"Boss Lin, look at me, the fish has been bought, don't leave, fry one for the child! But there are no small fish on the fish stall, can this big fish weighing several kilograms do?"

When a group of people pulled Lin Zhou reluctantly.

The sensible diner had already come with the processed fish pieces.

Lin Zhou:......

He looked at the diner holding the fish in his hand in shock, his eyes widened.

Good guy, others are just talking, why are you serious?

The rest of the people paused and looked at the fish in this person's hand.

You know how to eat!

"No, the ready-made fish you gave me is useless. The fish I fried was marinated for several hours in advance."

"And there are no seasonings on the stall, and there is not much batter left."

"A good cook can't cook without rice!"

Hearing that Lin Zhou really couldn't do it anymore, the diner holding the fish immediately became listless like an eggplant hit by frost.

"I'll be setting up a stall in front of Nanbin Market at 6pm this week. You can come early tomorrow."

Seeing that the diners even brought their dogs out to look for him, Lin Zhou couldn't bear to see them run like that.

But before the weekly task was refreshed by the system, he didn't know the specific address of the stall.

There was no way to tell the diners.

Because of the existence of the system, Lin Zhou was always very wary of others. Even though he knew that the system was magical and logically self-sufficient, he didn't have to worry about it, and he was very careful about his privacy in daily interactions.

Even the housekeeper and nanny at home didn't want to live at home.

This weekly change of location is actually a good thing for him, as he won't be exposed too much by the diners and keep a distance.

After knowing that Lin Zhou was setting up a stall here this week, the diners who didn't buy anything were not so sad.

All of them thought that they must come early tomorrow.

Lin Zhou quickly comforted the diners, closed the stall and went home.

He and Pan Yuan also made an appointment for night fishing in the evening, so he had to go back and prepare.

Since he didn't get any empty-handed, his interest in fishing has been unprecedentedly high.

Then, as he was riding, he noticed that there was a red dot following him on the map provided by the system.

Lin Zhou was anxious to go home, so he directly opened the system's own map and chose the nearest road.

The system's map is more convenient than the map on the phone. It can calculate which road is the closest, whether the traffic lights along the way are green all the way, and the time very clearly.

The function is very powerful.

It also has a wayfinding function.

Lin Zhou didn't use it much, so he hadn't discovered this function.

Is someone following him?

At this time, a diner who was a few dozen meters away from Lin Zhou also had a sudden idea.

After Lin Zhou closed his stall, he was also ready to go home.

Then he found that he and Boss Lin were actually walking on the same road.

Because Lin Zhou's tricycle was very fast, he followed far behind.

Then, as he followed, he suddenly thought that if he knew where Boss Lin lived, he could just squat at the door of Boss Lin's house next time he wanted to find where Boss Lin was setting up a stall.

Just like that, he had an idea and followed Lin Zhou.

Although Lin Zhou was not clear about the situation, he accelerated directly at a traffic light area at an intersection according to the prompt of the system map. When the yellow light flashed, he rushed across the road and left the car behind far behind.

The time difference at an intersection, plus Lin Zhou's change of route and acceleration.

The diners behind could not catch up, and the plan was forced to fail.

He originally thought that he was extremely smart.

He actually found such a good way.

Until this moment, he realized that it was not that no one had thought of this method, but that no one could keep up with Boss Lin's tricycle!

No, how could Boss Lin's tricycle drive so fast!


Lin Zhou, who successfully returned home, didn't take this little episode on the road to heart at all.

After having a meal and resting at home, he took the equipment and the wine lees fish and smoked fish he brought for Pan Yuan and went out.

This time they went to a fishing spot with more small fish for night fishing.

Pan Yuan slept during the day and went out to fish at night at night. His life was reversed day and night.

But he was full of energy.


At night, people in the group of diners were resting.

After finding Boss Lin, everyone was in a relaxed mood.

Then they started to discuss other things.

"By the way, should we really not tell the fried chicken diners next door about the news?"

"We went late today and didn't find it. I think if we tell them, there will definitely be more people rushing to grab food, so what do you think?"

This matter concerns the interests of everyone in the group.

Finally, Fang Jun came out to hold a vote, one option for willing to share information and one option for not willing to share information.

After a short vote, none of the two hundred people chose to share information.

The result is very clear.

"I understand everyone's choice, but now that they know about it, we may not be able to cooperate in the future. What if they find Boss Lin's stall next week and don't tell us, there's nothing we can do."

"What are you afraid of? We have Dabao, do they have him?"

"That's right, Dabao's nose is really sharp. We paid so much to find Boss Lin, so we won't share the information. Wouldn't they get Boss Lin's position without any effort? That's not right."

"I feel that Boss Lin may not be able to escape Dabao's nose. The food Boss Lin makes is so delicious that Dabao can find it as long as it's not far away."

As the lucky child of this week, Dabao has now become a group favorite. Everyone calls him Dabao or Gou Ge, and his status is high.

Gao Jiazhi also received the bonus from the group leader, as well as red envelopes from other group members.

The total was five thousand, and Gao Jiazhi felt like a pie in the sky when he received it.

Because none of it was for him, but for Gou Ge, Gao Jiazhi put it away after receiving it, and planned to use all the money on Dabao.

After talking about business, the topic returned to the food sold by Lin Zhou this week.

"I bought wine lees fish, smoked fish, and fried fish. I don't know if there will be other fish tomorrow."

"The fried fish is really delicious. I didn't even carry it home. I ate it on the spot. One pound is not much. For slightly larger fish, two or three pieces make one pound. Smaller fish are more delicious, especially the fish as long as the palm of your hand. It is very tender, just like eating a dried fish. It is fragrant and not dry at the same time. It is really a good snack to satisfy your craving."

"The wine lees fish is also delicious. I have never eaten it before. It is the first time I have eaten it. It is fresh and spicy. It goes well with rice."

"The smoked fish is also delicious Ah, sweet and sour flavor. Boss Lin said it was not flavorful enough, so he soaked it overnight before eating it, but he couldn't help it. How could it not be flavorful? It was very delicious. The sour and sweet taste really didn't feel like eating a dish, but more like eating a snack. "

"Fuck, you people who bought it are really too much. You are actually discussing which fish is the most delicious. There is no best fish made by Boss Lin. They are all delicious. It depends on personal taste."

"I really envy the residents of that community. They can eat fish for so many days without limit."


At night, Aunt Zhao's house.

Zhao Qisheng seemed to have his own radar. He found the wine lees fish hidden by Aunt Zhao in the cabinet on the top of the kitchen.

He knew his mother would buy it.

When he was a child, his mother would buy a lot of whatever he liked to eat. She was afraid that it would be bad for him to eat too much at one time, so she hid it and took out a little for him every day.

I didn't expect that his mother would still do this to him when he was so old!


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