The food in their own police station is definitely not bad.

But compared with Jiang Chen's cooking skills, the gap between the two is obvious.

Jiang Chen has a pair of hands that can turn decay into magic.

No matter what kind of food it is, no matter how simple the dish is, as long as he gets his hands on it, it can become delicious and memorable in the end.

The two policemen who tasted the taste of hot and sour potato shreds were savoring it all afternoon.

They couldn't help drooling every time they thought about it.

After a long few hours, it was finally half past five in the afternoon.

Everyone was eager to try.

They were always ready.

As long as Director Meng gave the order that the meal was ready, they would definitely use all their life's energy and physical strength to rush to the dining place.

Even if they didn't learn the experience that could improve the crime-solving rate.

But at least they had to eat delicious food.

Director Meng stopped and turned around to observe the performance of everyone.

Seeing that everyone kept swallowing their saliva, he knew that they must be very greedy.

"Feeling hungry?���

No one spoke, but nodded.

He deliberately picked up his watch slowly, and everyone stared at Director Meng intently.

His every move affected everyone's nerves.


He had just said the two words"one, two, seven" when he saw everyone clenching their fists, like swords ready to be fired, as if they were ready to rush out at any time.

Director Meng coughed twice and said,"It's time to eat. Chef Xiao Jiang just sent a message saying that dinner is ready."

Everyone was extremely happy to hear the news.

"Director Meng, we’re leaving first!"

"Thank you Director Meng for the hospitality!"

"You are truly wise and powerful!"


They all ran very fast, and everyone was scrambling to be the first, unwilling to fall behind.

No one had eaten well at noon today, and they had been patient for two or three hours, and now they could no longer bear it.

Officer Mao ran in the front. When he came to the private room and pushed the door open, he was stunned by the large table of dishes on the table.

This feeling looks great, right?

Every dish is bright and colorful, and looks particularly appetizing.

The braised pork elbow was placed on the plate, with rich golden soup wrapped on the skin, and chopped green onions sprinkled on it, which became the finishing touch.

It looks quite perfect, like a work of art.

The beggar chicken, which had been prepared in advance, was placed on the plate one by one. The chicken was quite tender, and a light oil could be seen on it, slowly flowing down the skin of the meat.

The juice was quite clear and did not give people a greasy feeling.

As for the stir-fried cabbage and hot and sour potato shreds, each home-cooked dish has its own flavor, from color to aroma to the exquisiteness of the plate, it is impeccable.

Jiang Chen's cooking skills were fully displayed at this moment, which was amazing!

It looked great!

Officer Mao rushed to the front. He pulled off the drumstick of the beggar's chicken and stuffed it into his mouth without saying a word. He was very fast.

He was afraid that others would snatch it from him.

The skin of the beggar's chicken had a very light lotus leaf fragrance, which was not particularly strong, but just right.

However, the lotus leaf fragrance not only stayed on the skin, but also completely blended into the inside of the chicken. Every inch of meat tasted very delicate and tender, with plenty of juice.

It was fragrant and tender, and it was unforgettable.

It was so delicious!

In the past, whether he ate chicken outside or in the police canteen, he would feel that it was very woody. The chicken had no toughness or chewiness at all, and it always felt weird.

But... the chicken drumstick in front of him was very different!

The taste was simply amazing! It was so delicious that people wanted to swallow even the bones.

Officer Tong was a very stubborn person. He tried to grab the plate of spicy and sour potato shreds before, but failed.

This time he rushed in, and the first dish he chose to taste was shredded potatoes.

He picked up a piece of shredded potatoes with chopsticks and slowly put it into his mouth. The sour taste immediately spread. The shredded potatoes were fried just until they were cooked through. They were very crispy, but not raw. The sour and spicy tastes blended together, bringing great enjoyment to the nerves and taste buds in the mouth.

It was hearty and delicious, and people could not stop eating.

With a big bowl of white rice, people could not stop eating.

No matter which dish it was, it was very fragrant. Which dish

Jiang Chen made was the most delicious, it all depended on what you were eating now.

If you were eating sour and spicy shredded potatoes, then shredded potatoes were definitely the best. If you were eating stir-fried cabbage, then cabbage was definitely more delicious. If you chose beggar's chicken, there was no doubt that... chicken was the first in your mind.

How did the chef do it?

It was obviously the same dish, why did he make it feel different?

Why was it so much more delicious?

They usually worked hard, and now they worked even harder to eat?

Who was unwilling to give in to whom?

Everyone is equal in front of food, and there is no such thing as ladies first. As for being gentle and considerate to women, no one cares about it.

