When the old diners walked to the gate of the community and saw the tightly closed fence, they felt a little embarrassed.

The security guard wouldn't open the door for him, and he wasn't a resident of the community. How could he get in?

Is it possible to wait for someone to come into the community and just drop in?

But it looks like he is not a resident of the community.

The old diner stood hesitantly at the door and made eye contact with the security guard not far away.

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Old diners:......

"Uncle, come and have a cigarette. I want to go in and buy fish, is that okay?"

The security guard took the cigarette and nodded clearly. He saw that he was following the guy selling fish with distiller's grains, and he opened the fence directly without being too talkative.

This makes the old diners who have spent a long time mentally building up very uncomfortable.

If I had known that the uncle was so easy to talk to, I wouldn't have had to think of so many plans in my mind.

After entering the community, the old diners followed the scent and found Lin Zhou.


There is fried fish!

Boss Lin doesn’t have a crush on him, right?

Otherwise, why would they just sell his favorite fried fish!

Especially the small fish, not to mention how fragrant it is when fried.

He can do a lot of work by himself.

Boss Lin must know that he likes to eat, so he made it specially!

What a flattering day!

The old diners had smiles on their faces and excitedly explained his thoughts to the group.

As the first person to follow the news revealed by Gao Jiazhi, the news he revealed is very concerning.

Then the diners in the group were speechless.

I have seen people who are narcissistic, and I have seen people who daydream, but this is the first time I have seen people who are self-guided.

"No, buddy, look at your profile picture, you are a man, right?"

"Good guy, where did you come to this conclusion?"

"I like to eat burgers and fried chicken. Does Boss Lin also have a crush on me?"

"Brother, something is wrong with you. As long as you are a woman, I won't say anything. How can you, a grown man, say this?"

"I don't know anything else, but I'm afraid there's something wrong with your sexual orientation."

Originally, everyone was still discussing the fish Lin Zhou was selling. They just got off work and hurried to queue up.

This time, everyone was left speechless.

After the old diner went crazy, he didn't even look at everyone's replies. He put down his phone and focused on Lin Zhou setting up the stall, staring straight at him.

Gao Jiazhi, who was in the crowd, was also queuing up. When he saw this speech, he was still looking around to find who the self-defeating person was.

Lin Zhou was frying small fish without realizing it, and selling fish with distiller's grains and smoked fish.

"The smoked fish is freshly made in the afternoon. It has a sweet and sour taste. It is best to buy it and soak it overnight to eat. The flavor will be better."

Lin Zhou warned the diners while packing, and his service attitude was friendly and careful, which won the favor of the diners.

"Okay, my family loves to eat the fish with distiller's grains that you made. I didn't expect that there are other flavors. Please give me a pound of it."

The diners in the community who have bought fish with distiller's grains are very interested in the new products released today.

There were so many people queuing up that everyone went back to try it without even tasting it.

"Fried fish is good, and it can be packed in a lot. Buy more and freeze it. You can make sour fish soup or cook and eat it. It's very convenient."

Diners who know each other well are chatting about how to eat the fish they bought while queuing up.

After hearing this, the old diners immediately felt a sense of crisis. What if there were a lot of people buying in front of them and their turn was gone?

The friends in the group are all on their way here.

I immediately anxiously sent a message to the group asking everyone to hurry up.

Upon seeing the news, the diners in the group invariably forgot the agreement they made with the fried chicken stall diners.

When there is not much food left, of course you have to ensure that people in your group can eat it first.

Just watch the rest.


After a while, the regular diners came over one after another and went straight to the gate of the community.

The security guards let one or two people go, but as more and more people came in, the security guards felt a little panicked.

"Are all of you here to buy fish?"

The old diners all nodded neatly and said they were here to buy fish.

Just when the security guard was hesitating whether to let him go or not.

Lin Zhou came out on a tricycle, followed by some diners who came over.

It turned out that Lin Zhou saw that all the diners in the community had finished their shopping, and the diners behind him were all old diners from before. He didn't know if anyone was waiting at the entrance of the vegetable market, so he prepared to go back to the entrance of the vegetable market to set up a stall.

It's not very good for him to do business in the lower district with so many diners.

The uncle and the old diners were very happy when they saw Lin Zhou coming out.

The uncle opened the fence and greeted Lin Zhou with a smile.

"Young man, are there any more fish with distiller's grains?"

"Yes, there are smoked fish and fried fish today. It depends on which one you want."

Lin Zhou stopped the car and opened the lid of the iron bucket, revealing smoked fish that was different from fish with distiller's grains.

"How are they sold?"

The security guard's monthly salary is only 3,000 yuan, which also includes the family's living expenses. So when he rarely has such luxury, he actually eats 51 kilograms of distilled fish every day.

If it wasn't for the delicious taste, I would really be reluctant to part with it.

But when people live to his age, they just have to drink a little wine. Without this drink of wine-grained fish, life would be really boring.

It's rare for an uncle to be so willing to be willing to do anything to himself.

But looking at the extra smoked fish and fried fish, my wallet obviously didn’t allow me to buy them all. Yesterday I spent 100 yuan to buy two kilograms of fish with distiller’s grains and even got scolded when I went home.

So today the budget is only one catty.

"All are fifty-one catties."

When the system does not set a price, Lin Zhou customizes the price according to the complexity of the food's production, the time spent on production, and the cost price.

So that he will not make a loss, nor will the price be too expensive for everyone to afford.

The price is acceptable to most people, or the price is just right for people to consume with a little effort.

"Can you give me half a catty each?"


The security guard helped him a lot, so what's wrong with that?

Lin Zhou asked the waiting diners to wait, and first weighed half a catty of the three flavors of fish for the security guard, and then rode the tricycle back to the open space where he had just set up the stall.

Some of the diners who had been queuing before had not left yet, and were waiting there. When they saw Lin Zhou really coming back, they were relieved.

"Boss, you are finally back, we thought you were not coming back."

Lin Zhou would never do something that promised others and made others full of expectations and disappointed.

In order to prevent the customers who had been waiting in line for half a day from not being able to buy the fish, he started to limit the purchase after seeing Gao Jiazhi.

Each flavor of fish, each person is limited to one kilogram.

Being found by an old customer means that there will never be only one old customer.

Lin Zhou is almost selling out his experience.

The old customers are both happy and sad.

When they think of the residents of this community, they used to buy the fish made by Boss Lin without limit, and they can buy as much as they want, which makes them jealous.

But they don’t have this blessing, and they are actually limited from the beginning.

Boss Lin really hurts them!

And the people in this Nanbin community are really tight-lipped!

For so long, no news has been spread.

They really don’t say anything when they have delicious food, and they even drag Boss Lin to the community to sell it.

No wonder it took them four days to find it.

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