The free time every day is absolutely a precious enjoyment for the prisoners in the prison.

Most prisoners at this time would choose to watch TV for a while, or gather in groups of three or five to brag and chat.

But... the practices of the prisoners in their prison are particularly unique.

Everyone actually gathered together to read books or conduct military training!

Officer Tong rubbed his eyes and couldn't believe what he had just seen.

The most important thing is... it seems that these things were not forced by the police to do them, but they did it voluntarily!

It's a bit outrageous!

Seeing their surprised eyes, Director Meng didn't say anything on the surface, but he was still happy in his heart.

He coughed twice, and sighed:"There is no way, the prisoners in our prison are very sensible, they are too obedient"

"I asked them to try other sports, such as basketball, swimming, etc., but they didn't like it."

"I just want to read books and study, I want to reform myself, and I am very obedient when I work."

"Tell me, is there any way?"

Officer Tong is numb now.

Listen, listen?

Is what he just said still human language?

Should he be so Versailles?

The cost of managing prisoners is not a small number for every prison.

Many bad guys are extremely vicious outside, and when they come to prison, they often talk back to the police, and they may even fight with each other.

But... these prisoners in front of them are so obedient that they can't be more obedient.

Each of them can't wait to be rated as a moral model.

Could this be the reason why their police station's crime-solving rate can be improved so quickly?

Most of the time and energy are saved to solve cases, and the management of those people in the prison does not need to spend too much cost.

This trick is very high!

Officer Tong quickly recorded it, and now he has learned it.

After returning, he will do a good job of ideological work on those prisoners.

"Director Meng."

He continued,"But I still have a question I don't understand. Can you tell me why those prisoners are so obedient?"

"Of course the food in prison is better."

Here, Director Meng couldn't help drooling again.

Yesterday Jiang Chen made braised pork ribs, which tasted absolutely amazing. Thinking about it now, I feel my stomach growling again.

I looked at the time, and there was still half an hour before dinner.

I have to continue to take them around!

I'm so hungry!

"What? ?"

After hearing this, Officer Tong stopped and looked at the other party with a pen in his hand. He was surprised.

He even wondered if there was something wrong with his ears.

No way? Was he kidding? The food in the prison was good? How good could it be? Could it be that it tasted like a full banquet? He always felt that Meng Haiyang was just making fun of them today and had never thought about handing them over sincerely. He must be afraid that their police department would surpass them after learning the core concept.

"Director Meng."

He said sincerely,"We are asking you for advice from the bottom of our hearts. Can you give us a more reliable answer?"

"I have to report to my superiors when I return."

"If I told him that the reason your police department’s crime-solving rate has increased so quickly is entirely because of the good food, he would never believe it!"

Meng Haiyang coughed twice.

"What I said is true."

He continued:"Besides, the food we eat is the same as the prisoners in the prison."

"We also chose that chef."


His eyes widened when he heard this! He was completely numb.

It was the first time he saw the police in the police station eating the same food as the prisoners.

It was really eye-opening!

It was so weird!

"I don't know when dinner will be served. I've been telling you guys just now, and you know what? I'm a little hungry now."

The two men's mouths twitched slightly.

Why can't he talk about food every three sentences?

Apart from talking about how good the food in the police station is, they didn't hear any other reliable and useful information from each other.

Brother, you are a policeman!

Can you stop thinking about food all day long?

Then they followed Meng Haiyang to visit other places in the police station.

They didn't find anything, and the things that really made their eyes light up felt similar to their police station.

But... why are they improving so fast?

It was almost noon when the tour was over.

Meng Haiyang looked at his watch, finally breathed a sigh of relief and said,"Okay, we've almost visited everything we should visit, I'll take you to dinner"

"Let me show you the cooking skills of the chef in my prison."

Suddenly, people were completely stunned.

They all stared at each other, their eyes fell on Meng Haiyang, some of them unbelievable!

If the people in your own police station want to carry forward the spirit of hard work, simplicity and outstanding struggle, there is of course no problem, and others are not qualified to stop it.

But... you dragged all of us together, isn't this a bit too much?

In any case, they came from afar to observe and learn. Even if they don't prepare big fish and meat, they can't eat the same as the feasters, right?

Let the prison chef cook for them!

What are you thinking? (To read the exciting novels, just go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Officer Tong smiled awkwardly and said:"Director Meng, are you telling the truth?"

"Don't you believe me?"