Braised pork elbow, roast duck, beggar's chicken, spicy grilled fish, braised beef, sweet and sour spareribs, each one is a great dish to eat with rice! They are so delicious that they almost cried!

They are all the same police station meals, how can the difference be so big?


If they can eat such delicious food every day, they will definitely work very hard to solve cases.

It would be strange if the crime solving rate does not increase!

Half an hour later, the food on the plate was eaten clean, nothing was left, and no dish was spared.

It's all because Jiang Chen's cooking is so delicious!

Everyone is a little full!

However... if there are one or two more dishes of Jiang Chen's dishes, even if they are full, they can definitely bite the bullet and finish two bowls! (To read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Meng Haiyang put down his bowl and chopsticks and said,"You have learned what you should learn, and you should go back now, right?"

"I still have many cases to deal with, so I won't send you off."

When everyone heard this, they stood up from their chairs.

They were all shocked!

What did Director Meng mean just now? Is he going to drive them away?

How can this be possible?

They haven't eaten yet... No, no, no, they haven't learned enough!

If they don't learn useful knowledge, how can they report to Zhuge Tian when they go back?

Officer Mao hurriedly said:"Director Meng, you don't know how much I admire you. In my mind, your status is unmatched."

"Your wisdom in handling cases, your management skills, and your views on human nature are all unique."

"You have accumulated such a wealth of experience in handling cases, and have made an indelible contribution to the public security of Tianlong City over the years."

"I admire you very much!"

He listened quietly.

Here it comes, again.

Director Meng tapped the table with his fingers.

His attitude was very obvious!

You guys pat me well, see if you can make me feel comfortable?

If you pat me well, I will let you stay here for a day or two?!

If you can't pat me well, then I can only let you go back as soon as possible........

After all... he paid Jiang Chen to cook.

"Think about it, you have been through so much hardship over the years and accumulated such rich experience. What is your purpose?"

"Of course, it is to greatly improve the rate of solving crimes and make it impossible for criminals and bad guys to hide."

"If we only spend one day to learn your advanced ideas and methods of solving cases, it would be a blasphemy to you."

"Let alone studying for one day, even if we study for a year, we still haven’t learned enough!"

"In order to thoroughly learn your thoughts and glorious image, we decided to study here for at least one or two days."


Director Meng curled his lips.

What the hell?

Why do I feel like you are getting ahead of yourself? You still want to study for one or two days?

I let Jiang Chen cook for you every day?

Tomorrow at the latest!

They must leave after tomorrow morning.

Otherwise, if they continue to stay here, Jiang Chen will be tired, and most importantly... he will also be in trouble.

"I'll think about it carefully."

Meng Haiyang said:"But if you don't go back, won't your Director Zhuge have any objections? Don't you have any work to do?"

"My dear Chief Meng."

Officer Mao said,"Before leaving, Chief Zhuge told us to learn the essence of your thoughts."

"He also admires you very much, and he will definitely be very happy to see us staying with you for a long time."

"Chief Zhuge also told us that if we are willing, we can spend the New Year here."

Damn, you guys are really crazy for eating for free?

You still want to stay here for the New Year?

Why don't you just change jobs?

Come directly to their police station?

"Then I'll think about it carefully."

Meng Haiyang said leisurely:"To be honest, my shoulder has been a little painful recently, and I don't know if there is anyone who can help me massage it!"

"Let me do it."

Officer Mao quickly stood up and came behind Meng Haiyang. Several other people also rushed to show their attitude. 5.8's attitude in front of him was so good.

This feeling made Meng Haiyang feel happy!

It was really cool, but it was a bit expensive!


Police station in the next city.

Officer Mao and his team have been there for two days and have not returned yet.

Most importantly, they have not called Zhuge Tian.

This made him extremely upset!

I asked you to go and study, but you didn't come back after being twice as busy, but you didn't even contact him?

What on earth were they thinking?

Did they take his chief seriously?

He couldn't help but took out his cell phone and called Officer Mao.

He seemed to be eating over there.

"Hey, Director, is there anything going on?"

Zhuge Tian angrily scolded,"What's going on? Didn't I ask you to go for a day? Now two days have passed, and you didn't come back or give me any news?"

"You want to rebel, don't you?"

"This is delicious... It tastes great. What did you say, Chief? Ah, come back? I tell you, we haven't learned enough. Let's eat a few more meals here. No, no, no, we will come back after we fully comprehend the essence of his thoughts." After saying that

, he hung up the phone without waiting for Zhuge Tian to respond.

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