Everyone felt aggrieved. They complained bitterly.

Why didn't they come with Bai Xiaotong to take a look?

What if it was really unpalatable? At worst, they could just go out and buy something else.

As a result, they missed a delicious meal in vain.

Looking at the few sour and spicy potato shreds left in the plate, everyone's eyes lit up.

Even if there were not many dishes left, it was better than nothing, and it was better than having nothing to eat.

Officer Mao took the lead. He grabbed the plate of spicy and sour potato shreds and quickly picked up the chopsticks, about to put the last dish in his mouth.

But suddenly, his body froze.

Officer Mao was surprised to find that there was another hand holding the other end of the plate.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move the plate in front of him.

Officer Tong grabbed the plate and said,"Old Mao, we have been good brothers for so many years, and I usually take good care of you in the police station."

"How about you give me the spicy and sour potato shreds today?"

"No way."

Officer Mao wiped his saliva and said,"I can give you other things, but I have to eat this last bit of shredded potatoes!"

Neither of them was willing to give in, and both used all their lifelong knowledge to grab the plate of shredded potatoes.

No, no, no!

It's insulting to them to say that.

They are not fighting for a plate of shredded potatoes!

To be precise, it's half a plate of shredded potatoes.

The fight between the two was quite intense, and neither of them was willing to give in, but at this moment, several pairs of chopsticks suddenly reached into the plate.

With lightning speed, they picked up the shredded potatoes and put them into their mouths.

Seeing this scene, Officers Tong and Mao were both dumbfounded for a moment.

No way?!

They actually took advantage of the opportunity?

When the two were still arguing over who should get the shredded potatoes, , the remaining few people had already tasted it first.

Seeing the satisfied and enjoyable expressions on their faces, Officer Mao was jealous.

He clenched his fists tightly, his stomach churned, and a gurgling sound came from his throat!

Leave some for him!

In a blink of an eye, the shredded potatoes on the plate were eaten up, and the two of them... left nothing behind?

Looking at the table, the food in the plate had also been swept away. Bai Xiaotong and another female police officer, both with a look of enjoyment on their faces, leaned back in their chairs quite comfortably.

They ate this meal very happily!

No more.

There is no more food on the table.

"Two young comrades."

Meng Haiyang drank a glass of wine and said,"You can't blame me for not hosting you well. I called the best chef in our police station to come over."

"I specially wanted to cook a meal for you and treat you well, but there is no way, you doubt his cooking skills"

"Then you can't blame me."

Everyone was a little amused when they heard this.

They would never have thought that a chef in a prison could have such amazing cooking skills!

Now think about what Meng Haiyang said before, the police station's crime-solving rate can be improved so quickly, it's all because Jiang Chen's cooking is good.

Originally, everyone thought that Meng Haiyang must be hiding something and didn't want to tell them the real trick.

But now think about it carefully... it seems that what he said is indeed right.

If it were me, I would be able to taste such delicious food every day, and I would definitely work hard and actively.

If I don't work hard to solve the case, I will feel sorry for the food on the plate!

"Director Meng."

Officer Mao came to Meng Haiyang and said,"I wonder if you can ask your chef to cook for us again now, and we can pay him?"

Meng Haiyang rolled his eyes at Officer Mao, and his eyes showed obvious dissatisfaction.

Who gave him the confidence? Why is he so proud?

Didn't he give him a chance before?

Do you think you can buy off a chef like Jiang Chen who is so arrogant and has a bad temper?

It's ridiculous.


Meng Haiyang said:"I can't help but consider the health of our chef. He has been busy for so long, he must be tired now."

"If you still want to eat, then wait till tonight."

Although everyone was a little disappointed, their eyes lit up when they heard the second half of the sentence, and they couldn't hide their excitement.

Wait till tonight?

Doesn't that mean they still have a chance to eat the food Jiang Chen cooked?! That

's great.

