Chapter 272 Cooperation

  Wen Ran kept his promise and worked as a secretary for Mo Xiuchen in MS Group for a week. After a week, he was fully familiar with MS's work process, but her secretary was the easiest.

  Some complicated tasks, Mo Xiuchen let others do it, and he was reluctant to tire her.

  And she was just by his side. There were two entertainments, and while Mo Xiuchen was gentle, he called Cheng Jia.

  For the entertainment at the wine table, Cheng Jia is like a fish in the water. Whether it is to accompany a male client to talk about bad things, get a bit of a bargain, or to meet a female client, flattery, she is good at it.

And Cheng Jia herself is even more happy that Mo Xiuchen can have her socializing together. She feels that at this time, she is more valuable than Wen Ran. Although Wen Ran is not the kind of woman who does not know how to communicate, if she is willing, Can do better than Cheng Jia, even without relying on coloring like her.

But Mo Xiuchen didn’t want Wen Ran to contact those old men and lustful men. He took her with him, but only asked her to accompany him quietly. During the dinner, he rarely said anything. He had Cheng Jiahe to deal with customers. Luo Haofeng is enough. All he does is take care of the women around him.


  The moment she found out she was pregnant, Cheng Jia was stunned.

  Looking at the test paper in her hand, she felt complicated and messy for a while. She was only with that man for a week. Needless to say, this child must belong to Xiao Liu.

  Then, you must not let anyone know about her pregnancy. If it is spread to Mo Xiuchen's ears, she will definitely be with Xiao Liu.

   was in a panic, the phone ringing suddenly made her tremble. She threw the test paper and took out the phone. She calmed down a bit before pressing the answer button, "Hey!"

   "Jiajia, what's wrong with you, the voice sounds weird."

   Cheng Jia pursed her lips, trying to restore her usual charming and soft voice: "Nothing, just a little dizzy, where are you?"

  "I’m shopping online. Didn’t you ask me to buy some decent clothes, watches and other things yesterday? I have picked them all. You will come over in a while and I will show you."

The male voice on the other end of the phone was very happy. Suddenly, a big beautiful woman came to the door and had to buy various luxury goods for him. For Jiang Liu, it was like a cake falling from the sky, and he didn’t have to do it anymore. Those stealing things can lead a happy life.

  He worked hard to please Cheng Jia these days. Every night, he made her feel more comfortable. When she went to work during the day, he studied various new postures, and at night, he used 108 poses on her.

  The only thing that made Cheng Jia dissatisfied was the roughness in his bones. He could still pity Xiangxiyu at first, but once he was excited, he forgot to treat her tenderly and all kinds of rough ravages. In the end, she was half happy and half painful.

   "It won't work tonight, I feel a little uncomfortable today, I won't pass it."

  Before, Cheng Jia didn't know that she was pregnant, and she was fine with the tossing of the river that week, but now that she knew, she dared not go to his house again.

  She must first deal with this child who came at an untimely time. She cannot pass it to Mo Xiuchen's ears. Similarly, she doesn't want Jiang Liu to know that she must quietly kill the child.

   "You are not well, then I will go to your house to find you."

In addition to the animals on the bed, Jiang Liu is usually very good to Cheng Jia. In addition, he has a face that looks seventy-seven like Cheng Jia’s sweetheart, and his body is very similar. Cheng Jia enjoys his gentleness and always treats him well. He imagined him as the man she loved so much.

   Hearing his words of concern at this moment, the handsome face that she missed day and night again appeared before her eyes, imagining that he was caring for herself, and his heart was warm, and he blurted out: "Okay, come on."

  Speaking, she suddenly became sober again, regretfully wanting to refuse again, but on the other end, Jiang Liu happily answered "I'll be there soon" and hung up her phone.

   Cheng Jia was hesitating. When Jiang Liu asked to do that thing, how would she refuse it? The phone rang again. This number was something she was so familiar with. She frowned, and after hesitating for a moment, she answered the phone.

   "Hey, Mrs. Mo."

  It was Xiao Wenqing who called. When she heard Cheng Jia's voice, she first sneered: "I thought you wouldn't answer my call anymore. Go to Mo Xiuchen, you are really amazing."

   "Mrs. Mo is joking, why would I not answer your call? I am not accompanied by Mo Xiuchen. He is the only one in his heart, Wen Ran, and other women are not called women to him."

  Cheng Jia tried hard to make herself speak calmly, so that Xiao Wenqing would not hear her jealousy.

   "Now there is a chance for you to get Mo Xiuchen, would you like it?"

   Xiao Wenqing's words are straightforward, obviously, he needs Cheng Jia's help, "What opportunity?"

  Why would Cheng Jia be unwilling? Everything she is doing now is to get Mo Xiuchen one day, she even imagines that man as him every night, so that she can do all crazy things with him...

"Isn't Mo Xiuchen leading you to socialize now? This is a great opportunity. You should seize it and find an opportunity to have something to happen to him. I am not asking you to sleep with him, because he will definitely not do it. I can take some photos that are ambiguous with him, let the media expose them, and let Wen Ran see them."


   Cheng Jia repeated these two words, taking an ambiguous photo with Mo Xiuchen. This is very simple, but she needs the right time. Wen Ran is with Mo Xiuchen every day. She took the photo, and she would not believe it.

"Well, think about it, if Wen Ran sees the ambiguous photo of you and Mo Xiuchen, can she feel good in her heart? As long as you disturb her heart and cause her to conflict with Mo Xiuchen, the best thing is to make her sad. Ignore Mo Xiuchen..."

  Xiao Wenqing said on the phone that in order to let Cheng Jia cooperate, she also told some Cheng Jiating of her plan.

   "Okay, but I also need your cooperation. You can distract Wen Ran and tell her not to stay with Mo Xiuchen every day. That way, I have no chance."

  A trace of cruelty flashed in Cheng Jia's eyes. She originally wanted to look for opportunities by herself. Now, Xiao Wenqing takes the initiative to find her, so why not do it.

She knew that Xiao Wenqing’s purpose was to get rid of Wen Ran in order to hit Mo Xiuchen, but she confidently felt that Mo Xiuchen was only infatuated by Wen Ran for a while, and if she were not there, Cheng Jia could make Mo Xiuchen the same. Cheer up, let him forget Wen Ran and fall in love with her.

"Of course, I know that tomorrow, Mo Xiuchen will have a party. The other party is a lecherous old man. In his style, he should bring you. I will draw Wen Ran away so that she will not follow Mo tomorrow. Repair dust."

   "Well, I think of a way, and I must let him take me tomorrow."

  (End of this chapter)

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