Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 131 Who can resist such a good smell? Even a dog can't resist it!

Wine lees fish and smoked fish sell well, but they are still a little inferior to the freshly fried small fish.

The old diners have not had enough of the fried chicken before.

Now that fried chicken is no longer available, fried fish is also okay!

Some of the small fish used for fried fish are caught in the wild, and some are bought by Lin Zhou at the vegetable market. The sizes are not exactly the same, some are big and some are small.

It is difficult to determine the price, so it is most convenient to weigh them directly.

The small fish fried to golden and crispy are all poured into the iron basin, of different sizes, and the aroma of fried fish is very strong.

The method of frying fish is similar to that of fried chicken.

They are all marinated first, and then coated with a thin and transparent batter before frying and thrown into the oil pan for frying.

It’s just that this batter is a little thinner than the batter for fried chicken before, which also plays a role in locking the moisture and freshness of the fish meat.

"Boss, weigh some fried fish for me."

The aroma of the fried small fish just out of the pan has overwhelmed the aroma of wine lees fish and smoked fish.

The customer who was caught in the choice chose the fried small fish without hesitation.

When it was the turn of the old customers, everyone looked at Lin Zhou with resentment.

"Boss Lin, you are really good at running. We have been looking for four days before we found it. Can't you sell me more of this fish?"

It is hard to look at the old customer, a grown man, acting like a resentful young wife.

Lin Zhou did not show a speechless expression while wearing a mask.

But although the speechlessness at this moment is invisible, it is also revealed through his eyes.

Although the old customer felt embarrassed, he still pretended to be shy and acted coquettishly.

If Boss Lin can't stand it, it will be worth it to sell him more fish and send him away.

Lin Zhou:......

"The diners in front bought a lot, you can ask the people behind if there is no limit."

Lin Zhou, who was afraid of being pestered by the diners, has found the best solution.

That is to divert the conflict.

There are only so many fish.

If there is no limit, you buy them all, and he can't do his job for the diners who are still queuing behind, so let the diners discuss it themselves.

Anyway, he sells to whomever he wants, as long as everyone is happy, he doesn't care.

The old customer's face turned bitter when he heard this.

Is there any need to ask?

If he is not afraid of being beaten up, it is possible.

Boss Lin has learned bad things!

"Then buy one pound of each."

The old customer chooses according to the highest standard of purchase limit.

Smoked fish and wine lees fish can be packed, and you can tell that they are cold dishes.

The hot fried fish just out of the pan must be bought and eaten immediately!

The old customers bought the fish and were not in a hurry to leave. They stood aside and started eating directly.

The fragrant fried fish, the hot taste, the steaming, the crispy crackling sound of the fried food can be clearly heard when you bite it, which is very pleasant.

Then the fish meat inside was even hotter than the shell.

An old customer who didn't pay attention was immediately burned and jumped up and down.

Lin Zhou saw it and said helplessly: "It's just out of the pot, brother, eat slowly."

"Hiss~ Boss Lin, you don't know anything about your cooking skills. It smells so good, who can resist it! Even dogs can't resist it!"

Lin Zhou listened and subconsciously looked down to see Dabao who was being fed by someone next to him.

These diners really like Dabao. Everyone who bought fish would feed Dabao squatting in front of the stall.

Dabao has eaten a lot of small fried fish since he came here.

"Is it okay for dogs to eat these?"

Lin Zhou has never raised a dog, but seeing Dabao eating even fried fish, he is still a little worried.

"I have to have the ability to stop him from eating."

Gao Jiazhi was also desperate.

He came early and had already eaten a bag of fried fish.

Dabao didn't want to leave when he came, and he couldn't leave, so he could only watch by the side.

Seeing that Dabao was eating with satisfaction, he didn't look like there was anything wrong. Let's take him to the pet hospital later.

This food is really too mixed.

Fortunately, it was not a puppy, otherwise it would definitely not be allowed to eat.


Once there is one, there will be another. The diners who lined up to buy fried fish could not wait to take the fish home to eat, and started eating as soon as they got it.

The small fried fish, which is the size of a palm, is very delicious when eaten. The batter shell is fried to be crispy and fragrant, but the fish meat inside is tender and delicious after biting it open. It tastes no different from steamed fish.

Chewing it in the mouth, because it is fried, it has a hint of fried fragrance.

This is a crispy outside and tender inside frying method.

If you want to eat fish meat that is fried more charred, you can throw it into the oil pan and fry it again. Fry the fish bones until they are crispy. You don’t have to worry about the fish bones when eating it. Just chew it and eat it.

According to the tastes of the diners, Lin Zhou made two kinds of fried fish on the spot.

It shocked the diners who didn’t like fish very much.

These fish methods are rarely eaten by them.

The fish they often eat are all made into dishes.

For example, crucian carp tofu soup, pickled fish, boiled fish and other dishes.

The fragrant fried fish is hard to find, and it uses wild fish. It tastes very delicious, just as delicious as the fried chicken before.

The wine lees fish and smoked fish are not local dishes in Jiangdong City. They have only seen them on the Internet. Many people have never eaten them. The moment they eat them, the delicious taste they have never experienced refreshes their understanding of fish.

It turns out that there are so many ways to cook fish!

Each one tastes delicious in its own way.

As more and more old diners buy fish, the food on Lin Zhou's stall is also decreasing little by little.

All kinds of photos were shared in the diners’ group.

This made the diners who didn’t have time to rush over very uncomfortable.

“Is there any kind person who can help me bring one? It’s paid!”

“Who will bring it to you? There are not enough for the people on the scene. The purchase is limited as soon as it comes. It’s not enough to eat. There is not enough to eat at all.”

“It’s so funny, you can find the errand boy.”

Some people who like to watch the show silently tagged the errand boy.

“Sorry, the errand boy is also queuing up. The purchase is limited. One person can only buy one of each item. Sorry, brother, I want to eat it myself!”

The errand boy transferred the order in his hand to other deliverymen as soon as he saw Lin Zhou’s position, and went straight to Nanbin Vegetable Market.

He is still queuing now.

Seeing that someone tagged him in the group, the errand boy said he would not sell it.

“Look at the photos, there are not many fish left. Those who can’t make it don’t need to come. I doubt that there will be few copies.”

When Dabao brought Gao Jiazhi to find him, Lin Zhou had already sold a lot of fish.

So the remaining fish are not enough to share at all.

It was sold out in a short while.

Many old customers who came to buy it didn't buy it.

They pulled Lin Zhou to leave.

"Boss Lin, there is a vegetable market next to it. I will buy some fish and you can fry it for me?"

"Boss Lin, please have pity on the child. I didn't get to eat the hamburger last week. If I can't eat the fish you made today, I will really cry!"

"Boss, I want to tell you, I have a friend..."

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