The atmosphere at the scene was extremely tense.

Several groups of bomb disposal experts came, but they were helpless against the bomb in the classroom.

There was no way to dismantle it.

The design was too ingenious.

They kept wiping the sweat from their foreheads, their heartbeats gradually accelerated. During this period, they not only had to carefully observe the bomb.

More importantly... they had to pay attention to the emotions of the children on the chairs at all times.

Their crying and screaming could easily make people upset and increase the difficulty.

There were only fifteen minutes left!

Everyone still had no idea.

Captain Wang was shaking with anger. He came to Miao Wenlong and grabbed his hair.

""You bastard!"

He cursed at Miao Wenlong,"Hurry up and dismantle the bomb, or do you believe that I will kill you right now?"

"Captain Wang.

Miao Wenlong had a strange smile on his face.

"If you want to do it, just do it."

He couldn't help laughing.

"I'm definitely not afraid!"

He said coldly,"I'm going to drag a few people to bury my daughter with her. She's all alone on the other side. She must be very lonely. No one will play with her."

"The little girls in the classroom are all only a few years old."

"My daughter will definitely be very happy if they go there to accompany her!"

"Don’t you think so?"

Yang Kai came in front of Miao Wenlong and kicked him hard in the chest.

His leather shoes landed on his face, and then he spat on him and cursed:"If you don’t take it down for me, do you believe I will kill you now?"

"Mr. Yang, please pay attention to your behavior."

Captain Wang quickly pushed Yang Kai away.

"Isn't it a bit too brazen for you to do this while we are right in front of you?"


Yang Kai smiled hypocritically and said,"I really didn't mean it just now!"

"I am also very sad about what happened in the classroom, but the bastard in front of me is too ungrateful. If you ask me... just kill him."

"There is no need to waste time."

Captain Wang held his forehead and said,"First of all, this is not in line with the judicial process. Secondly, at present, except for him who knows how to dismantle the bomb, no one else can do it."

Miao Wenlong was very proud, and he showed a crazy smile.

There are only ten minutes left, and he will see the most splendid and interesting scene in his life.

Time entered the countdown!

There are only twelve minutes left!

Whether it is the police, the people in the house, or the audience in front of the TV, they are now very nervous and worried.

"It's useless."

Miao Wenlong said:"Captain Wang, I think you should give up this idea as soon as possible. No one will help you defuse the bomb!"

"No one can open it!"

Everyone was in a very heavy mood.

The girls in the classroom were all innocent. The oldest was only six or seven years old, at the age of innocence and romance.

But that bastard... did such an excessive thing?! It was really unscrupulous and outrageous!

Just when the atmosphere was particularly heavy, a loud voice suddenly came.

"Captain Wang, Captain Wang."

Officer Zhang ran over excitedly and said,"I have found someone who can defuse the bomb."

"All thanks to Chef Xiao Jiang, who helped to cook a bowl of noodles. After the professor ate the noodles, he was willing to help us defuse the bomb!"

All of a sudden, everyone was stunned.

They all stood there with disbelief in their eyes.

The reporters and onlookers at the scene were all confused.

What the hell?!

You can find someone to help defuse a bomb during a meal?

Isn't it too simple?

You know, even bomb disposal experts can't defuse the bomb inside.

Even if several waves came, they could only sigh in despair and were helpless.

"You, are you telling the truth?"

Captain Wang was certainly not surprised by Jiang Chen's cooking skills, as he knew very well how delicious his cooking was.

However... are there too many talented people in the prison?

There are even people who can defuse bombs?

Miao Wenlong just thought it was ridiculous after hearing this.

There are only two people in the world who can defuse the bomb in the classroom, one is him and the other is Professor Miao.

No matter what, he would not believe that Professor Miao would betray him and defuse the bomb in the classroom.

The two of them are close friends regardless of age, and they have a good relationship.

At the beginning, Professor Miao was willing to help him get justice and wanted to apply to the people above.

Although he did not succeed in revenge now, he can at least vent his anger.

The most important thing is... what he said just now was outrageous.

Just because of a bowl of noodles, Professor Miao was willing to defuse the bomb. Isn't that a joke? Do you really think he doesn't have a brain?

"It's true."

