Meng Haiyang showed an excited smile on his face.

He poured a glass of water and handed it to Jiang Chen with a very respectful attitude.

Jiang Chen is now the treasure of their entire police station.

The previous two cases may have been coincidences, but this last case really made them stunned and unbelievable.

The matter about Yang Kai has been sealed for six or seven years, and almost everyone thinks that the truth has been revealed.

There is no other possibility at all.

But... it was not until today that everyone realized that everything was just an illusion and they were deceived.

Jiang Chen played a relatively important role in it.

The impact of these three cases is bigger than one, and the attention they have attracted on the Internet is higher than one.

Each case was finally revealed with the help of Jiang Chen. It is really sigh-worthy to think about it.

Not only can he help solve the case, but he also cooks delicious food and looks handsome...

Such talents are rare.

It's a pity that such an excellent Jiang Chen has been intercepted by Jiang Xue.

Otherwise, she must let her daughter���Crazy pursuit of him.

With Jiang Chen's ability, it would be no problem for him to be a top chef in any hotel.

A Michelin three-star chef would be defeated in seconds in front of him!

""Little brother."

Meng Haiyang said,"You don't know that our police station has solved three major cases in a row and is now famous throughout the province."

"Several cities next door heard about what happened here and they all admired us very much. They are planning to come to our police station to observe and learn."

"I want to see the daily life and training of our police department. We have achieved so much now that it is hard not to attract attention."

"I'm a very low-key person!"


Low-key as hell.

You're so happy, and you still have the nerve to say you're low-key?

He said to Jiang Chen with infinite emotion:"Brother, this case was solved with your help. In the end, we figured out what was going on."

"You must not go anywhere else. You must promise me that you will stay in our police station no matter what, okay?"

When he said this, his words were almost pleading.

It didn't matter whether Jiang Chen could indirectly help solve the case.

The key point was that if he really left, how could Meng Haiyang have the opportunity to taste such delicious food ?

"No problem."

Jiang Chen nodded and agreed.

According to the old rules, Meng Haiyang still gave Jiang Chen a big red envelope. After a preliminary assessment, it was at least several thousand yuan.

"There are a lot of people coming this time."

Meng Haiyang said:"You have to prepare at least five or six tables. You will have to work hard next."

"As for the menu, you decide on your own, including both meat and vegetables, with balanced nutrition, and also... after the matter is done, I will give you a big red envelope"

"Let other police stations see our standard of living."

"No problem."

Jiang Chen nodded and agreed, and continued:"As usual, I still need Jiang Xue's help."

"Of course, that's no problem."

He said to Jiang Chen very straightforwardly:"You two are boyfriend and girlfriend, isn't it normal for her to help you cook? Besides, she has nothing to do recently."

"Please don't misunderstand me."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said,"I am not boyfriend or girlfriend yet."

"No matter if it is not the case now, it will be the case sooner or later. I tell you, Jiang Xue is a girl worth grasping. She is beautiful and rich, and most importantly, she has never been in a relationship before."

"If you pass by this village, you will miss this shop."

Jiang Chen did not speak.

What Meng Haiyang said just now was indeed true. Jiang Xue was a very good girl. She had a perfect appearance and figure, and she was very generous to him. No matter what it was, as long as Jiang Chen mentioned it a few more times, she would appear at his door on time the next day.

Now the gifts Jiang Xue gave him were placed everywhere in his house.

Last time, he accidentally mentioned it, saying that it was a bit inconvenient to always use her car, and Jiang Xue was going to take him to buy a car the next day.

But Jiang Chen refused.

Such a silly, beautiful and rich girl, let alone a lantern, it would be hard to find even if you had ten suns!

"Then I'll go first"

"OK, thank you for your hard work, Chef Xiao Jiang"

"It's okay."

Why is it so hard to get paid?

Jiang Chen just came out of the office and saw Jiang Xue greeting him from a distance. He ran towards Jiang Chen in a police uniform, smiling like a flower, looking a little silly.

