The braised pork elbow is definitely one of the most difficult dishes Jiang Chen made today.

The skin of the pork elbow is bright and shiny, covered with thick soup, and the finely chopped green onions cover the golden skin, with a rich aroma.

After a long time of stewing, the pork elbow has become very soft and rotten. When you touch the plate gently, you can feel the meat on the skin trembling with the vibration of the plate.

It is as elastic as jelly, and the meat on the surface seems to be shaking, which makes people's appetite doubled.

Originally, Bai Xiaotong had a good relationship with the female police officer next to her. They have been classmates since college.

However, when she saw the pork elbow in front of her, the friendship between the besties was not worth mentioning at all.

Before this, Bai Xiaotong heard Guo Mengmeng say that the chef in their prison had extraordinary skills. Any ordinary dish would become extremely delicious as long as it passed through his hands.

At that time, she didn't believe it at all.

She thought her bestie was bragging.

It was not until she really tasted the food made by Jiang Chen that she found that what others said was true.

The elbow melts in the mouth, soft, glutinous, fragrant and tender, especially delicious, and the soup is also particularly rich, which makes every taste bud and every cell seem to be touched.

How can there be such delicious food in the world?

In addition to the braised elbow, Jiang Chen's mouth-watering chicken is also quite good.

The two of them didn't care about their image at all, and the chopsticks in their hands fell like raindrops.

Every dish could not escape their eyes.

The two had long forgotten what the purpose of coming here today was?

Now they have only one idea.

No matter what, they must eat more.

Meng Haiyang was full of shock.

It seems that he underestimated Jiang Chen, and at the same time underestimated the fighting power of the two girls.

It is estimated that they have never eaten such delicious food before, so now their true colors are exposed, and all the body management and the like are all clouds.

If he doesn't hurry up, he probably won't be able to eat it.

Meng Haiyang was not polite either, picked up a piece of chicken wing and put it in the bowl.

He ate it by himself.

Fortunately, Officer Mao and others didn't come today, otherwise the dishes prepared by Jiang Chen might not be enough.

What a pity.

They don't know how to enjoy it at all


Outside the restaurant.

Officer Tong looked at his study report for today and felt a headache.

He rubbed his forehead and said,"Brothers, we are going to be scolded when we go back this time?"

""What's going on?"

Officer Mao drank a glass of wine and asked,"We didn't do anything wrong, why did the director scold us?"

"He told us to come and learn from others' advanced experience and write a review. But I just listened to Director Meng speak for more than an hour, and he spent at least 50 minutes talking about how delicious the food in their police station is."

"Brothers, don't you think this is ridiculous? They didn't tell us anything useful, nor did they have any substantive content.

Officer Mao shaved his teeth and said,"I think Director Meng is not willing to tell us what their secret is."

"If you think about it, their crime solving rate was basically the same as ours, but it suddenly increased dramatically in a short period of time."

"It's so awesome. If he told us the secret, couldn't we just do the same?"

"When our status becomes the same as theirs, will Chief Meng feel good about it?"

Thinking carefully, what Officer Mao said just now makes sense.

Officer Tong said:"I understand what you said just now. The key is how should we report to Chief Zhuge when we go back? Do we really have to write down what Chief Meng said?"

Normally, as long as Zhuge Tian does not have a big lump on his head, he should not believe what they said.

A police station suddenly changed and became awesome just because a cook came to the police station, who was a cook for the prison.

Who would believe it?

"Isn't it okay to just write it randomly?"

Officer Mao replied:"Only a sincere person like you would rack your brains every time you write a report."

"I always have a template, but he won't read it carefully anyway. Besides, can you really learn anything if the report is well written?"

"If we really can't think of one, can't we just copy one from the Internet?"

"Anyway, these (bgfe) are all nonsense and useless.

Officer Tong thought about what Officer Mao said and felt that it made sense.

"That's fine."

He nodded and replied,"We'll do it then."

Not long after, the policemen had eaten and drunk their fill. After paying the bill, they were about to leave when Officer Tong suddenly said,"Oh, we were so busy filling our stomachs that we forgot about the two female comrades."

"Aren't they eating inside?"

Officer Mao didn't mind it.

"How they want to eat has nothing to do with us, as long as they are not hungry."

Officer Tong said seriously:"Lao Mao, you can't say that, we are all here together, and do you think the food cooked by the chef in the prison tastes good?"

"Boss, please prepare one of your signature dishes for me. I will pack it for my friend."

""Okay, no problem."

The boss nodded in agreement, and soon made two servings of lobster noodles. After Officer Tong paid, he took the noodles and left the restaurant with everyone else.

They came to the police station and called Bai Xiaotong.

There was no answer for a long time.

He called again, and the situation was the same as before.

What's going on?

Why didn't Bai Xiaotong answer?

"Where can we find them now?"

Officer Mao said,"We don't even know where they are."

"Forget it, let's wait at the police station for a while. Bai Xiaotong should call us back after seeing the call."

"All right."

After a while, Officer Mao said again:"Brothers, do you feel like you are not full? The food in that restaurant was just so-so!"

Everyone agreed after hearing this.

