Chapter 657 I just can't bear it

Wen Ran blinked, a little disappointed on the face, but still said generously: "Well, I will go back tomorrow. You have to be careful when you go to country D. If Fu Jingyi is really in country D, he has close ties with the winery. If you investigate him, he will inevitably do something out."

  Mo Xiuchen smiled: "Of course, if you don’t want to go back tomorrow, then I will postpone the trip for two days. There are also many beautiful places in C city..."

   "Don't, don't, I don't want to affect your normal work, besides, I am not a dispensable person in the pharmaceutical factory, okay, if I don't go back, my brother will be very busy."

  Wen Ran interrupted him without waiting for Mo Xiuchen to finish.

  Mo Xiuchen looked at her with a smile, and coaxed softly: "Of course, it's okay."

  Wen Ran resolutely shook his head: "I will go back tomorrow, you can stay with me for one day today."

  After eating, Wen Ran talked to Mo Xiuchen for a while, and took him to bed for a nap.

Of course Mo Xiuchen is happy to accompany her to take a nap. In the two days apart, it is not just Wen Ran who did not sleep well. On the one hand, Mo Xiuchen was worried that Wen Ran would have nightmares if he was not by her side, and on the other hand, because of his body. The reason is that I didn't sleep well in both nights.

  At this time, she was lying in his arms, and the big net woven by the breath of the two of them was next to everything in the outside world, so satisfying and practical, she actually slept for three hours.

  If it were not for the ringing of the mobile phone, I am afraid that I will not wake up yet.

  Mo Xiuchen picked up the mobile phone placed on the bedside table and turned off the voice for the first time. Seeing Wen Ran in his arms was still asleep, he did not dare to get up and lay down and answered the phone.


  He lowered his voice, for fear of waking up warmly.

  Wen Ran woke up when the phone rang, but she was reluctant to get up, so she kept her eyes closed and pretended to sleep.

She likes to lean in his arms like this, with her head resting on his arms, her arms around his waist, and she can hear his steady and powerful heartbeat, breathing his breath. If she changes to another couple, it's actually just An ordinary life.

   However, it was a luxury for her and Mo Xiuchen.

  She knew that he was going to country D tomorrow, not on a business trip, so when he said that he could postpone the trip, she refused without hesitation.

  No matter how unwilling she is, she must let him go.

  If it's not that he didn't want to let her know, she said nothing would let him go to country D alone and suffer the torment of illness alone.

After Mo Xiuchen answered the phone, Wen Ran opened his eyes.

   "Of course, did I answer the phone and wake you up?"

  Mo Xiuchen put down the phone and asked gently.

  Wen Ran shook his head, glanced outside the French window, and asked softly: "What time is it?"

   "Five o'clock."

   "Ah, it's so late, we slept for three hours, Xiuchen, get up quickly."

   Wen Ran said, pulling away his arms and sitting up from the bed.

  Mo Xiuchen smiled dozingly at the corner of his mouth, "Of course, what are you anxious for, it's not dark yet."

   Wen Ran raised her face and looked at him: "Xiu Chen, let's go take a wedding photo."


  Mo Xiuchen didn't react for a while, and looked at Wen Ran suspiciously, how could she suddenly mention taking wedding photos.

   "Of course, why did you suddenly want to take a wedding photo."

   chuckled softly, “Because women look good in wedding dresses, I am going to take a few wedding photos, so that you will not be taken away by foreign girls when you are abroad.”

  Mo Xiuchen scratched her nose with his fingers, "You don’t believe me so?"

   "It's not that you don't believe it, you are so handsome, and those women are all eager to pounce on you and eat you."

Wen Ran remembered that they were shopping in Country D last month. This man really has a 120% return rate. There are some foreign girls who don’t even pay attention to her being next to Mo Xiuchen. He struck up a conversation.

Mo Xiuchen also seemed to remember the last time he went shopping with her in Country D. He took her hand and took her into his arms, kissed her forehead with thin lips, and whispered, "Of course, there are so many of yours in my phone. Every one of the photos is beautiful. Don't worry, no matter where I am, I will miss you every day."

  Wen Ran's nose suddenly became sore, she pressed her lips and buried her face tightly into his chest.

  For a moment, she wanted to tell him that she actually knew that he was not on a business trip. She knew better that her illness would get better, not because of the medical skills of her father, Doctor Brown and others.

  She wants to scold him, why is she so stupid.

  Want to scold him, how could she be willing to let her live alone...

  She has a lot of things to say to him.

   "Repair the dust!"

Her voice came from his chest in a dull manner. Mo Xiuchen let go of her, looked at her crystal clear eyes, and asked narrowly, "Of course, you don't want to cry, I'm just going on a business trip, you It’s so reluctant to let me go. How can a couple who live in two places be separated all the year round?"

   "I just can't bear you."

  Wen Ran flattened her mouth, her voice was full of dismay.

  Mo Xiuchen suffocated his heart, and smiled softly and dotingly on his face, "Silly girl."

   "Xiuchen, you won't be on a business trip for too long."

  Wen Ran grabbed his slender white fingers, bent them one by one, and then opened them again.

   "Of course, I heard from A Kai last night that Fu Jingyi wanted to attack Kangning Hospital, so I must find him out this time. In terms of time, it may not take a few days."

  Mo Xiuchen smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said in a serious tone.

Wen Ran pursed her lips and lowered her eyes. After a while, she raised her head to look at Mo Xiuchen again, "Then I will give you one month. After one month, whether you find Fu Jingyi's whereabouts or not, you have to come back. You are not allowed to stay abroad. Long stay."

  Mo Xiuchen nodded, looking at her cute appearance, the corners of her lips curled up unconsciously, "Okay, I promise you, I will only leave for a month. If I don't come back for a month, you don't want me."

  "I want to be beautiful, if you don’t come back for a month, I will go to country D to tie you back, and then shut you at home every day, kneeling on the keyboard, kneeling instant noodles, kneeling cactus..."

  Wen Ran said as he thought, he just said dozens of different items, all of which were for him to kneel, and it was different every day.

  Mo Xiuchen originally suspected that she knew something, but seeing her little daughter's attitude and cuteness, the doubt in his heart dissipated again.

  He thinks that he has concealed it well and has never shown anything unusual in front of Wen Ran. Although she is smart, she is innocent. It is impossible to know in a short time.

  Of course, he would think so. Another reason is that Fu Jingyi, who pervertedly promised him, would not call to harass Wen Ran again, nor would he tell Wen Ran that he saved her by himself.

   "I can do what I say."

  After finishing speaking, she added something very kindly.

  Mo Xiuchen smiled and nodded, "Well, I also count the words."

  He constricted his eyes, and a touch of emotion deep in his eyes was fleeting.

  (End of this chapter)

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