Chapter 656 Do you miss me

  Mo Xiuchen’s apartment is very close to Haochen Company.

  In the past two days, Gu Kai also lived with him. However, after receiving a call from Wen Jin saying that Wen Ran had rushed to the airport, Gu Kai packed up his clothes, saying that he did not want Ran Ran to know that he was in City C.

  Mo Xiuchen opened the door, holding his hand and entering the house gently.

   "Xiu Chen, didn't you hire a nanny?"

  Wen Ran enters the house, first visit his apartment, the decoration is very exquisite, it is his style.

   "Of course, come here, drink a glass of water first."

  Mo Xiuchen poured the water, stood in front of the sofa, and yelled Wen Ran who was patrolling the rooms.

Wen Ran smiled, walked to the sofa, took a sip from Wen Bai in his hand, held the cup, and looked up at him with a small face: "If it weren't for you and my brother over the phone, I might find out. Some clues."

   "Haha, then you will continue to look for it in a while."

  Mo Xiuchen laughed, brows widened, and happy mood.

   He gave him a gentle look, and continued to lower his head to drink water. Seeing that she had finished drinking a glass of water, Mo Xiuchen took the cup in her hand and placed it on the coffee table, then pulled her into his arms again, his eyes fixed on her softly.

   "Of course, do you miss me?"

  Mo Xiuchen's voice is deep and magnetic, with a deceptive charm, especially for Wen Ran, who loves him so much. He heard what he said in her ears, and her heart was uncontrollably chaotic.

  Her clear eyes are filled with tenderness, and her white jade face has a reddish color because of his breath, and the whole person is indescribably charming.

  Mo Xiuchen couldn't help lowering his head, and when she opened her mouth to answer his words, his slightly cool thin lips covered her soft lips.

  Four lips stick to each other.

  Wen Ran trembled all over, and when the tingling current hit her heart, she didn't wait for the brain to give instructions with her hands. She hugged Mo Xiuchen for a second, and responded with enthusiasm to express her thoughts.

  Mo Xiuchen quickly ended the kiss, and it did not develop to the point of being out of control.

   "Of course, I will cook for you."

  Slightly calming the heat in the lower body, Mo Xiuchen spoke with a slight dumb voice, and stroked her blushing cheeks with a big palm.

   Nodded gently, and said softly: "I will help you."

  In the kitchen, warmly washes the vegetables, Mo Xiuchen cuts the vegetables, and when they are done, she stands aside, watching him cooking.

   "Of course, go and pour me a glass of water."

  Wen Ran was watching obsessively, Mo Xiuchen's movements of cooking vegetables suddenly stopped, and he commanded Wen Ran without looking back.

  Wen Ran was startled, his eyes swept across his hand holding the wooden shovel, smiling and saying: "Okay, I will pour you water."

  She turned and walked out of the kitchen and went to the living room to pour water.

  Mo Xiuchen Junyi's back is slightly stiff, holding a wooden spatula with his right hand supporting the marble table, and touching his forehead with his left hand, his handsome face is pale.

  After the pain eased, he re-turned the dishes in the wok.

  In the living room, Wen Ran poured water very slowly. From the corner of her eyes, she looked at the stiff back in the kitchen. He couldn't see his expression, but he could only see him holding the wooden spatula against the edge of the table.

She pressed her lips tightly, and saw that his back was no longer so stiff, and the hand holding the table was loosened, and the wooden spatula re-stirred in the pot, and she walked into the kitchen with the water glass, her face filled with beauty. Smile: "Xiuchen, water is coming."

  Mo Xiuchen turned his head, the smile on his face obscured his paleness, and there was a warm and handsome look: "Thank you, Ranran."

   "You take a break first, I'll fry."

  Wen Ran handed him the water cup, and involuntarily snatched the wooden shovel in his hand. Mo Xiuchen had a headache just now, and he was not prepared for it. Wen Ran really snatched the wooden shovel from his hand.

   "Of course, no need."

  "You can drink water first, just leave it to me here."

  Wen Ran waved at him, with a bright smile on her beautiful face, she couldn't see any strangeness at all.

  Mo Xiuchen smiled helplessly, "Well, then I'll watch it by the side."

"You don't need to stand by. You go outside, you watch, I will be nervous." Wen Ran stuck out his tongue at him, playful and cute, making Mo Xiuchen laugh, and finally left the kitchen obediently and went to the living room. Waiting.

  Lunch for two people, no need to cook too much.

  Three dishes and one soup, it takes less than an hour.

Wen Ran didn't even let Mo Xiuchen do the work of serving dishes. Mo Xiuchen sat at the dining table and watched her serve him a meal. He smiled softly and happily: "Of course, you are the best in the world. Good wife."

   chuckled softly, "You praise me so, do I have to praise you politely."

  Mo Xiuchen opened the chair for her, smiled softly and elegantly, but he was not humble in what he said: "Boast, I'll listen."

  A sly smile flashed in Wen Ran's eyes, and sat down in the chair beside him, and said solemnly: "Xiu Chen, your eyesight is very good."

   "Haha, that’s right. I have always had a good vision. Otherwise, I wouldn’t know that you will be the best wife in the world when you are only a few years old and have been looking for you for so many years."

   "Oh, this best one is not good enough."

  Sighed warmly and put the vegetables in his bowl, Mo Xiuchen smiled and thanked him, and then put the vegetables for her.

   "Of course, how many days did you come to City C for a business trip?"

  Mo Xiuchen put a piece of meat into Wen Ran's bowl and asked unconsciously.

  Wen Ran blinked and said softly, “It’s not a big deal. Stay here for one night, and I will return to City G tomorrow morning.”

  She bit her chopsticks and said with a smile: "If you can't bear me, I can also take two days off and stay here with you for two days."

When Mo Xiuchen heard the words, a bright color flashed under his eyes, but he quickly remembered his situation, and a trace of apology leaked into his smile, "Of course, I am anxious to keep you here and not let you go back to G city. But, I am afraid now. No way."

   "Why not, you have only been in City C for two days, is there a new-happiness?"

  Wen Ran took away the chopsticks from his mouth, pouting his small mouth, and looked at Mo Xiuchen pretentiously.

Mo Xiuchen smiled, "Don't say two days, two years, two lives, I can't find anything better than you. I'm going on a business trip tomorrow. Fortunately, you come to City C today. If you come tomorrow, I I can't accompany you anymore."

   "Oh, where to go on a business trip?"

  The discomfort on Wen Ran's face disappeared, she lowered her head, took a bite of rice into her mouth, and raised her eyes to look at Mo Xiuchen.

   "Going abroad on a business trip, remember that I mentioned Qin Sen and Liao Dongxing to you that day?"

  Mo Xiuchen put down his chopsticks and took a sip of the soup in front of him. He had no appetite for these two days.

Wen Ran nodded: "Remember, you are not going to country D, the winery opened by Qin Sen's wife, right, I met Mo Zixuan last night, and he also said that there was someone behind Fu Jingyi. It should be Qin Sen and Liao Dongxing whom we suspect."

  Mo Xiuchen held a spoon in his hand, unconsciously stirred the soup in the bowl, and said gently: "Yes, I'm going to country D, maybe Fu Jingyi is also hiding in country D."

  (End of this chapter)

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