As soon as they entered the door, Lu Jianguo and Sun Qin looked up and down the hotel, a little incredulous.

They didn't expect that their son really opened a restaurant, looking at this scale, it is not small, and the decoration is also very good!

"You dead boy, it cost a lot of money to open this big store without saying a word, right?" asked Sun Qin angrily.

After all, for such a big matter, the son hid it from himself, and there was some resentment in his heart.

"Fortunately, it was opened by chance. "

Lu Ming replied honestly, if there was no awakening system, how could he have the mind to open a store.

Lu Jianguo turned around inside and out, nodding secretly, no matter what, he still supported his son.

When he sat down, he took a card out of his pocket and placed it on the table.

"This is the money that my mother and I saved, a total of 100,000, you definitely need money to open a store, let's use it first." "

"No, no, no, I have my own money, and I can slowly turn around. "

How could Lu Ming ask for this money, he immediately waved his hand.

On the side, Luo Wei looked at the situation, stepped forward and said with a smile while pouring water: "Uncle and aunt, our Boss Lu's business is very good, and it is estimated that he will not need it." "

Lu Jianguo didn't believe it, shook his head, and now that it's time for the meal, there is not a single customer in it, so it's okay


He and Sun Qin are ready for their son to lose money, but after all, it is his son's first time starting a business, and he is really not good at fighting.

Otherwise, he would have closed the door long ago.

Lu Ming saw his parents' faces and knew what they were thinking, but he was powerless to refute them.

After all, at this point, no one really came!

Between words.

There was a commotion at the door.

"Come on, come on, let's eat again!".

"Is Boss Lu here? Today we are going to have a good meal, and the ingredients have been brought!"

"It's time to eat, it's time to eat!".


A group of adults led their children and walked in lively.

Everyone carries a variety of ingredients in their hands.

Pork, beef, greens, eggs, ......

There are all kinds of things, and there are no empty-handed ones.

When Lu Ming saw this posture, his heart suddenly became happy.


Good guys!

That's dozens of people!

He hurriedly invited the big guy to sit down, these family members know each other, and they are willing to share the table, otherwise the store will not be able to sit down.

That's it...... I also brought in a few stools to be able to surround the table.

Otherwise, someone should be standing and cooking!

Luo Wei was busy, serving tea and pouring water, full of energy, and after Lu Ming collected the money, he also went to the back kitchen to help clean all the ingredients and put them in front of Lu Ming one by one.

This scene almost stunned Lu Jianguo and Sun Qin.

Lu Jianguochi asked: "These are all customers? Okay, dozens of people came at once, and the business of my son's shop was so hot?"

Sun Qin was also a little confused: "I just saw that my son opened a store and asked customers to bring their own ingredients, as well as the processing fee charged, a plate of green vegetables cost 20 yuan, and a plate of meat and eggs cost 25, it seems that after a while, the store earned nearly 1,000?"

As a matter of fact.

More than 1000!

Some parents have a large amount of food and order two dishes, which are basically dozens better.

Lu Ming calculated in the back kitchen, just for this wave of customers, the processing fee was 1,500 yuan.

Now that the business has completely improved, the parents don't have to worry about themselves, and Lu Ming has become full of strength to stir-fry the vegetables.

Reception desk.

Lu Jianguo and Sun Qin were stunned for a long time, and seeing that Luo Wei couldn't be busy alone, the two glanced at each other, and also stepped forward to get busy.

On the way, they also heard the conversation of the parents, and they were even more shocked.

"It's still Boss Lu's comfortable food, although it's expensive, when you think of the food that will come out of the pot right away, you are willing to pay as much as you want!".

"No! Expensive is expensive, other people's cooking skills are there, I can't even eat this taste in a five-star restaurant!".

"I can already smell the fragrance of the back kitchen, and Boss Lu's cooking is as fragrant as ever!"

"Anyway, I've decided, come here as long as I have time, the food here is healthy and delicious, how can I taste this taste when I go to other homes!".


Not only adults, but also children are happily waiting for the meal, and the children who are usually naughty and mischievous are now honestly sitting on the chairs and looking at the back kitchen.

Lu Jianguo listened to these people praise his son's cooking skills, just like praising himself.

He was busy before and after, and suddenly he smelled a strange fragrance.

When I looked up, it was out of the dishes!

is not only a dish, but the kitchen will serve the dishes very efficiently, Luo Wei served them one by one, and suddenly the whole room was full of fragrance.


"Damn!, it smells so good!".

A parent smelled the smell and couldn't help but subconsciously say.

The parents who came before saw him like this, and immediately smiled: "Fragrant, right? This is the meal cooked by Boss Lu, you are blessed, I told you in the group yesterday, some people still don't believe it, does this think it's worth the trip?"

The patriarch showed a look of disbelief on his face, feeling that those people were still a little conservative in the words of Boss Lu in the group yesterday!

Now smelling the intoxicating fragrance in the air, how could he not know that he was blessed!

By the time the meal was put in front of them, the rich aroma was even more violent, irritating the mouths of parents and children to drool.

After taking a sip up close, I suddenly realized that there is such a fragrant meal in the world.

Just smelling the smell makes the mouth revel.

So far, there is no need to say more!

The whole room was silent, and dozens of people were engrossed in cooking.


When the food was almost finished, some parents took a long breath and suddenly let out a sound of admiration.

"It's fragrant! The meat foam egg made by Boss Lu is so fragrant, and the steamed egg is tender and smooth, golden and bright!".

"This green vegetable is also delicious, there is no bitterness at all, it is fragrant and crispy!".

"My stir-fried pork belly with dried tofu is the best taste, the heat and taste are just right, not dry at all, and there is a strong flavor of tempeh, which is so enjoyable!".


The group was almost satisfied before they got up to leave, and at this time, Yin Yin and Zhang Lei were reluctant to leave behind.

Zhang Lei took advantage of the adults' inattention, ran to Lu Ming with a cigarette, hugged his leg and begged: "Uncle Lu, can you go to our kindergarten to cook, I ate your meal, and I think the food in the kindergarten is not fragrant at all!"

Yin Yin also gathered around him, holding his hand and swinging back and forth coquettishly: "Me too, me too!".

These two people were originally the children in the class, and when they opened their mouths, the children shouted one after another.

Parents were instantly helpless, and hurriedly coaxed their own babies!

Lu Ming has one head and two big, and he doesn't know how to refuse!

At this time, Yin Yin's kindergarten teacher pushed the door in, and as soon as she heard these words, an idea suddenly came to her heart.

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