Zhou Xiaoyu also smelled the peculiar fragrance.

Her beautiful eyes widened and stared blankly ahead, her eyes full of disbelief.

She remembered that Jiang Shaolong's family had just moved to the village not long ago, and they didn't have any connections before. She didn't expect that a wedding would be so lively? It was really amazing.

The most important thing is... the food smells so good!

I don't know how much higher it is than the hotels in the city.

The hotels in the county town have higher standards and many varieties, but the taste is actually average.

Therefore, when the two chose the wedding banquet, Zhou Xiaoyu and Jiang Xiaotian easily reached an agreement.

They are willing to invite a chef who cooks big banquets in the countryside.

There is no need to go to the county town.

Zhou Xiaoyu also knew before that the chefs who can cook banquets in the countryside are generally good at cooking.

But she never thought it would reach this point.

"Old, husband……"

Zhou Xiaoyu's mouth was drooling uncontrollably.

She couldn't help swallowing and said,"Can you tell me where did you hire the chef from?"

"I feel like his level is really high?"

Jiang Xiaotian was a little embarrassed to answer.

"I don't know how to tell you"

"Of course I'm telling the truth!"

How can you not show off such amazing cooking skills?

He smiled awkwardly and said,"Before, our chef was cooking prison meals in the cell!"


Zhou Xiaoyu's beautiful eyes widened to the limit. She looked ahead in a daze and didn't react for a long time.

What did she just hear?

Cooking prison food in the cell.

No way?

Can it be more outrageous? Are the prisoners in prison treated so well now?

They can eat such delicious food every day.

It's outrageous! It's unbelievable.

In the past, the most important and festive part of other people's weddings was that after the wedding car arrived, many people would come to see the bride.

This custom exists in many places in rural areas.

It expresses the importance of the bride and the joy of this festive day.

But today... When the car arrived at the destination, everyone was still eating on their own. Those who were already sitting at the table ate so attentively and without distractions. Not to mention the arrival of the bride, even if the king of heaven arrived, they would never take a second look. Those who were not sitting at the table stood far away and watched. They kept swallowing their saliva, and they were so greedy that they wanted to cry!

Can't they take a good look if they can't eat?

Seeing everyone Zhou Xiaoyu was a little worried about the performance.

She certainly didn't care much about such things. Zhou Xiaoyu and Jiang Xiaotian had been together for such a long time.

They had a very deep emotional foundation.

Zhou Xiaoyu also knew exactly what kind of person Jiang Xiaotian was.

Therefore, she would not pay much attention to some unpleasant things that happened on the wedding day.

Unlike her mother!

Yang Meifang has lived for most of her life, and what she values most is face.

Today, her daughter finally got married, and it was the only time she got married!

The necessary standards and etiquette must not be missed.

They had not moved to the county town for a long time, and they knew the relevant customs in the countryside very well.

Their family was so lively today, but no one came to greet the bride.

Didn't she care about her daughter?

Zhou Xiaoyu glanced at her mother carefully.

But she found that the other party did not have any attack.

Just when she was curious, Yang Meifang took the lead in opening the car door and jumped out directly.

She squeezed into the crowd, and while squeezing in, she kept muttering:"It smells so good, so good, who can bear it?"

"My baby daughter is so lucky!"

Zhou Xiaoyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she saw this scene.

The wedding ceremony will be held around noon. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

This part was also very lively in the past, but today, just like before, everyone paid more attention to food.

Even the host would occasionally glance towards the seats when reading the lines.

After the various parts of the previous part were over, it was finally time for the bride and groom to express their feelings to each other. (bgba) Zhou Xiaoyu took the microphone and couldn't help saying,"Thank you all... for attending the wedding... Hiss! I won't say anything else... Can you guys eat faster? I can't help it anymore."


Everyone didn't take Zhou Xiaoyu's words to heart.

Because this was also their voice.

Those who didn't eat it couldn't wait to get something quickly and taste it properly.

Some even paid several times for their share of the money, and after finishing the first round, they wanted to eat the second round! It was definitely the first time in the village that the buffet was so lively.

Everyone was eating happily, and Jiang Shaolong felt happy too, after all, it was particularly face-saving.

For a person who had just moved here, it was the first time that so many villagers came to support their first wedding!

A good buffet can win them several years of reputation.

After about two or three hours, all the guests barely finished eating, and it was finally the host's turn.

Zhou Xiaoyu, who had been impatient for a long time, hurried to sit at the table.

Looking at the full table of dishes, the color, fragrance and taste were all delicious, and the rich aroma had already aroused the greed in her stomach.

Just now at the wedding ceremony, Zhou Xiaoyu couldn't wait.

It looks so delicious!

She picked up a piece of braised pork elbow and slowly put it into her mouth.

After a long time of stewing, the elbow is very soft and tasty, with a fresh and fragrant aroma. The moment it is put into the mouth, the rich soup is about to burst out.

It diffuses back and forth in her mouth, and it is so delicious that people have an urge to cry.

This taste is simply amazing! It smells so good!

How can it be so delicious?!

Zhou Xiaoyu has never tasted such delicious food.

Finally, I can understand why everyone is so crazy about coming to the banquet?

She was about to taste other dishes, but found that she was too slow, and many dishes had been eaten by more than half.

Now the table is like a battlefield, and no one is willing to give in to anyone.

If the chopsticks are a little slower, you can't get the food!

Zhou Xiaoyu was stunned!

It's not so exaggerated, right?!

Yang Meifang next to her has long forgotten the unpleasant things that happened today.

Food can cure all bad moods.

If you don't feel like eating delicious food, don't doubt it, it's not your problem!

It's just that the food cooked by others is not delicious enough.

As long as the taste is good enough, it will definitely make you happy physically and mentally!

Even Yang Meifang had to admit that the skills of the chefs who cooked the feast in the countryside couldn't be higher! It was simply admirable!

Fortunately, they didn't prepare the feast in the city.

The county town does have face, but it's just face!

The taste is not good at all!

She used to be a very elegant person, but now seeing so many delicious foods, she doesn't care about the so-called elegance at all!

Fill your stomach first and talk about it later?!

The taste is really amazing! It's so delicious!

Jiang Xue and Jiang Chen, who finally finished their work, sat side by side on the chair, sweating and panting.

This was the first time Jiang Xue had done so much work

"Old classmate, if we get married in the future, I'll let you be the chef, right?".

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