The food in that restaurant was just so-so, but the portions of each dish were small, so everyone could only eat until they were 60% to 70% full.

"How about we go somewhere else?"

Faced with Officer Mao's suggestion, Officer Tong shook his head and said,"I think we should forget it. Let's just observe and learn today, and then we can team up to eat hot pot in the evening."

"No problem."

Officer Mao clapped his hands and said,"To be honest, I haven't had a good hot pot meal for a long time."

"We are usually very busy with work and don’t have much time to get together. How about getting drunk tonight?"

"Well, let's have a nice drink."

Everyone laughed heartily, and the atmosphere was quite pleasant.

Ding - at this moment, Officer Tong's cell phone rang.

After he answered it, Bai Xiaotong's voice came from the other end.

"I was eating just now...I didn't hear it...The food in their police station is so delicious?"

"I tell you... you will definitely regret not coming here to eat this time! You will regret it so much that your intestines will turn green when the time comes!" Hearing this, Officer Tong's mouth twitched slightly.

What are you describing?

What are you saying ? You will regret it so much that your intestines will turn green? Is it as exaggerated as you say? The food in the police station is at best just passable, barely edible. As for the cooking skills of the prison chef, I am sure I can't praise it. Anyway, eight out of ten of them are unpalatable, and one is simply inedible.

"Where are you? I came to find you.

Officer Tong said,"I think……"

"Go along the hall to the right. There is a room there. We are still eating in there. Come over here quickly. I will leave a chopstick of shredded potatoes for each of you.

Officer Tong:"()"

Listen, listen. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

What are you talking about?

Each person left a chopstick of potato shreds.


You think they have never eaten potato shreds.

No matter how delicious a dish is, it won't be as delicious as you are.[]

Could you be more exaggerated?

"OK, we'll be there right away.

Officer Tong hung up the phone.

"Where are they?"

He smiled bitterly and said,"You may not believe me, but she is still eating, and...she just told me that the food there is delicious, and she left some shredded potatoes for each of us."

Everyone was petrified.

Wasn't she exaggerating a little?

What on earth was leaving a chopstick of shredded potatoes for each of them?

Why did Bai Xiaotong sound like she thought it was an honor to leave shredded potatoes for them?

This was not the way to play it, okay?

"Forget it.

Officer Mao said,"Let's go over there and see if the food in the police station tastes as exaggerated as he said."

They are a group of police officers, and the purpose of coming here today is to learn how to improve the crime-solving rate.

As a result, after arriving here, the most common words they heard were how good the food in the police station tasted. They originally thought that Director Meng started from the bottom and has always been very concerned about criminal cases, and he will definitely pass on his rich experience to them.

Who would have thought that the old man, since he came here, has never stopped talking.

He kept emphasizing in front of them how awesome their food is and how great the chef is.

It made them wonder if they had come to a hotel.

This is not the most outrageous. It's really... What made them feel incredible and incomprehensible was Bai Xiaotong.


You came here with us.

How could you betray us in just over half an hour?

Just like Director Meng.

He didn't say anything else on the phone just now, just saying that their food is delicious.

How good must your cooking skills be to bribe you so easily

? They should see for themselves today whether it is really as exaggerated as they said?

According to Bai Xiaotong's previous instructions, about ten minutes later, they came to the outside of the room.

The curtains on the windows were drawn and the door of the house was closed.

Faint exclamations could be heard coming from the room.

"This elbow is so delicious!"

"I prefer eating this roast duck!"

"I don’t want to leave now that I’m here!"

"I too... I really want to stay here forever."

The conversation between Bai Xiaotong and another female police officer stunned Officer Mao and the others.

No way? Are you kidding me?!

A meal made you betray the organization. You even want to change jobs and come to their police station?!

It's really a bit exaggerated!

Although the door of the house was still closed, they could more or less smell a hint of fragrance, but the fragrance was not particularly strong.

Everyone just thought that the food should taste good, but it was not to the point where they couldn't help themselves.

Officer Mao walked up and knocked on the door gently.

"Coming right up!"

A moment later, Bai Xiaotong walked up and opened the door, holding a chicken drumstick in her hand.

The moment the door was opened, the rich aroma in the room made all of them feel like they were struck by lightning, and everyone seemed to have forgotten to move.

They all stood there in a daze!

One by one, their eyes widened, and their dormant taste buds seemed to be revived in an instant.

Their saliva was gushing wildly, and they looked at the dishes on the table and were completely dumbfounded.

This... looks so delicious!

Director Meng didn't even say hello to them, and he was still eating.

As for their current psychological feelings, Director Meng could guess one or two without even asking, and each of them must have regretted it. I asked you to come just now, but you didn't come?

Do you regret it now?

Wait for envy and jealousy!

Most of the plates on the table had been cleaned up, leaving only leftovers.

But even so, the tempting aroma exuded, completely convinced them.

"This...smells really delicious!"

"Was it made by the prison cook?"

""Slurp... Damn it, I can't help it!"

They all rushed into the private room without control, but found that there was no hard food to eat.

There was only a little bit of spicy and sour potato shreds left on the plate!

"That's what I left for you?"

Bai Xiaotong said while chewing on a chicken leg,"How is it, am I good to you?"

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