
The scene was as quiet as death.

They were all stunned at the scene in front of them.

What happened?

Miao Wenlong's face was also full of disbelief. He stared at Professor Miao blankly and almost forgot to breathe at that moment.

Yang Kai's body kept backing away and hit the wall behind him.

His pupils were full of fear of death.

Captain Wang and others were unable to react in time in the face of the sudden scene.

This happened... too quickly, catching people off guard!

Before they could figure out what was going on, Professor Miao rushed to Yang Kai again, grabbed his hair from behind, and pressed the scissors against his neck.

Everyone else was stunned.

"What are you doing?"

Captain Wang took out his gun and pointed it at Professor Miao.

"You can kill me now."

Professor Miao said calmly:"However, I have to remind you that no one except me can defuse the bomb."

"Now if you really kill me, then the others will have to die too!"

"Anyway, Yang Kai is a scum. Lao Miao’s wife and daughter are just two of the victims. He has no idea how many people he has killed!"

"You can't help enforce justice, so I will help Lao Miao get justice now."

Yang Kai's struggle gradually weakened, and the wound on his throat looked particularly shocking.

His body was shaking.

No one dared to step forward.

Even with Professor Miao's threat just now, no one dared to shoot.

They could only stand by the side.

"You, don't move!"

Professor Miao said coldly:"I'm impulsive" 160"?"

"I know exactly what I am doing, and I think he should now understand the reason and purpose of my doing all this."

"Yang Kai, where is that videotape?"

"As long as you tell me, I might be able to let you go."

Miao Wenlong stared at Professor Miao blankly, his heart was full of emotion.

No matter what, he never thought that he would help him so much this time.

Originally, Miao Wenlong always thought that he might never have a chance to take revenge in this life.

But Professor Miao's strength was beyond his expectations.

Yang Kai could feel the temperature in his body losing, and his eyes were full of deep fear.

No matter how hard he struggled, his body could not move at all.

Captain Wang and others did not dare to act rashly.

"I'll tell you... I'll tell you everything."

There was a gurgling sound in his throat, and his voice sounded very strange.

The wound was too shocking. If he was not treated in time, he would die sooner or later!

Yang Kai was very afraid of death.

His family had so much money and his social status was also very high.

He could do whatever he wanted.

But if he was killed, there would be nothing left.

"hurry up!"

"In the second secret compartment in my basement... in the second secret compartment."

Professor Miao nodded with satisfaction.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you all heard him just now. He said that the videotape is in his home. If you don’t believe this beast in human clothing and that he really did such a thing before, then go and look for it in his basement."

Captain Wang said quickly,"Professor Miao, he has already said it. Can you let him go?"


Professor Miao replied,"I don't always keep my promises."

Puff - he pointed the scissors at Yang Kai's neck, and fell again and again, methodically, and seemed particularly calm.

It was hard for people to imagine that this skinny old man could have such a strong explosive power, and red blood flowed down.

In a blink of an eye, Yang Kai closed his eyes.

He was dead!

He threw Yang Kai's body to the side like throwing away garbage. Until the latter died, he did not dare to imagine that his life would end so hastily. After

Yang Kai died, Captain Wang and others rushed to Professor Miao, surrounded him, and subdued him directly.

"You son of a bitch……"

"Want to kill me?"

He said calmly,"Of course, no problem, but you have to think carefully. Once you kill me, no one can save the children in the classroom."

"Besides, even if I really committed a crime, we must go through the legal process."

"Also, Yang Kai has just admitted that you can go to his basement to take a look."

"He is the real beast in human clothing, and he is the one who deserves to die."

Professor Miao spoke in a calm tone, with no emotion on his slightly old face.

The scene that happened today stunned all of them.

After a while, Professor Miao came to Miao Wenlong, with a kind and gentle smile on his face.

"Lao Miao.

He smiled and said,"I have not let you down. I have helped you get justice in my own way."

""Thank you, thank you!"

Miao Wenlong's voice was a little choked.

He had never expected this scene today.

Professor Miao sighed.

After a moment, he turned around and pointed himself at the camera. Seeing Professor Miao covered in blood, the reporters beside him were frightened.

"Professor Miao said gently,"I am very grateful to you. Your cooking skills are really great. The bowl of noodles you made is the best noodles I have ever eaten in my life, except for the one cooked by my mother."

"If I can eat a bowl of this before I die, I will die without regrets."

Originally, Professor Miao had lost interest in life because of his long-term stomach problems and because he was locked up in a cell with poor meals.

He climbed up from the bottom step by step and finally reached his current position.

But because he came from the bottom, he had no connections, no identity, and no background.

Longguo is a relationship society.

This is even more true for academics.

As a result, his academic articles were plagiarized, his status was suppressed, and his achievements were covered up by others.

Later, he saw people who were doing well in the world of fame and fortune, but they never thought about making any real contribution to the study of cultural relics.

He felt that this world was so magical!

Think about it...

It really makes People sighed with emotion!

When people heard this, they all looked at each other in astonishment, not understanding what Professor Miao was talking about.

Who was he talking to?

A bowl of noodles?

What bowl of noodles?

Only Captain Wang and others knew very well what he meant by what he had just said.

Behind almost all the major cases that have occurred in their city recently, there is a shadow.

That is the shadow of Jiang Chen!

It seems that every case can be linked to him.

After saying this, Professor Miao came to the classroom under the gaze of the people and dismantled the bombs on several children at the last minute.

Then, he slowly walked out, stood in front of Captain Wang, stretched out his hands and said,"You can take me away."