Anyway, they can still study here for a whole day, so they can definitely take advantage of it... No, no, no, they can definitely learn a lot from their experience

"Thank you, Director Meng."

Officer Mao said,"Why don't we go back and take a look around and learn from your rich experience?"

"Your police department is definitely the most powerful, fastest growing, most advanced management model, and best police department I have ever seen."

"As for you, Director Meng, in my mind, you are a very glorious and majestic person, just like a god."

"My admiration for you can be said to be like a surging river, which is endless. I can't even finish talking about it for three days and three nights!"

Meng Haiyang smiled and nodded gently. His attitude was very obvious. He was very satisfied with this flattery.

Let them continue to flatter.

Everyone knows that if Meng Haiyang is flattered now, they can have delicious food in the evening. You have to act when it's time to act!

But at this moment, Officer Mao slammed the table and said to Officer Tong coldly:"Old Tong, you are really useless. Isn't it just for a meal?"

"How could you say something that goes against your conscience?"


People looked at Officer Mao in disbelief, and Director Meng also raised his eyebrows.

What did he mean?

Officer Mao came to Director Meng solemnly, and he said very sincerely:"Director Meng, please don't listen to my friend's nonsense."

"You are not a god, gods are fictional, but you really exist in reality! When there are criminals and bad people doing evil, gods will not intervene."

"When public security is breached, even gods will not intervene. But you are different. You are always at the forefront!"

"Always keep the safety of the people in mind. You are greater than gods. He just insulted you!"

"I didn't know before why their police department's crime-solving rate increased so quickly. You always said before...……"

He couldn't help but drool before he finished speaking.

But Officer Mao was serious about flattering him, and he couldn't stop even if he drooled.

He was very serious and continued to add:"You always say that the key to improving the crime solving rate is good cooking. I don't think that's the key."

"The most important thing is to have leaders like you, who lead them wisely and bravely, and keep working hard and working late into the night!"

"Chief Meng, I believe that under your leadership, your police department will surely make even greater contributions."

"A wise and powerful person like you will definitely treat us to delicious food tonight, right?"

Bai Xiaotong, Officer Tong and others couldn't help but give Officer Mao a thumbs up.


Brother, you are really awesome!

When it comes to flattery, you have to be the one to do it?

There are blind spots in surveillance, but your flattery is simply perfect.

The most important thing is the second half of the sentence, which sublimates the flattery in the front.

It is an invisible reminder to Director Meng that he must treat them to delicious food in the evening.

It's quite impressive and has some level!

That's simply not an ordinary high level!

Director Meng was almost embarrassed by his praise, but he had been in a leadership position for several years after all, so he could barely accept it.

He nodded and said,"You comrades, your ideological awareness is high!"

"I will take you to the police station to have a good look. You must study hard."

"As for the dinner tonight, I have already discussed it with our chef. Don't worry, you won't suffer any loss."

Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.


They are sure to have good food tonight!

They will never go out again.

This morning, when we followed Chief Meng and walked around their police station, everyone still had this notebook in their hands. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

They wanted to record the reasons why their police station was so successful.

But in the afternoon... the picture changed.

No matter what Chief Meng said, they just nodded in agreement.

Most of the time, they were beating around the bush. What delicious food can there be for dinner? []

As for learning experience They had forgotten about it a long time ago. Besides...

Chief Meng had already told them the reason why their police station was so good at solving cases!

Now there is really nothing to say!

Everything is due to an amazing chef.

How can one learn this?!

Could it be that they invited Jiang Chen to their police station?

It's simply unrealistic!

Chief Meng would never agree to it even if he was beaten to death.

The few hours in the morning passed very quickly, but in the afternoon, it became torture for them. Every minute and every second was particularly slow.

When will dinner be served?

Everyone was impatient.

…… kitchen

"Old classmates."

Jiang Xue stepped in from the door and handed the prepared red envelope to Jiang Chen. The latter was stunned for a moment, and asked with confusion in his eyes:"What are you doing?……"

"My dad asked me to give it to you."