""What does the chief want to see you for? Old classmate?"

Jiang Chen replied,"The leaders of the police station next door are coming to our place to observe, and asked me to cook a meal and entertain them well."

"Does that mean that we two have to cook together again today?"


Jiang Chen couldn't help but ask,"From the tone of your voice, it seems like you are still very happy?"

"Of course."

Jiang Xue replied:"I suddenly feel very happy busying around in the kitchen. Recently, our police station has solved several major cases and is becoming more and more famous. It is said that even the provincial and ministerial leaders have noticed us."

"Old classmate, you have helped a lot in every case, right?"

Jiang Chen did n't know whether to laugh or cry. He was just an accident.

He was just a cook, and he had never thought about doing anything earth-shattering. As for helping to solve the case, it was just a coincidence.

"Stop talking, let's go buy some groceries first."


After they walked for a while, Jiang Xue suddenly stopped and said to Jiang Chen mysteriously,"Old classmate, I'll show you something good later."

"Good stuff?"

He looked at Jiang Xue with some curiosity.

"What good stuff?"

"Come with me and you will know."

Jiang Xue pulled Jiang Chen to the underground garage and opened one of the doors with expectation. Jiang Chen looked down.

The scene that came into his eyes made Jiang Chen stunned. He never thought that there was a big tricycle parked behind the side door!

Is this the good stuff Jiang Xue said?

Doesn't she have a car? Why buy a tricycle?

"You are……"

"Don't you understand?"

Jiang Xue said with a smile:"Every time we went to buy groceries, we drove my nice car. I think it's not worth it."

"It would be more appropriate for us to go there in a tricycle. Do you think you are my old classmate?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

However... what Jiang Xue said just now was not wrong.

Who goes there to buy groceries? And drives a luxury car worth millions?

Isn't that just showing off wealth?

"That makes sense."

Jiang Chen also nodded and said,"Okay, let's go buy some groceries now.""

"no problem"


Next door city


Zhuge Tian knocked on the table with his hands. He looked serious and said to the police officers present:"What was the previous crime-solving rate of the police station in the neighboring city? I don't need to tell you."

"You all should know this well. They didn’t say they were the last in the past, but they were always in the bottom five."

"Basically it has nothing to do with an excellent police department!"

"But in the past two months, they have solved three major cases in a row. The impact of each case is quite bad, and the attention on the Internet is also very high."

Everyone listened quietly.

"The provincial and ministerial leader told me not long ago that this year's outstanding police station must be the police station next door!"

"Look at this, look at this? This is the gap between us and them!"

"Originally we were all in the bottom of the list, but now they have been solving crimes at a rapid pace without even saying a word!"

"Most importantly, they solved all the big, important cases."

"This makes me anxious and disappointed. Why are others making such rapid progress while we are still stuck in circles?"

"I called you here today because I hope you can go to the police station next door to learn why they have made such great progress."

At this time, a female police officer raised her right hand. Her name was Bai Xiaotong and she said slowly:"Well... I saw someone say on the Internet that the food in their police station seems to be very good."

"There are several cases where prisoners in prison took the initiative to provide information because of the good food.……"

"Shut up!"

He interrupted the female police officer, as if he was particularly angry, and obviously believed what she had just said.

"Are you kidding me?"

He couldn't help but said,"How could there be such an outrageous thing in the world?"

"Can a police station increase its crime-solving rate simply because of good food?"

"Then if I ask a five-star hotel chef to cook for us, we can be rated as a model police station?"

"Never make excuses for your laziness and failure, always learn from excellent people"

"This time when you come to observe, you must treat me well, and after you come back, each of you must write me a 2,000-word learning experience."

"Do you understand?"

Everyone sighed.

Another learning experience?!

All these nonsense are useless?

"What are you still standing there for?" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He said coldly:"You didn't hear what I said, you can leave now."

""Yes, Chief."

