Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 155 Do you think we didn’t expect this?

"Hahaha, brothers, look what good stuff I saw online. Boss Lin is selling braised pork rolls near Changzhong Temple this week. It should be noon. I saw the guide written by the blogger that he bought braised pork rolls for lunch at noon."

In the group of customers at Boss Lin's fried chicken stall, the buddy who saw this guide happily shared the news with the group.

"Damn, if I had known that I could see Boss Lin's news online, I would not have seduced the man who raised the dog. I was so angry that I didn't sleep well all night."

The buddy in the group who was responsible for pretending to be a "beauty" said with a gloomy face.

He has been on the Internet for so long, and he has not been exposed even when he pretended to be a woman in the game and asked a master to lead him. He actually hit a wall with a fool. It's really infuriating!

The night runner who saw the news asked a soul-searching question: "You all thought of the beauty trap. Why don't you go to Boss Lin once and for all, so that you don't have to worry about not finding someone in the future?"

The people in the group were broken by this sentence.

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"Do you think we didn't think of it? Is Boss Lin so easy to win? Not to mention the contact information, there is not even a public account. And when Boss Lin sets up a stall, there are people all around him. Even if you go up to him and get close to him, you can't get in!"

"That's right, I saw a beautiful woman last time. I think she is more beautiful than those Internet celebrities. I tried to get close to Boss Lin and asked for WeChat, but she didn't get it, let alone us."

"Boss Lin is really good at keeping secrets. Before, Lin When the boss was closing the stall, we chased him, but we couldn't catch up at all. We were left behind after following him for several blocks. "

"Then, in the missing person video posted by DY, no one knows where Boss Lin lives, or anything. "

"So we have no way to deal with Boss Lin at all."

"And I heard that Boss Lin would choose not to open the stall when he felt there were too many people, to avoid the heat. This was the case during the previous burger week. When there were too many people, Lin Zhou took a break on Saturdays and Sundays."

The messages were swiped quickly, and everyone's grief and anger could be seen between the lines.

The night runner girl was silent.

I didn't expect that these people had tried everything, but still couldn't accurately locate Boss Lin's location. It was really surprising.

But she was still very happy to know where Boss Lin was setting up the stall this week.

Immediately asked the leader to apply for a day off tomorrow.


The next day, Thursday.

When Lin Zhou bought the ingredients and returned home, he saw that the housekeeper and others had already arrived.

Everyone knew that Lin Zhou would set up the stall at noon and go to buy ingredients early in the morning, so they all came to work early to help.

Although Mr. Lin didn't need them to prepare the food for his stall, they could still do the work of washing and cutting vegetables, which would lighten Mr. Lin's burden.

"Why did you come so early?"

It was only seven o'clock.

Lin Zhou looked at the time and asked in surprise.

"If you have nothing to do, come and help earlier. Sir, let's clean up."

Seeing Lin Zhou coming back, the housekeepers came forward to carry the ingredients.

"Then you can get off work early in the afternoon."

Seeing this, Lin Zhou didn't say much. He handed the ingredients to them and he was not in a hurry.

Take a comfortable bath, clean yourself up and go into the kitchen to braise the meat.

Fresh meat is soaked in blood water, thrown into the braising soup and boiled over high heat.

With the old braising soup from the previous few days, it is relatively easy to make braised food later.

Today's elbows are fresh and beautiful. In addition to pork belly, beef tendon, and tripe, Lin Zhou also bought 6 large elbows. The elbows are stewed soft and tasty, which is also very good for making braised meat rolls.

Every time I see fresh and delicious ingredients at the market, I can't help but want to buy them and cook them.

Since I got the system, Lin Zhou found that he loves eating more and more.

He didn't have a strong appetite before.

Now he is full of food.

Maybe he didn't eat anything delicious before, so he didn't have this desire.

Now that he has the full-level cooking skills, he is experiencing what deliciousness is when he eats the food he makes.

There are a lot of ingredients, and a stainless steel bucket can't hold them.

Lin Zhou braised two pots directly.

Then he kneaded the dough.

The aunts next to him were washing vegetables in front of the sink, and the housekeeper was cutting potato shreds.

The amount of braised meat increased, so Lin Zhou kneaded more dough naturally, and more vegetables were needed.

Cutting potato shreds, cucumber shreds, and kelp shreds are all big projects.

Butler Sun's knife skills are good, and the thickness is basically the same.

After the dough is kneaded, Lin Zhou took over the vegetarian dishes and started seasoning.

The vegetables used in the braised pork rolls, except for scallion, onion, green pepper, cucumber, and lettuce, are eaten raw.

Lin Zhou prepared the rest of the vegetables as cold dishes, and each one has a different seasoning.

This shows how much Lin Zhou cares about food.

The whole morning was so busy.

Today's brunch was not braised pork rolls, but braised pork elbows and other braised rice.

Everyone has not eaten since breakfast, and has been busy all morning, just waiting for this bowl of braised pork rice.

Lin Zhou braised a lot of ingredients, and also sent a large portion to Uncle Zhang, enough for Zhang's father and son to eat for two meals.

After eating and drinking, Lin Zhou is going to set up the stall.

Looking at the big sun outside, Lin Zhou felt the heat coming at him as soon as he came out of the villa.

When will the weather cool down!

He still likes spring and autumn the most, which are neither cold nor hot, and are very suitable for setting up stalls.

After two days of persistence, I don't need to set up a stall this Sunday and can rest.

After Lin Zhou cheered himself up, he plunged into the sun and started riding his tricycle.

The security guard at the door looked at Lin Zhou's departing back with a trace of pity in his eyes.

"It's not easy for rich people either. They have to go out to set up a stall in the middle of the day. How hot it is!"

As soon as he said this, his colleague next to him immediately turned around and looked at him in surprise.

No, you, a security guard with a monthly salary of several thousand, feel sorry for the rich people who live in luxurious villas?

Are you sick?

They are happy to set up a stall, that's a hobby, why are you feeling sorry for them!

The colleague was speechless and rolled his eyes directly.

Don't bother with fools!


At the same time, Wen Nan looked at Xiao Wang who was about to pretend to be sick and run out to buy braised pork rolls, and he was really helpless.

"Do you think your boss is a fool?"

Xiao Wang was stunned.

Isn't it?

Wen Nan:......

"Go ahead. I won't care if you get scolded."

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon. The company is busy with business. The boss wants to use one person as two people. It is the limit for him to ask for two consecutive days of lunch leave.

If he asks for leave today, he will be scolded.

Wen Nan saw Xiao Wang did not listen to the advice, and went to the boss's office with his hands on his stomach, sighing leisurely.

He suspected that meeting Boss Lin on Monday had used up his luck for the week.

Otherwise, how could he be so busy since he came to work on Tuesday that he had no time at all.

Not to mention working overtime every day, even the lunch break was used to call various customers. He had no time to buy braised pork rolls from Boss Lin. Fortunately, he bought a lot at that time.

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