Chapter 658 Go shopping together

  Finally, the wedding photos were still not taken.

  Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran hand in hand to the vegetable market not far from the apartment.

  Although it is the early summer season, there was a rain in City G two days ago. At this time, the two of them were walking in the sunset, not feeling hot, but the wind blowing by their ears, but with a faint fragrance of flowers.

  The air was also very fresh because of the rain. Her little hands were wrapped in the generous palms of the man beside her, and he followed his steps. Although she was on a strange street, Wen Ran felt very secure in her heart.

  She looked up at him with a small face, while he tilted his head slightly, lowered his eyes, and looked at her.

  "Xiuchen, where is your company?"

  Wen Ran looked around, there are many companies in this area.

   "It's over there."

  Mo Xiuchen pointed to the front right. Hao Chen was on the twenty-eighth floor of an office building.

The two of them chatted and walked towards the vegetable market. Suddenly a white car stopped by the side of the road in front. The owner honked the horn twice, the door opened, and a beautiful and tall woman came down in the car. She was wrapped in a professional skirt. The posture is uneven.

   "Xiuchen, where do you go, I will send you."

  Not only is the appearance beautiful, but the sound is also very nice.

  Speaking, people have already walked in front of them, beautiful eyes curiously looked at Wen Ran beside Mo Xiuchen. Without waiting for him to introduce her, she smiled and asked, "This is Mrs. Mo, hello, my name is An Lin."

  A trace of surprise flashed through Wen Ran's eyes. This beautiful beauty is An Lin.

  Mo Xiuchen smiled slightly and introduced to Wen Ran: “Ran Ran, An Lin is the recognized beauty boss of Hao Chen.”

  Wen Ran smiled and stretched out her hand, and shook An Lin and let go, "Ms. An is not only beautiful, but also so capable. She deserves to be a'beauty boss'."

   "Haha, Miss Wen, don't listen to Xiu Chen, he is laughing at me deliberately. Besides, I am not a boss. At the beginning, I was said to be a vase."

  It can be seen that An Lin is a straightforward person. Her voice is not soft and soft, but with a hint of crisp and loudness.

  After finishing speaking, An Lin’s topic returned to the original sentence: "Where are you going, do you need me to send you some way."

   "No, Ranran and I will go back to the front market to buy some food."

  Mo Xiuchen smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth, talking to An Lin, unlike his usual indifferent attitude towards women.

  An Lin heard him say this, a trace of annoyance appeared in her eyes, "That's the one who disturbed you."

  Wen Ran smiled and shook her head. An Lin said goodbye to her. She got into the car very witty and started the car. Before leaving, she looked at Wen Ran through the glass lens, stepped on the accelerator, and left.

   "This An Lin is really a rare beauty."

  Wen Ran looked at the car shadow that disappeared soon, and said with emotion.

  Mo Xiuchen's mouth made a small smile, and his voice overflowed with a low and gentle voice: "Well, An Lin and A Mu are childhood sweethearts."

Wen Ran blinked and looked at the deep smile at the corner of Mo Xiuchen's mouth, as if he could smell the taste of gossip: "Xiu Chen, there is no story between An Lin and Tan Mu, right? An Lin has a cheerful personality. It complements Tan Mu’s introvertedness."

  Mo Xiuchen's mouth twitched slightly, "Of course, you don't want to lead the red line again, do you."

  Wen Ran chuckled: "I want to, but if you have to tell me if there is that kind of meaning between them, I can't mess with mandarin ducks."

  Mo Xiuchen shook his head with a smile, and wondered how he would feel if A Mu knew that Ranran wanted to make him and An Lin a couple.

"Of course, the relationship is not something outsiders can intervene. Whether the two of them have fate depends on their good fortune, so don't worry about it. I heard that Afeng and Xiaoxiao seem to have a conflict, you still Take care of the two of them first, and then worry about the others."

  Speaking of Luo Haofeng and Bai Xiaoxiao, Wen Ran frowned again, "Well, that fellow Luo Haofeng made Xiaoxiao angry."

   "Actually, what A Feng said is the truth, and there is nothing wrong with it."

  Mo Xiuchen looked at Wen Ran thoughtfully, and Luo Haofeng said to Bai Xiaoxiao that he didn’t know if he would like her forever. In fact, there was really nothing wrong with it.

  It's just that women like to listen to the sweet words of the mountain alliance and eachother, even if the other party is deceiving themselves, they feel happy.

  Actually, how can there be so many days and days in the world, so single-mindedly to the end. Especially in this fast-food era of love, you will face different temptations every minute. Once the preservation period of love is over, the everlasting vows are not only the relationship that can be maintained, but also a responsibility.

  Even, some feelings, love and responsibility, have also reached the white head.

  Just like him, he can tell her with certainty that he will love her forever, but he can't guarantee that he will be with her forever.

Wen Ran looked down at the two neatly aligned steps, and said softly: "I know Luo Haofeng is not wrong, but girls like to listen to sweet talks. Because of him, Xiao Xiao is fighting her mother coldly, and she feels somewhat wronged and aggrieved. disturbed……"

Mo Xiuchen held Wen Ran's hand and quietly tightened. He didn't know why, listening to her analyze Bai Xiaoxiao's psychology with a soft and slightly melancholic voice, but he was thinking, if he leaves, she should How sad it will be.

  Thinking of this, his heart suddenly choked.

   "Of course, here, there is a vegetable market in front of you."

  Mo Xiuchen didn't even think about it, so he changed the subject. Wen Ran smiled softly, looked in the direction of his fingers, and asked briskly: "Xiuchen, you eat a little bit at noon, what do you want to eat tonight? Don't be polite."

  Mo Xiuchen raised his eyebrows, “I’m not very hungry at noon, so I don’t eat a lot. It’s suitable to eat lighter food at night, so you can buy it.”

   "Well, no problem."

  Wen Ran raised a bright smile, pulling him to speed up to the front of the vegetable market.

  Wen Ran buys vegetarian dishes, because Mo Xiuchen said she eats a little lighter, so she didn't buy meat. Although she rarely goes to places like vegetable markets to buy vegetables, she is very good at bargaining.

Mo Xiuchen laughed, quietly listening to her bargaining with the boss. Entering from the street and coming out from the end of the street, Wen Ran picked up the vegetables he bought and said proudly, "Xiuchen, I saved you four yuan today. Fifty cents."

   "Of course, I didn't know you were so good before."

  Mo Xiuchen smiled jokingly, and raised his eyebrows triumphantly, “You don’t know a lot. My mother said before that you can’t underestimate these dollars. It’s not a question of money either...”

   "Well, what is said is the truth."

Mo Xiuchen didn’t interrupt, and listened quietly to her, and then summed it up. In fact, he also liked to watch her bargaining for a few dollars with people for a few minutes. It was not only an attitude to life, but also A kind of fun.

  (End of this chapter)

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