should be vegetarian braised pork rolls, right?"

"Then it can't be called braised pork rolls, it should be called vegetable rolls."

"Hahahaha, I laughed to death, but this temple is really worth checking in. It is very spiritual. There is a reason why the temple of the God of Wealth is so popular."

When Ji Shanshan came, she also brought a scratch card. Although she didn't win one million, she won two hundred yuan, which made her very happy.

Now the whole Changzhong Temple is a brainless brag.

"Really? Then I'll go and worship when I'm resting."

"By the way, I also asked for a bracelet for you. It's very beautiful. I'll bring it to you when I go back."

"Love you~"

After a brief chat, Ji Shanshan put down her phone and looked at the people in line in front of her.

It felt like they were going to have to wait a long time.

The line was moving fast, but there were too many people.

She was greedy just by smelling the aroma of the braised meat.


"Amitabha, donor, please give me two vegetarian rolls, no onions or scallions."


After Lin Zhou received the monks yesterday, he went back and looked up information.

In general, monks don't eat meat, onions, garlic, leeks and other meaty foods, and it seems that there is nothing to avoid.

So it's completely fine to eat vegetarian rolls like these rolls with all the cold vegetables.

Lin Zhou made rolls for the monks skillfully.

The vegetables are all ready-made. There's no need to cut the meat. Just pick up a piece of dough, put various vegetables in it, and wrap it up to make a roll.

It only takes a few seconds to roll out a roll, very fast.

In order to keep the ingredients clean, Lin Zhou changed the tongs for vegetables to prevent them from getting stained with meat.

This attitude of paying equal attention to the diners regardless of their identities made the monks feel more favorable towards Lin Zhou, and they looked at Lin Zhou with liking.

"Amitabha, thank you, donor."

The little monk took the vegetarian roll and bowed slightly and clasped his hands together.

Lin Zhou also smiled and bowed slightly and said you're welcome.

Then Lin Zhou found that every monk who came to buy vegetarian rolls was so polite, so he had to keep returning the gift.

After a round, he returned the gift more than a dozen times.

After selling so many vegetarian rolls, half of the vegetables on the table were consumed immediately.

Just when the diners felt that there was more meat and less vegetables, Lin Zhou took out a few fresh-keeping boxes from the bottom of the tricycle, which were full of well-prepared vegetables.

Now there are more vegetables.

"Hahaha, Boss Lin, you are amazing. You actually prepared so many vegetables. Did you know that the monks in the temple would come to buy them?"

Lin Zhou smiled with his eyes curved. The diners in front of him could tell that he was also smiling under his mask.

"You know all this."

Lin Zhou made a little joke and asked him cheerfully what kind of rolls he wanted.

"Of course I want two family rolls. I don't like vegetables, so I just add some bean curd."

Lin Zhou responded, "Do you want braised bean curd or cold?"

"Braised, braised is more fragrant."

He is not a monk, and he has to avoid certain foods.

I don't know how those monks can resist, the braised meat is so fragrant!

Look at this plump pork elbow, the meat is dangling when you pick it up, you can't wait to buy one right on the spot and hold it and chew it.

As Lin Zhou cut the elbow meat, the elbow skin and meat that fell off with the soft knife were really eye-catching.

When he took the braised pork roll made by Lin Zhou, it was even more delicious when he took a bite.

The elbow melted in his mouth, and the elbow skin was full of collagen, and it was fat but not greasy, and it was a bit sticky when he ate it.

He could clearly feel the gelatin stewed from the elbow skin in his mouth, and when it touched his lips, he immediately felt sticky. With the spicy sauce, it immediately lost a bit of the greasy feeling of the whole meat, leaving only the satisfaction of a mouth full of meat.

It was so delicious that he wanted to praise it in front of Boss Lin, but he couldn't say anything.

After swallowing a mouthful with great difficulty, he immediately said, "It's so delicious. Boss Lin, give me some chopped green pepper for this one."

The old diners who followed Lin Zhou all the way to eat now all know how to eat.

They can adjust their taste according to the taste in their mouths.


Lin Zhou cut the meat and scooped a spoonful of chopped green pepper on it.

This green pepper is not spicy. It is a sweet green pepper with thick meat and a hint of sweetness. It tastes very good when sandwiched in the braised meat roll, which has the effect of relieving greasiness and refreshing the mouth.

People who like to eat chili peppers will definitely love the taste of chili peppers in meat.

People who don't like to eat chili peppers, naturally, don't like it.


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