Police Officer Zhang said:"It's the archaeology professor we arrested not long ago. It was actually he who developed the bombs. He is really a talent."

"He knows how to dismantle the bomb safely!"

Miao Wenlong's body trembled.

His face was a little pale, and he couldn't believe what he had just heard.

What a joke?!

There is such a thing?

Is it really Professor Miao?!

Miao Wenlong certainly would not accept this fact


He shouted loudly:"Those bombs were indeed developed by Professor Miao, but how could he come to help you? It's just a daydream!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a familiar figure appeared in front of him. Professor Miao, who was slightly hunched, coughed twice and approached this side.

When he saw Professor Miao, he was stunned!

He stared at him blankly, his eyes full of deep amazement.

His originally strong and upright body seemed to be hit hard by a hammer, causing his abdomen to surge and almost spurt blood.

What, what's going on?

Is Professor Miao really willing to dismantle his bombs just for a bowl of noodles?

"Old Miao, what are you going to do?"

Miao Wenlong gritted his teeth and said,"I tell you, if you really dismantle the bomb, I will not let you go even if I become a ghost!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You are my only friend!"

"You can't do this, you can't do this!"

Professor Miao sighed.

"You are wrong."

He said to Miao Wenlong helplessly:"You want to avenge your daughter, you shouldn't kill those children in the classroom for no reason. They did nothing wrong."

"Please, Old Miao!"

Miao Wenlong said viciously:"You know how long I have spent preparing for today, please don't do this, okay?"

"Just consider it as me begging you!"

His voice was a little choked.

Professor Miao didn't take Miao Wenlong's words to heart.

He came to Captain Wang and said,"Captain Wang, I can dismantle those bombs, but you have to give me a pair of scissors!"

"No problem."

There are only ten minutes left, and Captain Wang dare not delay. No matter whether Professor Miao can do it or not, he should let him try. It's better to try it.

After a while, a pair of scissors was handed to Professor Miao, and he smiled when he took it.

"Don’t go, don’t go!"

Miao Wenlong shouted loudly:"Just consider it as me begging you, okay?!"


"Lao Miao, you are like a madman now. Is it useful for you to do those things?"

"The girls in the video did nothing wrong. You yourself have lost a daughter and you should know the pain very well. Do you also want their parents to suffer the same way as you?"

"You are now possessed by a demon."

Miao Wenlong gritted his teeth, blood almost coming out of the corners of his mouth.

"Can you tell me why? You would never have helped me in the past!"

""A bowl of noodles!"

Professor Miao answered calmly.

A bowl of noodles?!


Miao Wenlong was stunned.

The other reporters were also stunned. They had no idea what they were talking about?!

Do you dare to be more outrageous?

Why do you think what you said is so funny?

Do you really think I'm an idiot?

Seeing Professor Miao's firm attitude, Miao Wenlong fell into despair.

He knew that the other party could not change his mind.

At this moment, Yang Kai grabbed Miao Wenlong's collar and put his mouth close to his ear.

"How is it? Do you feel miserable? I spent so much time and effort, invited several people, but in the end... no one knows the truth."

"How interesting!"

"No matter what you say, no one will believe you."

Just when people thought that Professor Miao was going to go upstairs to dismantle the bomb, he suddenly stopped.

Under the gaze of people, he slowly returned to Miao Wenlong.

People looked at each other with confusion in their eyes.

No one understood what he was doing?

Captain Wang looked at his watch and said,"Professor Miao, time is running out. I hope you can hurry up. We can't delay any longer, otherwise……"

"Wait a minute."

Professor Miao said to Captain Wang:"I have a few more words to say to Miao Wenlong!"

"Hurry up, only seven minutes left"


Yang Kai's kick was so strong that several of Miao Wenlong's teeth broke.

Seeing Professor Miao coming over, he seemed very unconvinced and turned his head away subconsciously.

"Don't worry, I will help you avenge your hatred!"

Miao Wenlong was stunned?!

What was he talking about?

Just as he was confused about this, Professor Miao held the scissors in his hand, suddenly pointed at Yang Kai behind him, and stabbed him in the throat fiercely.

Puff - red blood spurted out in an instant.

The sudden scene made all of them stunned. This... what happened?

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