"Tsk...... You don't know how fragrant and delicious the food cooked by Boss Lu, if it weren't for people reminding me, I almost couldn't help but finish the meal for my daughter!".

"Me too, I get carried away with eating directly!".

"I'm ashamed, at first I thought that this processing fee was too expensive! I also scolded Boss Lu in my heart for two profiteers!".

"Hahaha, I also complained in my heart at that time, my children are going back tomorrow, and they will sleep at night!"

"My child is too, clamoring to go to Boss Lu's hotel tomorrow!".




The parents who went to Lu Ming's shop in the afternoon have become a bragging party at the moment, and they are praising Lu Ming's delicious food in the group.

This makes those parents who have never been there look confused!

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Isn't it just a small shop, as for being so mysterious, is it so delicious?"

"If it's really delicious, I'll take my kids to try it tomorrow!"


Zhao Hui didn't fall asleep, watching everyone asking, so she picked up her mobile phone and replied: "That's true, this boss cooks very delicious, and my family Yinyin has to feed the children who eat on weekdays, and they are very honest in the store, and they can eat it all in one go!"

Many people knew that Zhao Hui was a doctor at Jiangcheng People's Hospital, and they went to see her, and they were very convinced by her words.

Coupled with the fact that other parents are talking in a similar way, it makes many people curious.

There are 30 people in a class, and almost all of them are discussing tomorrow's food plan!

"Boss Lu yyds, tomorrow I decided to bring good pork belly over and taste Boss Lu's cooking skills, today's chicken thighs are all eaten by the children, and I will call a gluttony next to me!".

"I'll go too!Let me think about what to eat!".

"I'm going to take the child to eat some vegetables, the child is always picky eaters at home, and he will definitely be willing to eat when he goes to Boss Lu!"

"Yes, yes, why didn't I think that eating more vegetables is good for my health, I went to Boss Lu to do it, and the children in the province want to eat fried chicken burgers every day!".


The more the parents discussed, the more excited they became, and they swallowed saliva in the bed one by one.

This is a pain for those kindergarten teachers, they are also in the group, and when they hear how delicious they are described one by one, they don't want to flow out.

In normal times, this group of parents is basically discussing their children, what to eat and wear, sharing their experience in raising babies, and so on.

But now.

No one was talking about the children, they were all talking about food!

A good class skirt turned into a food skirt and became a gathering place for this group of foodie parents.

At the same time, these teachers are also very curious, what kind of boss is it, and how good the cooking skills should be, so that so many parents can recognize it.

You must know that it is for children to eat, this year parents are particularly concerned about children, for fear of eating bad things, their kindergarten every day to cook, every meal has to be taken in the group, the canteen will also leave samples, for fear that the food will be dissatisfied.

Even so, if a child has an upset stomach, he will question the kindergarten meal at the first time.

And so.

A teacher secretly noted down the location of Lu Ming's restaurant, and planned to try it too!


The next day.

Before Lu Ming got up, he was woken up by a knock on the door downstairs.

Knock knock!

"Boss, are you up yet?".

Luo Wei knew that Lu Ming was resting in the store, and he came early in the morning to see that there was no one, so he shouted upstairs.

"It's coming, it's coming!".

Lu Ming washed up a little and hurriedly got dressed.

"Why do you come so early? It's almost 11 o'clock before there are customers. "

"I'll see if I can help early, and I'm idle at home anyway. "

Luo Wei scratched his head, knowing that after waking up Lu Ming, he was a little embarrassed to say.

Lu Ming nodded, took him in and said with a smile: "Our store is actually very simple, and we don't need to prepare all kinds of ingredients, we only need some accessories, such as onions, ginger, garlic, etc., after this is used up, you help me go to the vegetable market to purchase, it just so happens that your father has been in the vegetable market for many years, and he knows whose vegetables are the freshest." "

"As for hygiene, I clean it once in the morning, noon and evening, and you can greet customers when they come to greet me. "

"Now it's just the two of us in the store, and you can do a lot of things. "

Luo Wei nodded: "Okay!".

With that, he took his tools and went to clean up.

Lu Ming saw that he was doing it seriously, and nodded with satisfaction.

Now that my restaurant has been open for three days, it is basically on the right track, and it is time to talk to my parents on the phone.

After all, opening a store is such a big thing, you have to communicate with your parents.

Dialed his father Lu Jianguo's phone, and a deep voice soon sounded over there: "Hey, son, why did you call me suddenly? How are you doing at work lately?".

"I was about to call you to say that I lost my job a few days ago and recently opened a small restaurant in Jiangcheng. "

"What? Unemployed? You also opened a restaurant?" Lu Jianguo hurriedly asked when he heard this.

"Yes, Dad, I'll tell you, I've only been open for three days now, and business is gradually improving. Lu Ming hurriedly explained.

At this time, the voice of his mother Sun Qin came from the other side of the phone: "Lu Ming, you actually opened a store? Where did you get your capital? This is just two years after graduation, where did you save the money?".

"I heard from the people in the village that any shop in Jiangcheng costs a lot of money, so you shouldn't have been deceived, right?"

My father was also skeptical, after all, opening a restaurant was somewhat incredible for them.

What's more, as they said, they really didn't have the capital before.

I still owe the system almost a million!

I can't say anything about the system, Lu Ming was just about to make a fuss about it, but Lu Jianguo had already spoken: "No, I have to go to the city to see this matter, otherwise I won't be able to eat the food that your mother and I worry about at home." "

"Hang up first, send us an address, and we'll be there in the afternoon!"

Toot toot ......

Hearing the busy tone on the phone, Lu Ming shrugged helplessly.

My hometown is more than 100 kilometers away from Jiangcheng, and my parents have to take a bus for at least two or three hours to come.

At this moment, he regretted it a little, he shouldn't have told his parents so early.

After thinking about it, Lu Ming didn't have any thoughts, so he could only wait for them to come and explain.

One noon, there were many birds at the door of the hotel, and no one came to eat, and Luo Wei was lying on the table and was about to fall asleep.

Lu Ming is not in a hurry, opening a restaurant is based on guarding, as long as he has good cooking skills, he can definitely run the restaurant well.

Until four or five o'clock in the afternoon, the glow shone on the doors and windows, stretching and leaning on the slender figure beside him.


The door was pushed open, and Lu Ming stood up to see that his parents had arrived.


PS: The little author kneels down and begs for all kinds of data support, and now the new book is too difficult, without the support of all the ancestors, the little author seems to be on a single machine every day.

Please vote for the free flower evaluation every day, and kneel down to thank !!

Finally, let's talk about the plus.

1000 flowers plus 1 more!

1 commuter pass plus 1 change!

Add 3 more tips at will!

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