They all stood up from their chairs and stood outside the police station, thinking about what had just happened. They were all filled with emotion.

Why did the police station led by Meng Haiyang suddenly become so powerful?

They were on par with them before!


Officer Tong, who was standing next to Bai Xiaotong, said,"I know you have always been dissatisfied with the poor food in our police station, but you should never say it in front of the director."

"What else can you say? Director Meng's high crime-solving rate is related to the good food.……"

"I'm telling the truth."

Bai Xiaotong and Guo Mengmeng are good friends.

They have been in touch and often talk on the phone. Guo Mengmeng called not long ago and said that the cooking skills of the prison chef in their police station are almost as good as those of a Michelin three-star chef.

He has gained several pounds over there.

It is precisely because the food is so good that everyone works very hard. They dare not delay at all.

They are afraid of letting down those meals!

What's even more outrageous is...

It is said that the chef who cooks was originally a chef who cooked for the prisoners in the prison.

This makes people feel even more shocked!

Officer Tong was unwilling to believe it and said,"No matter how delicious the food is, how good can it be?"

"I guess your best friend is lying to you. We are all in the police station, and the food quality should be similar."

"Forget it, I won't tell you anymore."

Bai Xiaotong said,"Whether it's true or not, we'll know when we go over there."

About three hours later, they arrived at the police station where Meng Haiyang was.

As soon as the group got off the car, Meng Haiyang hurried forward to greet them.

He looked around in the crowd for a while, but didn't see Zhuge Tian, which surprised him.

"Didn't your Chief Zhuge come?"

Officer Tong said,"He said the police station had many important matters to deal with, so he didn't come."

So that's what happened.

"All right."

Then Meng Haiyang said to Officer Tong:"The purpose of your coming here was not long ago told to me by Comrade Zhuge. In fact, there is nothing worth learning from our police station."

"The fact that we have been able to solve several cases recently has a lot to do with our chef’s cooking."

Police Officer Tong:"???!!!"

Did I hear you right?

Is it related to the chef's cooking?

Can it be more outrageous?

Brother, please don't mess with me.

"Let's go."

Meng Haiyang said:"I will take you to visit our prison first. I tell you that the prisoners in our police station prison are all well behaved and can be called moral models."

"Because the food in our prison is good, they feel that if they don’t behave well, they will not be worthy of the few meals they eat every day."

"We have always been worried about the prisoner management problem in the prison, but since the arrival of the chef, you have no idea how obedient they are."

"I think the most delicious dish our chef makes is braised pork elbow"

"But some people think that braised pork elbow is not as delicious as spicy grilled fish."

"You don't know that elbow, it is stewed until it is soft, glutinous and fragrant, melts in the mouth, but is also very chewy. I can eat two or three bowls of rice with that elbow."

"No, no, no, at least five or six bowls!"

Seeing that the other party was talking non-stop and had no sign of stopping, Officer Tong was completely confused.

Can you please stop talking?!

The purpose of our coming here is to learn how you improve your crime-solving rate?

But you keep telling me how good and awesome your chef's cooking skills are?

Is that necessary?

That's not what I want to hear!

"Director Meng."

Officer Tong said cautiously,"What we want to hear has nothing to do with the cook."

"It has nothing to do with the cook, right?"

Chief Meng said,"I didn't mention the cook just now. I was talking about the key to improving our police department's crime-solving rate."

"Let me tell you, this cook……"

Officer Tong:"()"

You're still talking about the cook?

Brother... are those things really useful?

Are we going to write a report about how delicious your cook's food is? If we go back and wait for Ouyang Tian to see it, he will definitely scold them to death!

"All right."

Chief Meng said,"We have arrived at the prison of our police station."

"Look, the open space in front is the free activity area for the prisoners!" They looked in the direction of Director Meng

's finger, and the scene that came into their eyes made them completely stunned. They were completely dumbfounded!

This... you call him a prisoner?!.

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