Chapter 273 Ranran, don't talk

  Originally, Wen Ran planned to return to Wen's work.

  This evening, Wen Ran received a call from her brother Wen Jin and asked her to stay with Mo Xiuchen. During this time, the factory was not busy and she did not need to go back to work.

Next to   , Mo Xiuchen heard Wen Jin's words on the phone, and the corner of his mouth curled up with a pleasant curve, Wen Ran frowned, "Brother, I won't go back, can you be alone?"

   "Okay, what's wrong."

  Wen Jin has a smiling voice with confidence and determination. He just hasn't fully recovered from his body and the walking inconvenience does not affect his handling of official affairs.

   "Of course, let me have a few words with your brother."

  Mo Xiuchen spoke in a low voice and stretched out his hand towards Wen Ran.

  Wen Ran gave him the phone and listened to him talking with Wen Jin. She was talking on an external voice. Not only could she hear Mo Xiuchen's words, but also her brother's answer. Soon, the two of them reached an agreement.

  "When did you and my brother have such a tacit understanding?"

   hung up the phone and asked in surprise.

Mo Xiuchen smiled slightly and hugged her on his lap, with his chin resting on top of her head, his voice was low and gentle: "Unknowingly there is a tacit understanding. Your brother used to be dissatisfied with me because he was afraid that I would treat you badly. Now, when he sees you being so happy with me, he naturally no longer has any opinion on me."

   chuckled softly, "He has no objection to you, so you have a good tone to him, right?"

   "Well, it's like this."

  Mo Xiuchen lowered his head and kissed her lips. Since the last time he was jealous and said something wrong, he has always regretted it. Later, Gu Kai's words reminded him.

  Although Wen Jin and Wen Ran are not related by blood, they have been brothers and sisters for more than ten years. In the heart of Ran Ran who don't know the truth, Wen Jin is her dearest brother, besides, now she has only one of his relatives.

  If he really forced her to make a choice, Wen Ran would definitely prefer to choose her brother instead of being selfish enough to not be the only relative for love.

  The most important thing is that Wen Jin didn't do anything wrong. In this case, it was Mo Xiuchen's vinegar that was too strong.

After   , he tried to control his temper as much as possible, even if Ranran got closer to Wen Jin, he would not lose his temper like that time.

  Wen Jinda accepted him from the heart, because he went to the hospital for an examination for Ranran, Wen Jin called him and said that Gu Kai had already checked him and told him.

  And this time, Wen Jin took the initiative to let Ranran stay by his side. More than that, he felt that he was able to protect Ranran, at least, better than a man with inconvenient mobility.


   "Of course, don't talk, let's go to bed..."

  Looking at Wen Ranxun's red face, Mo Xiuchen smiled low, picked her up and left the sofa, walked to the bed a few steps, gently put her down, and the tall body immediately covered it.

   "Of course, kiss me!"

  His scorching eyes stared at her small red face, and his big hot palm came in from the corner of her skirt, all the way up...

"baby I love you!"


  At the same time, the ink house

Xiao Wenqing was in the living room waiting for Mo Zixuan to return. When discussing matters with him, the door opened suddenly in the hallway. She smiled, stood up, got out of the sofa, and shouted: "Zixuan, you are coming back... …Jing, Jing Teng!"

   Seeing the man standing in the hallway, Xiao Wenqing's expression changed. For some reason, his dark eyes looked over and she shuddered.

  Mo Jingteng came back suddenly not to say anything, and his expression was wrong.

   The eyes he looked at her seemed to be filled with forbearance and murderous aura. Yes, it was murderous. She didn't know what happened to Mo Jingteng and why he looked at her with such a look.

  She wanted to laugh, but she couldn't even tell a fake smile.

  Because, behind Mo Jingteng, there were two strong men who were his personal bodyguards.

  In the living room with bright crystal lights, he was dressed in black, and the two bodyguards beside him were also dressed in black, so that the bright lights were dimmed.

The cold air emanating from him caused the temperature in the room to drop sharply. She stood stiffly on the spot, opened her mouth, and made no sound, until Mo Jingteng reached out and pinched her throat, eyes bursting sharply. As a sharp knife pierced her body, she widened her eyes in horror: "Jing Teng...what are you doing?"

  Her voice, with shock and trembling, difficult to export.

   Mo Jingteng's blue veins appeared on his forehead, and the expression in her eyes was fierce and cold, word by word, bloodthirsty and brutal: "Say, who is that adulterer!"

  Xiao Wenqing trembled suddenly, her face turned from blue to white, and she became blue because of her inability to breathe. She struggled uncomfortably: "I don't know, what are you talking about."

   "You won't cry if you don't go into the coffin, right, Asen, let her see those photos."

  As soon as Mo Jingteng's voice fell, Asen next to him answered ‘yes’ and immediately took out a stack of photos from his pocket. They were all side and back, blurry, at different times and in different places.

  Xiao Wenqing saw those photos and his legs suddenly softened. If Mo Jingteng hadn't pinched her neck hard, she would have fallen to the ground.

  She was shaking like chaff, her face was not only frightened, she was still frightened, and her heart was deeply desperate and frightened, and she could not even say negative words.

   "Say, who is that adulterer?"

Mo Jingteng didn’t know where to get the photos, but it’s a pity that they were all from the back, and the silhouettes were also blurred. It can be seen how cautious Xiao Wenqing and Wu Tianyi were, even if they were out of sight, outside of his sight. It is limited to the hotel bed, and rarely stays together after going out.

   appeared together occasionally, all wearing hats and masks, especially the man, who couldn't see his face at all.

Just when Xiao Wenqing thought he was about to die from suffocation, Mo Jingteng shook her away. Xiao Wenqing lost his strength and couldn't bear his rudeness. He fell a metre away, and hit his head on the leg of the coffee table. There was a miserable cry.

   "Mom, Dad, what are you doing?"

  At the door, what Mo Zixuan saw when he came back was this scene.

  Xiao Wenqing fell down beside the coffee table in embarrassment, Mo Jingteng was full of murderous air, staring at Xiao Wenqing on the ground coldly, as if he could not wait to eat her meat and drink her blood.

   Seeing Mo Zixuan running over, there was a glimmer of hope in Xiao Wenqing's eyes, and she hurriedly shouted: "Zixuan, save me. Your dad is going to kill me."

  Mo Zixuan was shocked by Mo Jingteng’s murderous eyes. Before he could speak, a pile of photos fell to the ground in front of him, “Let’s see for yourself what your mother is doing!”

  Mo Zixuan felt cold and looked down subconsciously.

  "Zixuan, don’t look, Zixuan, mom was wronged."

Xiao Wenqing crawled over in a panic, trying to prevent Mo Zixuan from seeing those photos, but she hadn't climbed to the place yet, Mo Jingteng suddenly stepped forward, stepped on the back of her hand with a foot, and screamed through her throat. , Ringing in the villa.

  (End of this chapter)

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