Lu Ming saw Li Yuancheng's face hesitant, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, as a chef, of course you will present the best food!"

"As for Sichuan cuisine......


Lu Ming thought for a while, and immediately chose to name a few dishes.

This is a home-cooked dish in the traditional cuisine of Sichuan and Chongqing, but it was selected as the first dish of Sichuan cuisine, a few representative dishes. "

Li Yuancheng nodded.

"The second course is Kung Pao Chicken, which is also a famous local Sichuan dish. "

When Li Yuancheng heard this, his expression was much more relaxed, and he nodded with a smile: "Okay." "

"Just now you said that you also want a plate of mapo tofu, I proposed that three people and four dishes are enough to eat, since you don't drink, the last dish is to choose fish-flavored shredded pork, this dish is not spicy, the most suitable for rice. "

"It's getting dark right now, and the dishes I'm talking about are coming out quickly, so you don't have to wait too long. "

Hearing the end, Li Yuancheng was very satisfied.

"Okay, okay, just do what Boss Lu said, I'll go buy ingredients and come back in a while!"

After saying that, he left in a hurry.

Taking advantage of this, Lu Ming also cleaned up the side dishes in the back kitchen.

After a while, when he came back, he had already purchased all the main ingredients, and the processing fee was 210 yuan.

This price is quite expensive compared to the outside, but Li Yuancheng feels that it is worth the money, after all, Lu Ming's cooking skills are there, and he is happier than usual when he pays for it.

Coming to the back kitchen, Lu Ming began to prepare the first dish.

He brought the pork belly that Li Yuancheng bought, and after the water in the pot was hot, he added an appropriate amount of green onions, ginger slices, peppercorns, rice wine, etc., and the boiled pork belly was seven or eight medium-cooked.

Heat the oil in a hot pan, first stir-fry the chili pepper and a small amount of peppercorns until fragrant, and after the hot oil is boiled, the fragrance will rise immediately.

Then add three fat and seven lean meat slices, fry until the edges are slightly browned, and the lard inside is fried out, and the fragrance is even more intense.

Finally, add all kinds of spices, turn on high heat and stir-fry, and after a while, the room is full of fragrant fragrance.

In an instant, it will be spread!

After Lu Ming made the first dish, he hurriedly served it out.

Outside, a few people were laughing and chatting, and suddenly, a domineering and ferocious fragrance wafted over, hooking all hearts at once.

"It's out of the pot, the first course is back to the pot!".

Lu Ming put the dish firmly on the table and introduced it with a smile.

As soon as the two customers saw the dish, their eyes couldn't take their eyes off.

The meat from the pot is red and bright, which is quite eye-catching.

They travel outside all the year round, and they often eat the dishes of their hometown, after all, the back pot meat is famous all over the country, but now when they see the plate in front of them, they suddenly feel like they are going home.

"This fragrance is exactly the same as the fragrance made in my hometown!"

"Whew, whew, it smells so good!".

The smell rushed into the customer's nose, and he couldn't help but say directly.

Seeing their performance, Li Yuancheng looked at the food on the table, and felt a little proud.

After all, it was the place he chose, and Boss Lu's cooking was delicious, and he was also happy in his heart, and then greeted.

"Let's eat first, this is a small restaurant, not so particular, filling the stomach is the most important thing. "

Hearing this, the two customers were not polite and took the lead in moving chopsticks.

As soon as you enter the mouth, the pork belly after stir-frying is slightly crispy, and the fat inside is completely fried, and the meat aroma in your mouth is very enjoyable, and even the breath is fragrant.

There is also that spicy and numb feeling, which is completely the essence of Sichuan cuisine.

When I swallowed my stomach, I didn't feel greasy at all, but I felt like I couldn't get enough of it.

"Yuancheng, this restaurant is really good, the level of the boss is very high!".

"Yes, I thought you wanted to save money, but then I realized that you really put your mind to it. "

The two customers praised while eating, and said with a smile.

Li Yuancheng said: "I can talk about such a big list, thank you two for your help, and I hope there will be more opportunities for cooperation in the future." "

"That's nature!".

"We will always cooperate in the future!".

Several people used tea instead of water, and they were happy to eat.

Lu Ming quickly prepared the remaining three dishes in the back kitchen, and after serving them one by one, it could be seen that the three of them were even happier eating.

Kung Pao Chicken was completely fried to the level, Li Yuancheng picked up a piece, and a look of surprise immediately appeared on his face after entering it.

The tip of his tongue first felt slightly numb and slightly spicy, and then it was a sweetness that hit the taste buds, and before the sweetness dissipated, another violent spicy sensation hit, it can be said that his taste buds are simply rich at this moment, and various flavors emerge layer by layer.

When chewing, there will be a little "sour" feeling, numb, spicy, sour, sweet wrapped in diced chicken, green onions, peanuts make Li Yuancheng feel a little unstoppable.

The customers on the side tasted the fish-flavored shredded pork, spicy, salty, fresh, sweet and sour have their own characteristics, which is also accompanied by a slightly rich green onion, ginger and garlic, it can be said that this taste is not too friendly to their people in Sichuan and Chongqing!

I don't know how long I haven't eaten such authentic hometown food, and the two customers don't care about eating it at all, and they are completely immersed in the joy of dry rice.

Since the two came to Jiangcheng, it was the first time that Li Yuancheng had seen them eat regardless of their image.

There is only food in his eyes, and nothing else.

It's diametrically opposed to the calm and serious personality before.。

Li Yuancheng couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart, he had known that he should have come to Boss Lu's hotel early.

But it's not too late, as long as the initial cooperation can begin, there are countless opportunities to follow.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food, several people were satisfied.

Before leaving, the customer also specially explained that when they come to Jiangcheng in the future, they must bring them back here to eat.

By the time everyone had left, it was already late at night.

Lu Ming cleaned up a little and lay on the bed with a sour body, he said silently in his heart.

"System, how much do I owe?"

All the turnover, the system will automatically use it to repay the debt, in addition to hard expenses, it can be said that Lu Ming basically keeps repaying money every day.

"Ding, the host currently owes the system 998855 yuan!".

Hiss ......

I still owe more than 990,000!

Lu Ming pinched his fingers and calculated, the turnover on the first day was 20 yuan, the second day was 115 yuan, and the third day was 1010 yuan.

When the time comes, he will be able to harvest a restaurant of his own.

Just when Lu Ming was looking forward to the future, on the other side, Yin Yin's kindergarten class skirt became hot, the news inside kept scrolling, and the big guys were happily discussing.

Some parents are speaking in the group while wiping their saliva wildly, which is obviously a manifestation of greed to the extreme......

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