He said calmly:"Of course it's true, I will never lie to you"

"Don't waste time, come with me and try it, I guarantee you won't regret it after eating it."

No matter what, the guest should follow the host's wishes, even if they are a little unhappy, they can only agree to the other party's conditions now.[]

The other police officers did not speak, but followed Meng Haiyang silently.

At this moment, another police officer behind Officer Tong pulled his sleeve with his right hand.

"What are you doing?"

Officer Mao said,"I just ordered a deluxe meal outside. How about we go get some takeout?"

They really couldn't stand eating food cooked by the prison chef.

"No, it's not good, right?"

After hearing what Officer Mao said, it would be impossible for Officer Tong to say that he had no intention of doing so, but... if he really did do that, he would feel a little uneasy.

"There's nothing wrong with that."

He said,"We are not from the police station. Is it wrong for us to go out for a good meal now?"

"OK, I'll talk to him."

Looking at Director Meng who was rushing to the front impatiently, Officer Tong shouted,"Director Meng, we appreciate your kindness, but my brother just ordered a meal outside."

"The two of us decided to just eat takeout!"


Meng Haiyang, who heard the news, couldn't help but brighten his eyes, and a look of joy appeared on his face, as if he was very happy.

If they were going to eat takeout ordered from outside, wouldn't that mean...

Meng Haiyang could eat more next time. Just thinking about it made him feel good.

The two thought that Meng Haiyang was somewhat dissatisfied with their actions, and didn't dare to look up and look at him straight in the eye.

After a while, Meng Haiyang said,"Okay, go ahead, it's okay if you don't want to eat, I understand you young people nowadays."

Officers Tong and Mao breathed a sigh of relief, they turned around and walked away, and several other officers followed closely.

Later, only Bai Xiaotong and another female police officer followed Meng Haiyang.

Seeing that there were only two female comrades, Meng Haiyang was very happy.

Girls have a small appetite, and then they will probably eat a large table of dishes by themselves!

Just thinking about it makes me happy!

These people just don't know how to enjoy themselves.

If they want to learn from their police station how to solve strange cases and improve the crime-solving rate in such a short period of time, they must find another Jiang Chen.

Since Jiang Chen came, both the prisoners and the police in the prison have become more motivated on weekdays.

".Why don't you two go out to eat?"

Meng Haiyang kept swallowing his saliva and said,"Don't worry, I'm a very generous person. Even if you are not interested in the meal I prepared and want to go out to eat now, I will never stop you."

"No, Director Meng."

After hearing what Meng Haiyang had just said, Bai Xiaotong quickly shook her head and said,"We think it's troublesome to eat out, and I heard from Guo Mengmeng that the chefs in your prison seem to be very good."

"She had been recommending it to me before. I finally came here today, so of course I have to taste it."

Meng Haiyang's face turned ugly.

Why did Guo Mengmeng say everything?

Jiang Chen is the treasure of their police station now, and he must not let others know about it casually. Otherwise, what if his cooking skills are so good and he is coveted by others?

They can't lose Jiang Chen.

"Guo Mengmeng just said casually that you can go out to eat now"


Before Director Meng finished speaking, they all froze at the same time, and they all keenly caught the aroma of food in the air. (Did Zhao?) The aroma of each dish was floating in the air, spreading with the wind, refreshing and making people salivate.

Even if they haven't tasted it yet, just smelling the aroma of food in the air can completely and completely mobilize every taste bud on the tip of their tongue.

How can it be so fragrant?!

It smells so good!

Bai Xiaotong's mouth was wet. She tried her best to restrain herself, but she couldn't control the crazy secretion of saliva.

She stared blankly at the private room in front of her, her body was a little out of control, and she suddenly accelerated and rushed over.

Another female police officer beside Bai Xiaotong followed closely behind, and the two of them were very fast, walking briskly.

Director Meng, who saw this scene, patted his forehead with his hand.

It's over.

It's completely over now!

It's all his fault... He ran a little slower.

When we go in later, the most delicious dishes may be almost gone.

Jiang Chen has enough confidence in his cooking skills.

Without saying anything, Chief Meng sped up and finally rushed to the door and pushed it open.

The scene that came into his eyes made Chief Meng dumbfounded!

He was completely dumbfounded?!

No way?! You two are police officers, and you are beautiful policewomen with graceful figures.

Can't you pay attention to your image?

For an elbow...he... wanted to fight?.

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