"Your dad?"

Jiang Xue nodded and said:"Yes! What’s the problem?"

"Why did he give me a red envelope for no reason?"

Jiang Xue replied:"It's like this, my cousin will be back from abroad in two days, they rarely have the opportunity to come back, my dad wants to treat her well, they decided to ask you to help"

"If you are free on the weekend, how about coming to my house and cooking a meal?"


"But what?"

Jiang Xue said,"But my dad asked if you can cook Western food. My cousin has a weird taste. She always thinks Western food tastes better than Chinese food, so……"

"Forget it then."

He refused firmly, hardly giving Jiang Xue any chance to react.

Jiang Xue was stunned for a moment and said,"The red envelope inside is not a small amount, right?"

"Of course I know."

Jiang Tiankuo was very generous, and the red envelopes he gave to Jiang Chen were no less than six figures each time.

On the one hand, he liked Jiang Chen's cooking skills, and on the other hand, he simply admired his talent.

The young man was polite and handsome, his cooking was delicious, and his personality was gentle. It was hard to find such a person even if you looked at ten suns! He was a perfect match for his daughter!

As long as she had a skill, she would definitely not be hungry no matter where she went in the future.

Even if she was not rich for the time being, it didn't matter?

Besides, Jiang Tiankuo had nothing else but money!

If Jiang Chen could really be with Jiang Xue, wouldn't it be enough for them to inherit his property in the future?

Therefore, Jiang Tiankuo had only one requirement for finding a son-in-law!

It was enough for him to get along with his daughter and be willing to treat Jiang Xue well.

As for family background, education and income... they were not within Jiang Tiankuo's consideration.

Jiang Chen was the only one who he thought was a suitable candidate.

"Then why are you still……"

"I only know how to cook Chinese food.

Jiang Chen said,"Since your cousin wants to eat Western food, let her go to the Western restaurant."

"How could the cooking skills in a western restaurant be as good as yours?"

"Just promise me!"

Facing Jiang Xue's request, Jiang Chen didn't take it to heart. His expression was very calm.

"No way."

Jiang Chen said:"I may consider other things, but this one is not possible. I can't cook Western food! And I don't want to cook Western food!"

Seeing Jiang Chen's firm refusal, he secretly sighed.

"Well, it's no problem to make Chinese food. I'll leave it to you next, old classmate."

She raised her head and looked at Jiang Chen with a smile on her face. There seemed to be stars blooming in her eyes. Her eyes were bright and deep, like a clear spring.

Jiang Chen was stunned for a while when he saw this scene. Jiang

Xue, who was wearing a policewoman uniform, had a perfect figure at a glance. She was thin where she should be thin, and fat where she should be fat. She was slender and well-proportioned!

This girl... is really beautiful!

Jiang Chen subconsciously stretched out his right hand and touched her head like a kitten.

When Jiang Chen's right hand fell, Jiang Xue's body trembled slightly, as if she was electrocuted, and she froze there for a moment.

The atmosphere in the air... was somewhat ambiguous.

After a moment, Jiang Chen quickly retracted his right hand and said,"Let's not waste time. Director Meng also asked us to prepare dinner."

"Right, right, right!"

Jiang Xue also nodded and said quickly:"That makes sense, then let's get ready quickly!"


Jiang Chen has gotten used to it now. Jiang Xue is always by his side when he cooks.

Although the work she helps with is all insignificant, but... as long as she is busy there, he feels more motivated to do things.

The dishes served tonight are similar to those served at noon. Director Meng gave him a red envelope of three to four thousand yuan for the two meals.

It is also a considerable income!


The two or three hours in the afternoon seemed as long as two or three days to Bai Xiaotong and the others.

Seeing that it was finally time for dinner, they were all a little impatient.

Even... several police officers now had the idea of switching to their police station!

They didn't want to stay in their own police station. Being under Meng Haiyang's command, they could eat so many delicious foods every day, which was really a pleasure!.

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