

Yang Meifang slapped the table with a distorted expression.

"Look, this is the good boyfriend you found."

Yang Meifang said angrily,"It's ok that he is unreliable at other times, but today is your wedding day, and he is late?"

"I won't say what I told you before, poor boys like this are no good, they don't buy houses in the county town, nor do they hold wedding banquets in the county town."

"Look at it now, how important is it to pick up the bride? He is actually late"

"Originally I was told that I had to come at 11 o'clock, but now it's 11:30 and I haven't seen anyone yet"

"If he comes today, I must give him a warning. If I don't teach him a lesson, you will definitely suffer in the future when you marry him.

Although Zhou Xiaoyu was also a little angry, she still felt that what her mother said just now was too much.


Coming to her mother, Zhou Xiaoyu said,"Maybe Xiaotian is busy with something, so you shouldn't jump to conclusions, right?"

"There are so many things going on today, and getting married is more important?"

Yang Meifang didn't buy it at all.

"If he was really busy, why did he get married today? Why not finish his work and then set a date?"

"Anyway, no matter what, I will not let him take you away easily today, otherwise you will suffer a lot when you marry him in the future."

"My dear daughter, you must listen to your mother. I am your mother, how could I lie to you, right?"

Zhou Xiaoyu was a little nervous about what the other party said.

She said seriously,"Mom, if you do this again, I will be angry."

"Is it me who is getting married or you? Everyone has things to do sometimes."

"Besides, Xiaotian and I have known each other for five or six years. Don’t I know what kind of personality he has?"

"If nothing had delayed him on the way, he would never have joked about such an important matter."

"Don't say that anymore!"

Yang Meifang didn't expect her daughter to have such a stubborn temper. She felt helpless and could only sit on the sofa next to her and sigh.

"It seems that you have grown arrogant. No matter what I say, you don't want to listen."

"Well, let it be as you please. But don't go back to your parents' home to complain after you suffer after getting married. I tell you, I won't care."

Zhou Xiaoyu didn't say anything.

Although she was confident and righteous just now, she was actually a little worried.

She didn't understand why Jiang Xiaotian hadn't come over until now, and he didn't even call her.

About ten minutes later, there was an urgent knock on the door.

Zhou Xiaoyu took the initiative to open the door and saw Jiang Xiaotian standing at the door in a suit and tie with an apologetic look on his face.

"I'm so sorry, Xiaoyu, something has delayed us today, let's go quickly?"

Yang Meifang wanted to speak, but Zhou Xiaoyu took a look, and the latter snorted and shut up.

But she was still a little angry, so she came to Jiang Xiaotian and said,"Jiang Xiaotian, I can hand my daughter over to you."

"But you must remember this, never allow such a thing to happen again. If I find out about it again, I will punish you."

Jiang Xiaotian said embarrassedly,"I am so sorry, mother-in-law. Please come with us. We have invited a good chef from the city to cook the banquet."

"His cooking skills are great, and our house is particularly lively today."

Yang Meifang said coldly:"Even if you don't say it, I have to go over and see. You are late for the wedding today. You don't care about my daughter at all."

"I want to see how grand your wedding preparations are. If not, don't blame me for breaking up the couple."

The mother's attitude was very firm. Zhou Xiaoyu wanted to say something, but Jiang Xiaotian quickly stopped her.

It was indeed his fault first. Besides, all parents in the world hope that their children will live well, and Yang Meifang's worries were not wrong.

He quickly said,"Mom, you are right just now, let's go quickly."


Yang Meifang said quickly:"Don't call me mom casually, I can't bear it?"

"You two haven't officially married yet, even if you have obtained the marriage certificate, but in my eyes, only after the wedding ceremony is it a real marriage."

"Do you two understand?"

Jiang Xiaotian smiled and said,"Yes, yes, you are right, let's go quickly."

If we don't hurry up, the dishes on the table will probably be eaten up.

"That's more like it."

Sitting in the car on the way home, Jiang Xiaotian and Zhou Xiaoyu were both very happy.

They met and fell in love in college, and have been together for five or six years. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

During this period, they went through many tests, but each time they were very determined to get through.

The brothers who came to pick up the bride were also sincerely happy for Jiang Xiaotian.

He married his most beloved girl home, and everyone would bless him.

Only Yang Meifang had a gloomy face throughout the whole process.

It was very embarrassing for Yang Meifang to hold a banquet in the countryside.[]

When the relatives in the city find out, they will laugh at him for a long time.

As a result, this kind of thing happened on the wedding day.

No matter which parent, I'm afraid they would feel a little uncomfortable.

When the car drove onto the bridge, Yang Meifang subconsciously opened the window and stuck her head out.

Just a glance, her eyes widened.


No way?

So lively?

Whether in the city or in the countryside, the general customs are similar. For a big event like this marriage, the more people come and the more lively it is, the better.

The yard outside their house was surrounded by people, and all the old and children were looking forward to it, standing on tiptoe to look into the house.

Everyone was discussing it eagerly.

Could it be that...

Jiang Xiaotian's family is so prestigious in the local village?

A preliminary estimate showed that there must be at least several hundred people.

This is a bit scary.

Yang Meifang couldn't help swallowing her saliva. (Zhao Le)

Could it be that... their family is very prestigious in the village.

After the car drove a distance, Yang Meifang couldn't help but shudder slightly.

An extremely strong fragrance came to her face, making her stomach churn, and she swallowed subconsciously.

What is that?

Why does it smell so good ?

She couldn't wait and had an urge to eat it.

The smell was simply amazing.

It smelled so good, so good!

It seemed that it was not just the fragrance of one dish, but the fragrance of many dishes mixed together.

Could it be... the fragrance of the dishes made by the chef of the banquet?

When Yang Meifang thought of this, her face couldn't help but change drastically.

If they could really invite such an awesome chef to be the chef of the banquet, then their family's reputation would definitely be extraordinary.

It seems that my daughter... married right..

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