Captain Wang sighed, and asked Xiao Ma and others behind him to take Professor Miao away.

Everything that happened today was completely beyond everyone's expectations.


Jiang Xue, sitting in front of the TV, stared blankly at the scene in front of her, still unable to react from the shock.

Everything that happened just now brought a great shock to Jiang Xue.

It was really unbelievable!

Who would have thought that a bowl of noodles would involve so many things behind it?

"Old classmate."

After a long time, Jiang Xue finally spoke

"Do you think... that person named Yang Kai really did a lot of excessive things?" (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Over the years, Yang Kai has packaged his image very well and has always let reporters and media promote him positively.

He built schools, donated money, and did charity. He has always been a successful person admired by many people.

But today Jiang Xue gradually discovered that... everything is not that simple

"Just search the basement and you'll find out."

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

He couldn't help but sighed,"I didn't expect something so weird to happen today."

"Old classmate."

Jiang Xue came and sat down next to Jiang Chen.

"This is the third time!"

"The third time?"

Jiang Xue nodded and said,"Yes, this is the third time you have helped us solve the case this month. Everyone wants to eat the food you cook."

"It seems that if you can do something to the extreme, you can be very awesome!"

Jiang Chen said with a wry smile:"I'm lucky."

That night, Captain Wang and others went to the basement of the Yang family to search.

In the end, they found that it was just as Yang Kai said. In the secret compartment of their basement, there were six or seven videotapes, and there were victims in each videotape.

The most important thing is... the identities and ages of these victims are different. The oldest is in his thirties, and the youngest is only seven or eight years old.

Yang Kai, who was originally well-dressed and always had the image of a gentle gentleman in everyone's mind, did things worse than beasts in the video.

When they turned to the videotape of Miao Wenlong's wife and daughter, everyone was horrified and indignant.....

Now they finally understood why Miao Wenlong was so angry.

If it were them, they would probably be even more angry than him.

Two days later, the extremely heavy news was thoroughly verified and made public online.

It caused an uproar.

No one would have thought that Yang Kai, whom they had always admired and treated as a positive figure, would actually do so many evil things behind the scenes. It was really infuriating!

"I didn't expect it, we really blamed Miao Wenlong wrongly"

"Yang Kai is just a beast in human clothing!"

"However, compared to this matter, I am more concerned about another thing."

"Another thing?"

"Do you remember what the old man said in front of the camera? He seemed to be thanking someone?"

"How come you don't remember? It seems like he was the chef in the prison? He also said that after eating his bowl of noodles, he would die without regrets in this life?"

"I have a question, are the noodles made by the chefs in prison edible?"

"you���You're not surprised by what you've seen, right? You haven't heard of it yet? That chef's cooking skills are really amazing."

"The previous cultural relic theft case was also solved with the help of the cook! Even the bat thief was helped by the cook!"

"No way? A cook can actually cook to this extent?"

"I also feel very moved! It really exceeded our expectations!"

Everyone was sighing and feeling deeply moved.

Obviously, Jiang Chen's cooking skills have attracted more and more people's attention.


The moonlight fills the sky.

The stars are gentle.

"Old classmates."

Sitting by the river with Jiang Chen, looking at the lights of thousands of houses in front of them, with the moonlight filling the sky, Jiang Xue couldn't help but sigh:"You say, is Miao Wenlong very pitiful?"

"There is more than one Miao Wenlong in the world."

Jiang Chen leaned against the stone behind him and said,"Maybe he is lucky, at least his story was finally known to everyone."

"At least the truth he wants to pursue will be revealed to the world in the end!"

Jiang Xue held her chin with both hands and said,"Aren't they too pitiful? It seems very unfair to them."


Jiang Chen smiled and said,"Little girl, you are really too naive. You are well protected by your parents, and you have no chance to come into contact with many things."

"Your family has endless money, and your parents have high social status."

"In a sense, you are someone who never needs to worry about whether the world is fair."

"Even you can break the fairness"


Jiang Chen paused for a moment and said,"There are many people who don't have this ability, and when they encounter unfair things, they can only swallow their anger."

"All right."

Jiang Xue said with emotion:"I didn't expect that a bowl of noodles could actually solve a case that had been dormant for 1.7 years?"

"It's not my noodles that contributed to this."

Jiang Chen said,"It just so happened that Professor Miao and Miao Wenlong were in the same boat, and they... took good care of each other, so the old man was willing to eat. My bowl of noodles is helping Miao Wenlong to find out the truth." Both of them were orphans and grew up alone.

Although they later worked in different industries, they both suffered the same blows in life.

It is precisely because of this reason that they can get close to each other.

Even if there is a 10 or 20 year age difference, they are still good friends.

"That's right."

Jiang Xue nodded blankly.


The case of Yang Kai caused a huge sensation on the Internet and attracted a lot of attention.

As for Jiang Chen, he also appeared in people's vision in this case.

Jiang Chen's performance in the previous two major cases also successfully attracted people's attention.

Everyone felt very incredible.

People never thought that there would be such a skilled chef in prison. There were many voices of admiration and disbelief on the Internet.

The next day, Jiang Chen just arrived at the police station and found Meng Haiyang waiting at the door.

With a smile on his face, he quickly came to Jiang Chen and grabbed his right hand.

"Little brother."

Meng Haiyang said:"Hurry up and follow me, I have something important to tell you."

He followed Meng Haiyang to the office

"What's the matter, Chief?"


The leaders from the city next door want to come to our prison to observe and learn. I plan to ask you to cook a meal and entertain them well?".

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